Home > When She Purrs : A Risdaverse Tale(17)

When She Purrs : A Risdaverse Tale(17)
Author: Ruby Dixon

It’s kinda nice.

“I will get rid of my plants,” Nassakth says as I remain cuddled against his chest, breathing deep. “It was an interloper that found his way inside, but I will fix the problem and get rid of—”

“No,” I interrupt, petting his chest fur. He’s kind of like a lion from shoulders to mid-chest, all thick ruff. I twine my fingers in it, fascinated at how soft and thick it is. “You don’t have to do that. You love your plants.”

“But you are my mate. I will do anything for you.”

Which is sweet. “I would feel worse if you got rid of the things that bring you joy.”

“I have a new thing in my home that brings me joy.” And he strokes my hair again.

I smile against his chest fur. Twenty-four hours in and I’m wondering how I was ever terrified of this big cat. “Don’t get rid of your plants for me, okay? Just…maybe don’t show me the bugs.”

“No bugs,” he agrees firmly. “Never again.”

We sit in silence a moment longer, Nassakth petting me as I relax against him. “I’m sorry for my overreaction,” I say. I’m so embarrassed. Here I am trying to be a strong badass and I faint at the sight of a bug.

“You have nothing to apologize over. Who better to understand how you feel than a former slave?” He pats my back, his big hand thumping against my spine. “I understand far too well.”

I imagine he does. Funny how I never thought I’d have something in common with a praxiian, and now I’m wondering if we’re more alike than I ever thought.








He carries me back upstairs, even though I protest that I can walk on my own. Nassakth just won’t let me. The big cat alien sets me down gently in the bedroom and tells me to wait there while he takes care of the “problem.” I curl up on the bed, listening to him go outside, and when he returns, there is a grimly determined look on his face.

“Our visitor will not bother you any longer.”

I manage a smile at that. “Our visitor.” “Thank you. I know it’s silly—”

“It is not. You are allowed to feel however you feel. I will not judge such things.” His beautiful tail swishes. “Are you hungry? Or do you wish to go back to bed?”

I think of a million things I could be doing right now. I’ve got to check messages on my datapad, and write the next few chapters of my book. Everyone’s probably wondering where the hell I went because I haven’t posted in days. I need to contact my buyers for the noli flowers, and prepare to ship them soon, and then there’s the problem of my house, and learning this house, and and and…

It all makes me tired. When did my simple, too-quiet life get so busy? “I guess I could eat.”

Nassakth brightens. “Come, then.”

He helps me get up from bed, as if I’m the most fragile thing ever, and then keeps an arm around my waist, hovering over me as he leads me through the house and back to the kitchen area. The table is set with waiting glasses and a bottle of wine and a pretty, crawling-vine plant that has been artfully arranged at the far end of the table so we’ll have to sit together. My companion makes a growly noise in his throat at the sight of the plant and bounds over to the table to get rid of it. “I…forgot. Did this earlier. My apologies.”

I watch him rush out of the room and I feel…amused? And pleased. He’s trying so hard. I can’t help but appreciate it, and when he returns, I give him a faint smile. “Thank you.”

He pulls out a chair and indicates I should sit. “I will get the food from the warmer.” He waits for me to be seated, then pours me a glass of wine in a squat goblet. Then, he hesitates and brings me a glass of water, setting it next to the other. “Perhaps you should drink that instead.”

“Are you kidding me? It’s been years since I’ve had wine.” I smile at him and take a sip. It’s strong, but sweet, and I let out a little sigh of pleasure. “This is really good. Thank you.”

I could swear Nassakth purrs, just a little. “I am glad I could provide it for you.” He heads into the kitchen, where I see a sinkload of dirty dishes, and I realize he’s been busy while I was asleep. Very busy. He taps a few buttons on the warmer and then pulls out a steaming, amazing-looking roast surrounded by vegetables.

Holy crap. I’m getting a gourmet meal instead of the usual noodles and dried meat that I subsist off of. “A wedding day celebration meal?” I ask, taking another sip of wine.

Nassakth looks down at the platter of food in his hands, and his thick brows furrow. “Should we have had a celebration meal?” He sets the tray down and carves a piece for himself, and then a thick slab for me, piling veggies onto my plate. “I did not think of it. My apologies, Kim.”

“You eat like this every day, then?” I’m surprised.

He gives me a feral, toothy smile. “If I am to farm for the rest of my days, I might as well eat fresh food, yes?”

Hmm. Another bonus point to this man’s farm. Mine only grows noli, and I can’t eat those. I sip more of the delicious wine. “Now you’re just trying to seduce me with food.”

“Is it working?” he asks bluntly. “Because if it does, I will feed you like a queen.”

I blush. “I was teasing. But…I do appreciate the food.” I hold my glass up. “And the wine that I’m drinking far too much of.”

He grunts and refills my glass when I set it down. “It is for you to enjoy.”

The meat is delicious and fresh. It’s a little overly rare and crusted with herbs, but Nassakth mentioned that his people like that sort of thing, so I don’t comment on it. Even if it’s not a hundred percent to my taste, it’s still the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in ages. The veggies are seasoned, too, and delicious, and I nibble on them while the cat alien takes huge, gulping bites of meat and equally large gulping tastes of wine.

We both eat for a few quiet minutes, and then I glance over at him. He seems…nervous.

That makes ME nervous. “Is something wrong?”

Nassakth hesitates, then puts his wine aside. “I thought we could get to know each other over dinner,” he admits. “Speak of our pasts so we could learn what the other had gone through and understand one another. It would be good to give ourselves a place to start from and to go forward from there. But now I think perhaps that is not a wise idea.”

“I think it makes sense.”

His mouth flattens, and I can’t help but notice that he’s got the same “split” to his mouth that a house cat does, leading right to his prominent nose. Unlike a house cat, though, he doesn’t have whiskers, and his teeth are far larger than any house cat’s teeth. “I do not like the idea, Kim,” he admits after a moment. “Not after seeing the distress you were in earlier. I would not put you through that again simply to ease my own mind.”

“I appreciate that, but I really do think it’s important for us to acknowledge where we came from so we can move forward together. Even if it’s hard for us to talk about.” I shrug. “You were a slave. I was a slave. It’s not like we’ve lived untroubled lives. We need to understand one another or we might never learn to trust.” I know I’ll be able to trust him more if I know exactly who and what I’m dealing with.

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