Home > From Then Until Forever(31)

From Then Until Forever(31)
Author: Kitty Berry

Jake and Teyler had played together for as long as they can remember and decided on the school because it had been one that had recruited them both. Jake was there, not only to play basketball, but to get a business degree, while Teyler was into technology. Both boys had good heads on their shoulders and knew that one day their degrees would be put to good use. So, along with practicing and partying, they studied hard.

“I can’t believe she’s blowing you off,” Jake said. “The way you talked about her all summer, I thought she was the real deal.”

“Yeah, me too. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with that girl’s head right now, but she did a three fucking sixty on me once I left. It’s fucking whacked, man.”

Jake nodded to the line of girls in the Carriage House apartment that they were squished into. “I bet one of them would do a three-sixty on your dick in a heartbeat.”

“You realize that’s not the line for the bathroom, right?”

Jake looked up at Teyler quizzically. “Ah…”

Teyler laughed. “Line for Dashaun.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me.”

“Wow, I’m looking forward to senior year even more now.”

Teyler hit Jake on the arm and they headed to the back porch where they might be able to breathe fresh air instead of the smoke-filled living room crowded with girls looking for a few minutes with one of the school’s athletes.

Teyler saw it as pathetic. Then he remembered how that asshole in Falls Village had been treating Colleen until he’d taught the guy a lesson in manners. It made him wonder if Colleen had fallen back into the same routine. Was she one of these girls in a line waiting her turn to fuck a star basketball player at the University of Maine?

She’d already had one of those, or she would have if Teyler hadn’t been hurt and wasn’t unable to play until further notice. So, maybe she was all over some football or soccer player instead. Either way, he knew he had to find a way to push her out of his head because she made it clear that she wasn’t receptive to a long-distance relationship or one at all…with him.

He was a young guy, good-looking, and a college athlete. He knew it wouldn’t be hard to get pussy, it never had been. But after Colleen, he wasn’t so sure that that was all he wanted.

But still, again, he was young, and the need of his dick won out and Teyler soon reverted to his player ways with his best friend and teammate by his side. The girls on campus were in abundance, especially to the athletes.

It started out as a fluke. Teyler hadn’t gone to that party at the frat house to hook up like the rest of his friends had been doing for months, but when a beautiful girl that reminded him of Colleen approached him, he couldn’t help himself and he’d indulged in a night of pleasure with her. That quickly turned into many nights of overindulgence with a different girl in his bed each night, but he never forgot the girl who held his heart.

He worked hard at his studies and conditioned his body to perfection so that as soon as they gave him the green light to return to the court, he’d been ready. That green light came right at the tail end of his freshman season when the starting point guard ran into an unfortunate issue with campus police and the trainers cleared Teyler to play.

The game was going to be televised. But instead of being excited for his first chance to show the coaches and players that he wasn’t just the son of an NBA player, he had worked hard his whole life to earn his spot on the team, all Teyler wondered was whether or not Colleen would see him play and consider the what if of their relationship.

The game had ended in a loss, but he’d played well and had managed to send Colleen a message in his own way. If she were watching, she might not catch the way his tongue snuck out to wet his lips the way he did after tasting her sweetness, but he knew that one day, when he had the chance, he’d tell her he was always thinking about her, his habit during the game would be proof of that. Others would think it was a nervous tic or a superstition once they noticed it was something, he was going to do every game, but he didn’t care what anyone else thought or said. All Teyler wanted was for Colleen to see it and remember how good that tongue of his felt on her wet flesh.

After the end of the first season, Teyler, Jake, and a bunch of their teammates went to Freddy’s, a dive bar on campus that looked the other way when underage athletes walked in the door. Hell, they turned their head when anyone walked in the door. Teyler’s feet stuck to the grime-covered floor and it made him wonder when the last time was that it had been mopped. The last time they were there, Jake had puked in the very spot he was now standing, and it made Teyler smirk at his friend’s misfortune. The girl he’d been lining a hookup with had left him high and dry after that and Teyler was the one who had spent the night with his friend to be sure he didn’t choke on his own vomit.

Before he had time to remind Jake of that night and mercilessly make fun of him like only your best friend could do, he noticed a familiar face on the girl Jake was talking to and the one next to her caught his eye for other reasons.

Colleen’s best friend from Falls Village, Maine, Diana stood with Jake and she clearly knew Becky.

Teyler had met Becky a few weeks prior at Jonathan’s, another on campus bar he frequented even though he never drank. But it was the other thing he never did that was about to explode in his face.

Teyler took Becky back to the house he shared with Jake and a few of the other guys on the team. It was so much better than living in the dorms. They each had their own room, so hooking up with girls was easy. The night he brought Becky back to his place, he’d been thinking of Colleen and he knew it wasn’t going to end well. He should have listened to the warning bells and gone home alone. His hand could have done the job, and then, he wouldn’t be in this situation. All because he wouldn’t go down on Becky.

They started out hot and heavy. She did and said all the right things, complimented his body as he stripped off each piece of clothing. He’d appreciated hers in the same way…until she raised her hips and tried to get him to taste her. Teyler didn’t go down on girls, not since Colleen because he never wanted to forget what she tasted like.

Becky climbed to her knees and took more of his length down her throat than anyone else had ever been able to accomplish and he knew it was a dick move to not pull back, but he didn’t want to reciprocate and so he let her make him come in her mouth. Then he thanked her, he was taught manners no matter what, and told her he had to be in the gym early the next morning and that he’d call her to make it up to her. He didn’t.

And now here she was with Diana.

“Teyler?” Diana screeched. “OMG! I never thought I’d see you here, this school is so big.”

“So’s he, but it doesn’t matter when you don’t get to…”

“Hey, Diana. Wow!” Teyler exclaimed and cut Becky off.

He knew the girls would talk later and Becky would share their night together with Diana who was bound to report the story back to Colleen, but at least Teyler won’t be standing there hearing it. Nor will Jake, who would for sure give him shit over it.

“How’s the knee?”

“Fine. I’m playing again and working out, next season conditioning. How’s um…have you talked to Colleen since she left for school?”

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