Home > Everybody Burns(26)

Everybody Burns(26)
Author: Victoria Sue

“And if the story about Eli is true—or the picture anyway—this puts a whole different light on things,” Jake said slowly.

Eli looked up. “Why?”

“He sounds obsessed to me,” Gael said carefully.

“Which we might be able to work to our advantage,” Jake added.

“Meaning?” Daniel challenged.

Jake nodded toward the picture of the club. “Could you get us a ticket for opening night?”

“Why?” Sawyer asked. “It’s not like he’ll have any kids there.”

“No,” Jake answered. “But if he’s obsessed with Eli, us all showing up might stir the pot as my gran used to say.”

“Do we really want it stirred?” Daniel protested.

Talon glanced at Eli. “I’d much rather have an undercover agent in there.”

Because Caffrey he knew was a monster. If he took Kai there it was for a reason, and Eli knew it wasn’t because he was suddenly trying out for father of the year. Talon typed quickly on his iPad.

“The only one of us that has a hope of getting in is Adam, who hasn’t appeared on any picture showing he is a member of the team, and also has a criminal record we can take advantage of,” Talon said.

Adam immediately looked up when his name was mentioned.

“I just filled out an application for Adam to be a doorman. It’s a long shot, but they are hiring.”

Adam grinned and flexed his biceps. Finn rolled his eyes.

“I’m going to try and get us an invitation to opening night.”

“Where did he get the money for any of this?” Eli asked. He’d had none. The house was falling apart. He certainly hadn’t had any money then.

“We think the start-up money came from his wife. Her family has a lot of money. He invested in two clubs that were run-down places in Atlanta and turned them both around in the year. He moved back to Florida a year ago when he opened this club. He’s had the storage facility for years, and just bought out the Tampa locations. The Orlando team identified quite large profits from the other two nightclubs and theorized he could easily be laundering money through them, but again theories don’t get warrants.”

Talon paused. “There’s one more thing. The upstairs is more specialized.”

“Boy dancers. Top-shelf liquor. Dress code,” Finn translated.

“You’re not gonna believe this,” Adam suddenly said. “I’ve got an interview tomorrow. That was quick. It’s a group interview.” He looked up. “What’s one of those?”

“It’s where they put applicants against each other. See who makes the best impression,” Jake answered. “It’s often followed by individual interviews.”

Adam frowned. “It’s not just for security. Apparently, they need barbacks as well.”

“You ever worked in a bar?” Jake asked.

Adam shook his head, looking mildly panicked.

“I was a server all the way through college, and I worked the bar later on. I can walk you through it.”

“Good,” Talon said. “You two get on that, then. Adam, I just sent a file to your phone with your relevant background info. Everything’s pretty much factual except the last six months.” Everyone got up to leave.

Talon came and perched on the table next to Eli. “I understand you’re staying at Daniel’s?”

“Problem with insurance,” Daniel said smoothly. “I believe Sawyer has had to move in with Adam.”

“Sounds good,” Talon agreed. “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t on your own, or you had somewhere to stay. I have a meeting with Assistant Director Manning this afternoon. I’m going to insist on financial help for the enhanced agents with living accommodation. I haven’t made waves while we proved ourselves, but we are in a completely different position after the last case. I have requests from ASACs in nine different areas to set up their own teams.”

Daniel whistled. “Wow.”

Talon nodded. “There aren’t enough of us in other areas to form teams like we have here, with the possible exception of Atlanta, but I have some individual applicants. I’m just not sure throwing enhanced on their own into the system is a good idea.”

“Your role is changing,” Daniel remarked, and Eli glanced at Talon, but all Talon did was smile, then stand. His phone rang and he answered it immediately. “Valdez.”

Talon listened for a minute, then frowned and looked at his watch. “I can’t be there until later.”

“What is it?” Daniel asked.

“Lin’s out of surgery, awake and asking to see one of us.”

“We will go if you are seeing the deputy director.”

Eli glanced at Daniel, wondering if Talon would take exception to Daniel’s tone. He sounded reasonable though, even if it wasn’t a question.

Talon nodded, then looked at Eli, then back at Daniel. “I want reports. I want to hear from one of you every two hours until you go home.”

Daniel met Talon’s gaze. “Of course.”

The testosterone was so thick it hung in the air like glue.



Chapter Eleven



Eli expected the strange looks, and the open hostility from the cop guarding Lin’s room barely even blipped his radar, but Daniel paused. “Officer?”

He glanced at Daniel after checking his and Daniel’s IDs. Then he’d seen Eli and stared.

“Yeah?” he said absently, still staring at Eli.

“I believe the term you’re looking for is sir or Agent Connelly,” Daniel snapped out.

The cop practically jumped to attention at Daniel’s tone just as an older cop came back in holding two coffees.

The cop grinned and put down both cups, then held his arms out, and Daniel stepped right into them. Eli stared as they both hugged. For a second he thought this was one of the lieutenant’s friends, but then he noticed the light flush on Daniel’s cheeks and knew this was more.

And it seemed like Eli’s whole body tightened and he couldn’t drag his eyes away. Then Daniel let go and stepped back. “We’re here to see Agent Lin.” He gestured to Eli. “Sergeant Ryker, meet my partner, Eli Stuart.”

The cop—Ryker—put his hand out to shake Eli’s. Eli only hesitated for a moment but didn’t get any visions or whatever, just a feeling of possession, and curiosity. He glanced at Daniel. They clearly had history. And Eli wasn’t about to try and work out why he seemed to resent that. Daniel had grown up here. Half his family were cops.

Ryker mentioned Vance. Said Daniel must be proud of his baby brother. Eli stayed quiet and watched. Eventually Daniel said they needed to go see Lin, and Ryker nodded. “Maybe we can grab a beer, catch up?”

Daniel hesitated, and in that second something flared in Eli he didn’t understand. He moved almost imperceptibly, but it was enough for Daniel to notice, to distract him, to look at him.

“Absolutely,” Daniel agreed and then just about steered Eli into Lin’s private room.

Lin’s eyes were open and focused on them. He’d clearly heard them outside. Daniel shook his hand gently, and Eli offered him a head tip but didn’t come near the bed. Daniel offered commiseration for Wright’s death and asked him how he was feeling.

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