Home > Unexpected Turn(65)

Unexpected Turn(65)
Author: CY Jones

“I wouldn’t say it like that,” I grumble. “Sure Nichole was a bit misguided and made poor choices, but I wouldn’t call her a con artist.”

Garfield ignores my comment and turns his attention to Jade. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but he’s right, dear. This whole thing is a big mess and as soon as that motorcycle gang finds out they shot the wrong person, they’ll be coming after Grayson, this time doing their homework. They may be clueless now, but that won’t be the case forever.”

“I don’t care what they learn. I’m not leaving my husband behind,” she shouts, jumping up from her seat.

“Shush, girl, don’t make a scene,” he chides her. The ER isn’t full, but there are still a good amount of people waiting around as well as the working staff. “Regardless of what they knew before, they now know they fucked up. Doing their research, who knows what they’ll find out. Your unique situation isn’t exactly a secret. Not to mention, I can’t let some two bit gang get away with shooting my son. You and the baby will get dragged in the middle of this either way. You have to think about the baby now. Tyson would never want either of you in danger.”

Sighing loudly, she whispers, “I can’t leave him behind, especially not knowing if he’s going to live.” Her voice is so sad. I just want to hold her in my arms, but I know that’s not my place.

“My son is strong. He will get through this. I promise you that.” With those words, he pulls her into his arms and holds her tight, whispering words I cannot hear into her ear. I wonder if she knows? Has Tyson ever told her the truth about his family?

When they pull back, she sits back down in her chair, defeated and Garfield excuses himself to make a couple of phone calls. Without a word, I sit beside her and take her hand in mine as we sit in silence and wait.









Garfield didn’t waste time making sure I got away safely. When he left to make a couple calls, he arranged for mine and the baby’s transportation to his private jet, where we were jetted away. I did not get the chance to say goodbye to my husband nor do I know if he even made it. Words cannot describe how much I hate Nichole. Logically, my brain knows this isn’t her fault, but I need to blame someone. If I take my anger out on the people truly responsible, I’ll die. They are the reason I’m in hiding in the first place.

I was given a sedative to calm me down so I have no idea how long we’ve been in the air. I did not leave without a fight. No, in true Jade fashion, I was kicking and screaming as they dragged me out of the ER, when Garfield somehow was able to bribe the hospital staff to give me a shot for my own safety.

Sitting up in my seat, I look around for my son and my eyes widen when they set on a familiar face sitting right beside me.

“Rob, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Garfield is a very powerful man. I owed him a favor,” he answers simply.

“And what exactly does this favor consist of?” I ask, raising my brow.

“Apparently, playing bodyguard to his precious daughter-in-law. I have to admit he didn’t exactly have to twist my arm when I found out it was you.”

I pinch myself because seriously this can’t be happening. Not only did Garfield have me drugged, but he had me loaded onto a jet with my past love interest. What the fuckity fuck?

“I’m confused,” I murmur, still in shock.

“What exactly are you confused about? It all seems straightforward to me. You and the baby are in danger and I’m here to keep you safe.”

“Yeah, but why you? Surely Garfield could afford to hire a proper bodyguard?”

“I’m sure if he knew our past, he wouldn’t have sent me, but I’m the best, and right now, only the best will do to keep you safe. The Hastings put you in the middle of some deep shit.”

“I thought the Serpents were nothing but a two-bit motorcycle gang; how dangerous can they be? Hell, they were too stupid to do a fact check. I swear, everyone is going overboard and taking all this too seriously.” I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. “A bodyguard,” I scoff. Just the thought is ridiculous.

“Everything isn’t as black and white as you think. Yes, the motorcycle gang is small time, but they fucked with the wrong family. I’m sure you don’t know everything dealing with the Garfield’s. They may be old money, but their power and position comes from something I’m sure you don’t know shit about.”

“Well, do inform.” I prod in a snarky tone.

“Sweetheart, Lawrence Maxwell Garfield is the leader of the Irish mob in New York.”

“Wait! What?” How did I not know this? Sure they’re rich and everyone loves to kiss their ass, but the mob? But then dots start to form and I draw in the lines connecting everything together. When Tyson went after Rob in the gym, his strength was unreal to lift a grown man up in the air like that. All those muscles hidden under a perfectly tailored suit. Tyson is definitely no light weight, and I do remember reading about mob connections in a magazine, but I ignored it, thinking it was them being bored and making up their own news. Never did I think it was all true. “But they’re lawyers,” I say, grasping at straws. This can’t be true. Rob must be crazy or taken too many punches to the head.

“The perfect cover, don’t you think? I know it may seem hard to believe, but I promise you, I’m telling you the truth. Once the Serpents realize exactly who they shot, they will be calling in reinforcements. Soon, the good city of New York will be nothing but a war zone.”

“But their last name isn’t even Irish,” I say stupidly and the dubious look on Rob’s pretty face says it all.

“Does it really matter?”

“I guess it doesn’t. I’m just trying to focus on something else,” I explain. I don’t want to visualize my sweet father-in-law as a crime boss. No, the silver haired fox that mentored me in the matters of the law is far better. “What about Tyson? Is he also part of the organization?”

“It’s kind of a family affair, sweetheart.”

“Great,” I mutter, but then I drop it. Who cares what they are. I love them. They took me in, faults and all, and became my new family. Everyone I care about is back in New York, in danger.

“Is Tyson okay?” I ask.

“I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m sure as soon as Garfield hears something, he’ll let me know.”

“Where are we going anyways?”

“The family estate in Ireland. No one is dumb enough to attack you there.”

I nod before unbuckling my seatbelt and standing. Walking towards the back, I take my son from the nanny who’s been sitting there out of earshot, holding him. Tyson hired her a couple days ago, insisting I’ll need help. I wonder if she knew who she’s working for beforehand? When I sit back down, I hold my son close to my chest. My mind is blown with what I’ve learned so far. Rob, the gym owner, is some badass bodyguard, my husband is in the mob, and his father is the leader of said mob. Fuck my life.

Then there’s Grayson. I left him behind too. He’s in as much danger as I am, maybe more. My life is on a crazy unexpected turn, but if I’m being truthful with myself, hasn’t it been since I turned eighteen and left home? Despite what Nichole said in her letter, she didn’t bring me here, I did it with my decisions. It doesn’t matter who the Garfields are. Tyson will get better, and when he does, he’ll make them all pay. Once that is done, he’ll come for us. We just have to stay safe until then.

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