Home > Sweet Dreams(18)

Sweet Dreams(18)
Author: J. Clarice

“As hard as it may seem, it’s okay to find a partner during this time. Chad and I… We went through war together.” Jenna huffed out a laugh. “If he hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Scarlett glanced at Jenna and saw her eyes glossing over. “I’m not saying to throw yourself at whoever’s on your mind. But, being partnered helps in ways you wouldn’t think possible. Just don’t forget, you don’t choose your partner. Much like our armors, the bond chooses us.”

Scarlett covered her sister’s hand with hers and rubbed her thumb.

Jenna and Scarlett made their way back home as the sun began to set.

“The first few days are always the most difficult, in Ever Realm and Earth. But as time goes on, you get the hang of it and somehow balance your Dreamer and human life.” Jenna told Scarlett as they walked side by side, eating their ice creams. “You can choose to close yourself off from the world and hole up or you can take advantage of the fact that you’re now a part of something more, and explore like you originally wanted to... You’ll figure it out with time, Scarlett.”

Scarlett didn’t feel like talking as she didn’t know how to respond. She simply hoped everything would turn out right like her parents said it would.

But then again, nothing’s that simple, is it?






Time in Ever Realm was longer than on Earth. It’d already been a week and Scarlett’s Youth Dreamer training was well underway, but her sessions with Cain had yet to start. She tried conversing with Jayden but wasn’t successful. Jayden would avoid Scarlett or not show up for classes at all. Her parents were always unavailable so Scarlett was stuck with Jenna in Ever Realm and the occasional visit from Grandma Ruth on Earth.

Everything was going great… Not.

She blamed Jayden’s bitchy attitude. She blamed the fact that nobody would tell her exactly what was going on.

Sure, she became a Dreamer about a week ago. But, the absence of her parents ticked her off and fed the anger that was slowly growing and festering within. Little touches on the shoulder would have Scarlett jumping and snapping at the person. Her studies were steady but she found herself less and less interested in them as the days passed.

To Scarlett, they didn’t feel like days. In Ever Realm, the time stretched and moved slower than on Earth. The only thing that gave Scarlett any kind of relief and stability was physical training. She gave it her all and in seven days, outshone other students. She knew it had something to do with being a Dreammare but hadn’t had the chance to ask anyone about it.

No more creepy appearances, no parents to ask, and Jayden was acting as if she had a plague.

The professor dismissed the class and Scarlett rushed out of the classroom. She breathed a sigh of relief and rolled her neck.

“We’ve got roundabout today.” Jasper sang as he fell into step beside her. Scarlett gave a wide smile and hopped on her toes. Jasper laughed and loosened his shoulders. “Time to kick some ass!”

Inside the Activities gym, the others were warming up and preparing themselves. Students crowded around the ring as a fight was already in action. Scarlett rushed to the edge and pushed through people to find Jayden swinging fists with another girl.

Twice a week, open practice fights were held between the Dreamers. Mainly only Youth as the official Dreamers had duties to fulfill. The roundabout was a test of their newfound abilities. The winner would go up against the next contestant until there was one victor. Occasionally, experienced Dreamers will pop in and give a look but this training remained only for the Youth.

“Get her Jayden!” Jasper encouraged as he came up behind Scarlett. Being a full head taller, he had a perfectly good view. Jayden’s opponent was wobbling on her legs and Scarlett saw the professor and Chad on the side getting ready to end it. Yet, Jayden wasn’t done and Scarlett could see it in her eyes.

She was just getting started.

Jayden spun a roundhouse straight for the girl’s face. Her purple armor flashed as it glided in sync with her body and gave way to land the kick. The girl’s face snapped to the side and she flopped down to the ground. A giant thump echoed as her head connected with the floor and roars erupted from the watching students. Jayden jumped around the ring with her hands high. Scarlett felt Jasper jumping behind her as he shouted his sister on.

Scarlett observed the crowd around and saw cringing mixed with cheering, bloodthirsty faces. Young Dreamers were hungry for any action they could get. Scarlett blinked and swayed as a single thought crossed her. It began as a whisper that tickled the back of her mind before it grew and sent a wanting shiver through her body.

She wanted to do it.

Without another thought, Scarlett hurriedly climbed up the side of the ring as Jasper’s calls fell short behind her.

“Scarlett, what are you doing? Scarlett, don’t!”

She felt him move and swiftly swung her legs out from his reach. He wasn’t stopping her.

Scarlett stood in the ring as medical pulled the unconscious girl out. Jayden’s back faced Scarlett as she held her arms high. Not a scratch or dent on her armor. She remained undefeated and Scarlett knew damn well why.

“Any of you wusses want to give this a try?” Jayden taunted the people below.

Scarlett bitterly laughed and shook her head. “The only wuss I see here is you, Jayden.”

The crowd quieted at Scarlett's words and Jayden’s back straightened as she turned. Scarlett held her head high and cocked a brow. Jayden stalked towards Scarlett with distaste clear as day in her eyes. Despite their height difference, Scarlett wouldn’t let Jayden get the upper hand on this one.

“What did you call me?” Jayden glared at Scarlett.

Scarlett moved closer and smirked. “You. Heard. Me. Only a wuss would call themselves a champion going after others that don’t even stand a chance.”

Jayden’s eyes widened at Scarlett’s whispered words, catching the meaning hidden behind and Scarlett wasn’t done. “If you want to prove that you’re the ‘Queen of the Ring’, I suggest you go against someone your own size.”

The crowds’ chants had drowned out as Scarlett maintained eye contact with Jayden. She stepped back and was willing to give them what they were calling for.

A fight.

Jayden’s eyes burned before she fisted her hands and smoothed out her face. A smirk of her own came through. “Let’s play, princess.”

Scarlett glanced at Jasper from over her shoulder and his face showed with worry. She knew the worry was more for her but he didn’t know that they were equally matched. They’re both Dreammares after all.

“Scarlett, are you sure?”

She turned her head towards the edge of the ring where Chad stood on the inside. He sported the same worry Jasper had. His eyes told Scarlett she shouldn’t but of course, she ignored it and faced Jayden.

Chad stepped out of the ring and threw his hands down as the crowd jumped. The floor shook from their stomping and more Dreamers entered the Activities Gym. Scarlett zoned them out and kept her eyes on Jayden.

The two circled each other, eyeing the way they moved. Jayden made the first move. She edged close and front kicked Scarlett’s chest. Scarlett swiped the kick away with her arm and went in as Jayden stumbled to where she previously stood. Now on Jayden’s side, Scarlett threw punch after punch. Jayden ducked low and went for Scarlett’s exposed legs, taking her to the ground. Scarlett landed on her back as the air left her lungs and fluttered her eyes closed.

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