Home > Treasured : A Fantasy FF Romance(42)

Treasured : A Fantasy FF Romance(42)
Author: Poppy Woods

“Why wouldn’t she tell me?” he huffs, shaking his head.

I had him the bottle, grinning. “She thought I’d be jealous.”

“You’re a sapphic.”

“Yes, and Mira is ridiculously loyal. She’s better than us both.”

“Truer words have never been spoken,” he whispers quietly before sipping the mead. “I never told her, not because I was afraid of what you’d think, but because I know I don’t deserve her. Mira is profoundly intelligent, Taryn. She outwits me constantly, she’s never let my position prevent her from treating me like a normal human being, and she’s beautiful . . .”

“She is,” I admit. “So, what are you going to do?”

Dary grows quiet, picking at the rim of the bottle with his thumb nail. “Should I put my name in the lottery?”

“You’d be picked, for certain. Her father wouldn’t dare bypass a prince for any of the other nobles and merchants who might have offered themselves.” I lay my hand on Dary’s arm, meeting his eyes. “What will your father say?”

“I’m not sure he’d be happy about it. At all. But,” Dary chuckles around the mouth of the bottle, taking another drink. “It’s not like he can disown me. I’m his only heir.”

“It will be quite the scandal,” I admit, pursing my lips against a smile. “If you don’t want her to marry someone else, then you should do it.”

“You’re a very good friend, too, you know,” he whispers, tossing an arm over my shoulder. As he pulls my head to his I laugh, stepping away from the bannister and out of his reach.

“I’m alright.”

“You’re not, though,” he points out. “Something has been wrong with you. There’s something you haven’t told us, and don’t you for one second think I haven’t noticed.”

“Girl troubles,” I sigh. It’s the truth, at least.

“Who is she?”

“No one you know, but she’s . . . everything. And I can’t be with her and it’s killing both of us, I think. We got into an argument about it last night and I’m fairly certain I ruined any chance I have at having her in my life at all.” I swallow hard, blinking away unshed tears as I look away from Dary. I can’t stand the look of pity in his eyes.

“Why can’t you be together?”

“It’s complicated—”

“Don’t give me that shit,” he snaps and my head rears back at the sudden change in tone. “If you think Mira and I can be together, then you and whoever this girl is that has you all twisted up in knots have a chance, as well.”

“Dary,” I sigh. “It’s not like you and Mira.”

“Is she married?”

I hesitate. I should tell him she’s married. He’d drop it there. But I can’t bring myself to lie to him. Instead, I shake my head and shrug.

“Then it’s the same. If you want her, if you love her, then you will find a way to make it work.”

“I don’t know if I love her,” I admit quietly. “I’d like the opportunity to find out.” My heart aches with how true those words are. Is it love? I don’t even know. How can I? We haven’t had any chance to—

A loud roar splits the night air and Dary jumps down from the bannister. My heart hammers in my chest as I search the sky for Niressa. I see nothing. Moving to the bannister, I lean back trying to see the sky on the other side of the castle. Fire illuminates the sky and my eyes widen.

The bells ring.

“Get inside,” Dary hisses, pushing me toward the bedroom. He closes the balcony door and we rush out into the hall. “Taryn, stay in your room,” he snaps.

“No.” I shake my head, grabbing my dress up in my hands as I run after him toward the dining hall. We’ll be able to see what’s happening from the crossing there.

I have to stop her from doing this.

People run through the castles—servants seeking shelter, knights trying to make it to the fight. I have no idea where Mira is, I realize, as we slide to a stop beneath the stone archway that gives way to the inner bailey. “Mira,” I whisper, panic surging in my veins as my eyes track over the many heads lining the curtain wall. Crossbows ready, several knights wait for their opportunity to strike.

All along the balustrades surrounding the courtyard, knights stand, weapons drawn as another blast of flames pours into the courtyard. I stare up at the dragon roaring its anger, its massive wings blocking out the moon.

It’s not Niressa.

The golden dragon beats its wings, swooping around the castle to lay fire on my home. “Dary, what’s happening?”

“I thought it would be the one who took you,” he shouts over the yelling around us.

“So did I.” I shake my head as he moves to help the knights defend the castle. “I have to find Mira.”

Below us, in the courtyard, the mage stands with her hair swirling about her shoulders, magic gathering in her palms before she blasts it toward the dragon. He roars his displeasure before raining fire down on the courtyard once again.

A gasp breaks past my lips as I watch Ona throw her hands up a small barrier forming between her and the fire before it surrounds her completely.

“Get somewhere safe!” he orders, and I rush across the allure toward the dining hall in search of my friend. I don’t understand why the golden dragon is attacking. He commanded Niressa to return me to my home, so why would he attack it? And where is that smaller dragon that seemed to follow him around that day?

“Mira!” I shout as I burst into the dining hall. Several families of servants huddle around tables. The mothers hug their children close to their sides, the fathers stand at the ready to fight off anything they can.

I understand the sentiment.

“Have any of you seen Lady Mira?” I ask. Several heads shake no, and I curse under my breath, moving toward the courtyard. Where would she have gone? As I run through the hall, I slam into an armored chest. Immediately, I bounce backward, uttering an apology.

Hot hands fall on my upper arms and I find myself looking up into Anna of Izvora’s eyes. “Are you alright, princess?” she asks, steadying me.

“I’m looking for Mira,” I mutter, stepping out of her grasp. Her touch reminds me of Niressa’s and I can’t handle that comparison right now. “I can’t find her.”

“I’m sure Lady Mira is somewhere safe,” she murmurs, glancing to her right as the ground shakes beneath us.

“What’s happening?” I gasp.

“Something collapsed,” she rushes out. “Come with me.” Anna holds out her hand and I take it, following behind her as she pulls me through the corridors.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask suddenly, realizing we’re moving toward the rear of the castle. There’s no shelter back there, only the stables and the lake.

“I have to get you somewhere safe, princess,” she says again. “Come.”

I yank my hand back, shaking my head. “It’s not safe outside.”

Anna turns around and opens her mouth, preparing to say something, when the wall beside her caves in. I scramble backward and so does she, away from the falling rubble.

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