Home > How to Seduce a Shifter(17)

How to Seduce a Shifter(17)
Author: Sheryl Quinn

"We need to pin the attack on her ex and Clara," I said. "Find the evidence first, then we can turn it over. But we'll have to be careful. He seems like the kind of guy who isn't scared to take people out if they dig too hard."

Molly leaned forward. "I'd love to be involved in this. It's been so long since I've been able to scare the hell out of someone who truly deserved it."

Theo patted his wife's arm fondly. "I'd be happy to sit this one out and babysit the kids. Molly is way more terrifying than I'll ever be." He rolled his eyes. "I should feel worse about that, I suppose. But I don't."

It was a good plan. Greg was unfaithful to Ella, so he'd probably be unfaithful to the new woman. Blaire stared at Molly for a moment, and I knew the moment she'd come to the same conclusion I had. "We can tag team him, Molly. You can distract him with a date while I break into his house and see what I can find. Tanner can come with me."

Scott held up a hand. "Please do not use the words tag team when you're speaking about another man." He slid a glance over to Theo. "How do you feel about your wife dating another man?"

Theo snorted. "She isn't dating him. She's eating him alive. He just won't know it for a while."

The other dragon's gaze turned contemplative as he studied his mate, Blaire. "Hmm. It's for a worthy cause. I'll allow it."

Blaire rolled her eyes. "I'll let you allow it," she said, but she winked at Scott.

Liam was staring at us all with rapt fascination. "So this is how it happens. It's like watching a fucked up murder mystery on the I.D. Channel."

"We don't murder people," Cal said. He'd been awfully quiet this entire time. "Unless we have to."

"How's Macaria?" I asked.

He smiled the smile of a happy dragon. "Wonderful. Going back and forth between the Underworld is a bit of a drag, but it will be over soon enough and then we can figure out where we really want to live. Her dad extended the time because the baby was so young, but Maggie won't let him do it again."

"Good. Thinking about New Orleans?" I asked. I'd hate to lose him, but he was the one with the least tethering him to this place.

"Of course we are," he said, sounding offended I thought he wouldn't. "It's out first choice. Finding a house is a different story. I'd like to find a place where it doesn't flood."

"We hope you stay here," I said speaking for everyone. Cal had never told us the entire story of his missing time. We knew he'd been with the gods and we'd found out later he was the son of the Pythia. That dude has one fucked up family tree.

"We're trying," Cal assured me. "Maggie just has to shake free of her family a little bit before we can look in earnest."

"Hades can always come here," Blaire said, her eyes sparkling with eagerness.

We all knew how much she'd love to talk to a god. Molly was scary simply because she could turn into a terrifying monster in seconds. Blaire was scary because of her magic and her brain. She didn't think like the rest of us did and she sometimes used power in greedy ways. We all loved her, yes, but it didn't mean we were wrong to be wary of her.

"I'll let him know you said so," Cal remarked, though the look he shot me said hell no.

"When do we want to kick this off?" I asked.

Molly stood and stretched. "Find out where he's going to be this evening and I'll make sure I'm there." Theo looked upon her with hungry eyes.

"Done," I said. I stood and drained the last of my beer, grimacing as I realized it had gone warm.

"Call me as soon as you know anything," Molly said.

"Will do." I waved to my family as I stepped back over the wreckage and back out the door. "Tell Ella I'll be back by this evening. Do not let her go anywhere!"

Blaire rolled her eyes at me and waved me away.









I stood on the balcony of a massive house on the outskirts of New Orleans looking into wide bay windows. The wealth Ella's ex had amassed was obscene. Just peering into the living room showed me at least a quarter-million in art, furnishings, and electronics. I wore cloaking to walk around with anonymity. This high up the alarm probably wasn't set, but you could never be too careful. I touched the door, hesitated, then turned the knob only to find the door swung open for me.

A snort at his arrogance escaped me and I walked in. Greg was here. I could hear him speaking to someone in another room. There was the softer tone of another woman. I walked around the living room, shaking my head at the excess. To the left of me was a chef's kitchen. The guy had probably never cooked a day in his life.

Footsteps from down the hall made me pause. I took two quick steps over to stand by the curtains. The cloaking wasn't foolproof, but most people weren't all that observant. If someone stared at the exact spot I was in and I moved, they might see a shimmer. The best I could do was keep as still as possible and wait for whoever it was to leave.

It was a woman - tall, thin, and very blonde. So blonde her hair was almost white. She looked like one of those women who spoke little and let their money speak for them. He'd left wild Ella for this? I rolled my eyes. Rich guys didn't always appreciate personality.

The woman snatched up a tiny purse, looked around one more time, then let herself out of the house. As soon as the door clicked shut, I headed down the hall.

Greg was in his bedroom, his door wide open. A towel was wrapped around his hips and his dark hair was still damp from his shower. I gave him a cursory inspection as I tried to see what Ella saw in him. He had the typical I was a college football player face, but his build was football player ten years and too many beers later. A slight paunch, low muscle tone, but good teeth. Like a horse. I stood in the doorway creeping on this guy and stifling the urge to punch him in the face. I couldn't go through anything right now because it would make noise. Even if I were cloaked, I couldn't stop papers from rustling or things moving around. So I had to get him out.

A guy like him, though, never stayed idle for long. His cell jangled Beyonce from the nightstand and I stifled a snort. How progressive of him.

He snatched it up and hit the button. "This is Greg."

The person on the other end invited him for drinks at a new hotspot called The Dragon's Den. A grin stretched my mouth. How appropriate. The beginning of his downfall.

By the dragons.

I stayed until I heard the time they were meeting, then crept back down the hall and headed back to Beastly.


Blaire chortled when I told her where Greg would be. Molly's eyebrows rose and her eyes glinted with the thrill of a hunt. "Easy pickings," she said. Molly stood and went upstairs. "I'll be ready in an hour," she said.

I had no doubt she would. "How's Ella?"

"Better," she said. "Now that she doesn't think we're all trying to kill her."

"I'll pop in to see her in a minute." I told her what time she needed to be ready and advised her to cloak herself. Blaire shrugged. She was a powerful magic user so it wouldn't be difficult for her to come up with something to keep her off the cameras.

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