Home > Forbidden Heart : A Reverse Harem Fairy Tale (LUV Academy Book 2)

Forbidden Heart : A Reverse Harem Fairy Tale (LUV Academy Book 2)
Author: Mia Harlan

Chapter 1


The morning sun kisses my eyelids, inviting me to open my eyes and greet the day. I plan to, just not quite yet. I don’t want to let go of the sense of peace that lingers around me. It’s like a beautiful dream that doesn’t feel entirely real—like my very own fairy tale.

I’m enveloped in the scent of crisp mountain air, one that I’ve come to recognize as uniquely JJ. His soft blankets gently caress my skin as I slowly open my eyes, expecting to see my Knight in Shining Armor. He’s nowhere to be found.

It takes me a second, and then I remember. He lent me his bed and spent the night on the living room couch. I can make out the faint murmur of his voice, or possibly my Beast’s or Prince Charming’s. I start to smile at the thought of these three amazing guys, but then my mind conjures up Silas.

Just the thought of the Dark Prince makes me bolt upright in bed. The feeling of wakeful comfort is replaced by panic... followed quickly by pain.

My life isn’t a fairy tale... or if it is, I definitely haven’t found my happy ending. My ribs serve as a sharp reminder of my previous life, and I still don’t feel safe. Not so long as Silas is here.

I roll up my tank top and examine the bruises. They’ve mostly faded, but they’re still tender to the touch. What really hurts, though, is the part I’m not sure I’ll ever be rid of... the memories.

Suddenly, I’m reliving them all over again. Father shouting, slapping me across the face. My cheek stinging. My pendant falling to the floor. Father stomping on my onyx heart with his sneakered foot. And then the kicks. Once. Twice. My back slamming against the fridge.

“No,” I cry out loud. That’s in the past. I left. I’m never going back.

I’m here now, with my princes, in their huge apartment of a dorm room. I’m safe. As long as I don’t leave JJ’s bedroom, I’m safe. If I don’t go near the living room, I’ll never have to see Silas again.

I hug JJ’s pillow to my chest and try to find that sense of calm I felt when I first woke up. I almost succeed, until there’s a sudden knock on the bedroom door.

I jump.

My heart thunders in my chest, and I reach up to grasp Mom’s heart-shaped pendant. It’s not there.

I glance around wildly until I spot the four jagged pieces lying on the nightstand next to me. They’re right where I left them last night. But they couldn’t protect me against Father, and they’re not going to save me if Silas is on the other side of the door.

I should have begged the guys not to let him into the apartment. I should have told them about all the awful things he’d said. I should have spoken up when he pretended to be nice to me... while the guys were teaching him the new song. I should have left when they found an old sleeping bag and let Silas spend the night on the living room floor.

There’s another knock on the door, and I tighten my grip on the blanket. The urge to hide under it is overwhelming, and tears spring to my eyes.

“Roonie?” a voice calls from the other side of the door. Not Silas’s voice. JJ’s. “Can I come in?”

“Y-yes,” I squeak, the tension seeping out of me. The doorknob rattles, and I realize the door’s locked. “Hold on.”

I wrap the blanket around my chest and rush to unlock my door. I mean, his door. I don’t actually live here. Nothing here is mine. I belong here even less than Silas.

I open the door, and JJ leans one strong arm against the doorframe.

My eyes dart to his bulging bicep before taking in the rest of him. He’s dressed in the same pair of low-riding jeans and blue plaid t-shirt he was wearing last night. He must have been uncomfortable, sleeping like that, and he wasn’t able to change clothes because of me. Because I was in his room.

Did he sleep in the nude? Did he strip in that slow, sensual way he had the first night we met? My eyes lock on his muscular chest, and I mentally play over every detail.

“Morning, Roonie,” JJ drawls, drawing my gaze up past his square jaw to his lips, which curl up in a slow smile. My cheeks flush and my eyes snap up in time to watch his glide down my blanket-clad body, and then up again.

My heart starts to pound in my chest. Then it dawns on me. JJ doesn’t know I’m wearing pajamas under that blanket.

“I’m not naked,” I blurt.

“Too bad.” He smirks, making my heart pound faster. Which can’t be happening, because I don’t like JJ. Not like that. I can’t. Not when I like Tate and Charles. No, wait, that was supposed to be Tate or Charles. I can’t be with my sweet Prince Charming and my sexy Beast, and I don’t know how to choose between them. There’s no way I would want to add a Knight in Shining Armor into the mix.

“Composing another song already?” JJ grins.

“What?” I squeak as I realize I’d been humming.

I squeeze my lips shut, and the silence is broken by clunking coming from the kitchen. The coffeemaker starts, and someone slams a drawer shut. I wonder if it’s Silas, and instantly tense. I strain my ears, listening for his voice, waiting for him to tell the guys to kick me out. But other than the spewing coffeemaker, all is silent.

“How about I make you some coffee?” JJ chuckles.

I nod and lower my voice to a whisper. “Is Silas here?” Even thinking about the Dark Prince makes me feel sick.

“He went back to his place to change, but he’s meeting us all later at the audition.” JJ pauses. “I know you two got off on the wrong foot, but he apologized. And he’s really not that bad. I promise.”

“Okay...” I whisper, even though I don’t agree. The apology he gave me last night was clearly forced. He only said it so they’d let him stay. He didn’t mean it, and he hates me.

But I can’t tell the guys that. Not when he’s in their a cappella group. Not when he belongs here much more than I do. Not when I know that if they had to choose, they’d have no reason to pick me.

“He saw how amazing your audition song is! I’m sure you two will get along great now,” JJ continues.

I know he’s wrong, but I nod anyway.

JJ waits for me to say something, and when I stay silent, he adds, “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. I hope you like blueberries.”

A smile crosses my lips. Of course I like blueberries. Blueberry waffles, blueberry pancakes, blueberry jam on toast... Who doesn’t like blueberries?

The warm and fuzzy feeling returns. It’s nice to wake up to a good-looking guy offering to make me breakfast. Much nicer than my alarm blaring at the crack of dawn. Or worse, Father shouting for me to get my lazy ass out of bed and make him something to eat.

I push aside the less than happy memories and smile at JJ. “I love blueberries. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Take your time, Sleeping Beauty.” He chuckles and closes the door softly behind him.

I grin and hurry to get ready. Despite the persistent rib pain, I move as fast as I can. I know JJ told me to take my time, but he cooked breakfast. I don’t want it to grow cold because of me.

I grab a pink bag—another gift from Charles—and peek inside. This time, he got me a pink dress made of soft silk. It looks expensive, just like all the other clothes he’s gotten me. I shouldn’t accept it, but I can’t help wanting this fairy tale to last a little longer.

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