Home > How to Seduce a Shifter(18)

How to Seduce a Shifter(18)
Author: Sheryl Quinn

We agreed on a rendezvous time and I walked back to see Ella.

She was sitting up this time, her back propped up by several pillows. Her coloring was a little better, and she wore new clothes. A tank top and a pair of leggings. She held a book in her hand but looked up when I walked in.

The bond flared between us. Her eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply. "It's the bond, isn't it?" she said, her voice full of wonder. "I could tell you were here and now I can tell ... you're happy to see me." Her lips twisted.

"I am," I agreed. "And I know you're still scared." I hadn't been able to tell earlier, but our bond grew stronger and now that we were in close proximity to each other, it would only strengthen.

In addition to the golden glow around her, there was a hint of something else. A royal blue tinge of magic hovering around her. Siren blood.

"Have you tried your magic again?" I asked her.

Ella shook her head frantically. "No. Blaire told me what almost happened with Cal."

"He wouldn't have been hurt," I said, shrugging.

A laugh bubbled from her. "Not permanently. But falling off the roof hurts when it happens!"

"Cal's seen worse," I said, though I grinned to show I was kidding.

"Still," she grumped. "I don't know how to use my powers, and I don't think I should until I have some training. Or something."

"This isn't like Spiderman," I told her. "It should feel instinctive. The power lives in you." I settled myself in the chair. "Think about what you want and ask me for it." I knew a little about sirens from Mistgarde, but I'd never seen one in the flesh. Her song hadn't affected me when we were walking in each other's dreams, but this might be a little different. And, as her mate, I didn't know if she'd be able to command me to do anything. "Start small," I recommended. "Ask me for ... an apple."

Ella squirmed. "This feels weird, Tanner. I don't like the feeling of controlling people."

"You're doing this with my permission." I reached over and took her hand. She looked better, but I was still hesitant to touch her like I wanted to. "And you need to practice. So, concentrate, dear siren, and boss me around."

A smile tilted her lips up. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she sat up a little straighter. "Fine." Ella squeezed her eyes shut which brought an unbidden grin to my face. She looked like a little kid wishing for candy. "Bring me an apple," she said suddenly.

I felt zero urge to bring her anything. Ella opened her eyes and stared at me expectantly. I shook my head. "Sorry. Try again. This time, take a deep breath, center yourself, focus on the apple and make it the only thing you desire."

She frowned and shut her eyes again. Her lips parted slightly. "I want an apple," she said.

Nothing on my end. I frowned and leaned back in my chair. "Hmm. I wonder if I'm immune to you."

"Because we're mates?" she asked.

I nodded. "Sometimes that happens. Not always. Take Molly for instance. She has magic, but she also turns into a Hamrammr."

At Ella's inquisitive look, I shook my head. "Long story. Basically an enormous, terrifying beast."

Ella frowned. "All of you are scary," she said and sighed.

"Theo isn't immune to all of her magic and we haven't figured out why. Some, yes. Not all."

Seconds later, Liam walked into the room without knocking, dumped an arm full of apples on Ella's bed, and turned around and left.

Both of us blinked in surprise. "Um, Liam?" I called.

The wolf came in the room, blinking rapidly. "What the fuck?" he muttered as we locked gazes. "A second ago I was at the bar. All I remember is apples." He scratched the back of his head and startled as he saw all the apples on Ella's bed.

I grinned at my mate. "We need to play the lottery."

Liam grimaced and walked out of the room. "Please don't do that again!" he called.

"Can't promise anything. Ella needs to practice!"

My mate looked a little green. "That's a scary power to have over someone," she whispered. "Is this why I'm so good at picking pockets?"

I suspected it was only part of it. "Perhaps," I told her. "But you also have to understand, men are kind of dumb."

Ella snorted at this, but it was true. "I'm serious. We are driven by the need to procreate. We like pretty things. I think your siren blood was only a small factor of your success. Most of it is your beauty and how nimble your fingers are. Your siren blood was sleeping deep within you. I think now you may see evidence of it when you are dealing with members of the opposite sex." My brow furrowed as I remembered something else. "I'm afraid you might also see that females no longer respond to you the same."

Ella gasped. "They won't like me."

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying they might feel more ... competitive."

Tears swam in her big, blue eyes, and she looked away from me. She swallowed hard. "That sucks," she said, her voice hoarse. "I have so little female friends to begin with."

I touched her thigh. "Human women, Ella. Not ... other ones."

A deep sigh escaped her. "I don't know other ones, idiot," she muttered.

I stood and nudged her over. She resisted for a moment before she scooted over. I got into bed beside her and wrapped her in my arms. Ella sighed and melted against me. She'd showered. The smell of Blaire's coconut shampoo wafted up. Regret filled me at what happened to her. "You do know others. There are two amazing women downstairs who'd like nothing more than to befriend you. All you have to do is let them in."

She shuddered. "I've been alone so long, Tanner. It isn't exactly easy."

I kissed the top of her head. "Nothing is easy, but this is family, Ella. All you have to do is say the word."

"This whole mating thing is strange," she admitted. "It feels like I'm property. I'm not sure how to feel about it."

"We have time. Nothing has to happen that you don't want to. I'll be here. For the long haul."

She snuggled in deeper. "I don't know much about you. Tell me something."

I thought about it. "I come from a different land. A land with two moons and dragons soaring high above the clouds. The night sky streaks with purple and the wind from the seas is cool and crisp. There's a castle there, a beautiful place made of white marble where minstrels play nightly. They have elaborate dinners every weekend with roasted quail and risottos and beautiful apple tarts with a golden crust. There's green grass and open land for miles and miles and miles. Everyone there is kin. Not always blood-related, but kin nonetheless. Dragons are free to roam and mate and love. It's the most beautiful place I've ever been to."

"It sounds beautiful," she murmured. "Can I go there one day?"

"I wish," I said. "We've been cut off from our homelands for many years now and none of us know how to get back."

"Maybe we can figure it out," she said. A yawn shook her shoulders. Before I could say anything else, Ella lay sleeping in my arms.


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