Home > Sweet Dreams(20)

Sweet Dreams(20)
Author: J. Clarice

“What were you thinking?”

His words had Scarlett gaping her mouth like a fish. “What was I thinking?! What the hell do you mean? I don’t even know what happened.”

Cain appeared like he wanted to say more but instead moved his gaze to Jayden who had let her shield down.

“Before you come at me, I didn’t even know she’d gone through the first use of her powers already. If I‘d known, I wouldn’t have fought with her.” Jayden straightened her shoulders and lightly rested her hands to her sides.

Taking in her words, Cain glanced between the two and released a small sigh. “The first and second use of a Dreammare’s powers are the most dangerous. The first is pleasant and a preview of the power the Dreammare possesses. The second is the pain. The power needs to make a home in the Dreamer and so, it changes the original and mixes it with the nightmare half of you. It’s the final transition for a Dreammare.”

Scarlett blankly stared at Cain. ‘Why do I keep finding everything out after it happens?’

“No one thought to tell me that?” Scarlett gave a mirthless laugh.

Jayden moved until she was a few spaces beside Scarlett and glanced back at Cain, silently asking for permission. He gave a tilt of his head and she continued. “Scarlett, no Dreammare accesses their powers after one week of activating them the first time. The power isn’t supposed to burst through until at least two weeks later."

Before Scarlett could respond, Cain snapped his head towards the door of the classroom. A bang sounded and pink tendrils slithered their way past Jayden’s power. Jayden backed up as the door busted open to show Scarlett’s mother in the doorway.

“Where is she?” Cher’s eyes landed on Scarlett and scanned her body. “Did she do it?”

Cain made eye contact with Ever Realm's leader. “She did.”

Cher paced into the classroom and closed the door behind her. “Scarlett, you’re training with Cain begins right away and I don’t want to hear anything else. Those outbursts you’ve had are your nightmare half breaking through. Now, they’ll be more violent. Cain and his people will help you control and learn how to use them.”

Scarlett looked between her mother and Cain, she caught the silent message they shared. Scarlett’s shoulders hunched as she lowered her head. Her mind was still in shambles and didn’t know where to focus.

“Is there anything else I need to know about being a Dreammare? Any more painful experiences I can prepare myself for and actually be aware of?”

Cain faced Scarlett and straightened his suit. “Aside from the pain, you’ll be feeling during your training. This is all.”

Scarlett huffed and threw her hands up. “That’s great to know, thanks.” Her sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed.

“Scar, as difficult as this is right now, it’s not a big worry. You’ll be fine.”

Scarlett shut up and bit the inside of her cheek. Her cheeks burned and she fisted her hands. Her mother turned her attention to Jayden who beat her to the catch.

“I’ll be leading in Scarlett’s training, Mrs. Blackdall.”

“Excellent, I’ll have this room cleared and restored. For now, I have other things to attend to.” Cher left the room without another word, leaving the three alone.

Cain walked past the two girls. “After your classes, you are to meet with Jayden and she will guide you to the Refuge. Go clean yourselves up and take the rest of this night off. We start tomorrow.”

Before he left, Cain glanced back at Scarlett. She seemed like she could barely hold herself together. The girl was tired of it all. If only she knew that the worst hadn’t even begun.






The five Officials sat anxiously as they awaited the Blackdalls arrival. Something was coming for them all and they had yet to tell their people. With their already precarious situation, they didn’t want to stir up any more unrest when there might not be any need to.

The glass doors to their meeting hall flew open as Roger Blackdall walked through. They were swiftly shut behind him and the room quickly quieted.

Roger approached the head of the round table and stood as he looked over the files laid out for him. His Officials straightened as they observed their leader and waited for him to commence. His dark green armor was adorned with golden metal and a red cloth that flowed from between his shoulders; marking him the current ruler of Ever Realm.

Unlike the Dark Realm, the need for royal titles wasn’t necessary and therefore weren’t used.

“Cher will not be timely with this meeting, so we will begin.” He nodded his head and swept his sight across his people.

The Official closest to Roger cleared his throat. “Sir, the activity of the nightmares remains the same, but their movement is changing at a rapid pace. They seem to be grouping together, yet continuing with their normal objectives.”

“Official Samsus, while their movements are out of the normal system, they have been following the set guidelines and not broken any rules. At the moment, there is still no need to alert the people.”

Official Alich, who sat on the other end of the table, lifted her hand. “If I may speak, sir.”

Roger waved her on.

“As little as the change of the nightmares may be, the people deserve and have the right to know. They may still be weakened and shaken up, but it’d be better for them to be prepared for a worst-case scenario.”

“And plunge them into another depressive state? We need to continue increasing our numbers. It’s been seven years and we’re not even a quarter of where the population is supposed to be. Adding unnecessary stress to a fragile situation will result in something we cannot afford to risk.”

Roger’s voice rose as he stared Official Alich down. She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips. The air thickened and left everybody on edge. Roger inhaled through his nose and slowly let it out. He couldn’t take his frustration out on those closest to him. Not when they needed him most.

“I understand where your concern is coming from Official Alich, however, I will not allow another chance for our demise. Official Samsus, I want you to oversee that our security measures are reinforced and increased. Training for the Youth Dreamers will be upped and lengthened. Add another month to their schedules and I don’t want them out on the fields until they are personally seen fit by me.” Roger glanced at Official Alich who kept her head lowered but her eyes shone with understanding. “There are other things we could do to make sure our people are safe than by unloading more bad news into their lives. At the rate it’s been coming, it’ll be a miracle if we make it another year. We will not lose another Dreamer.”

The meeting was dismissed and the Officials left. Roger slumped into his seat, surrounded by six empty chairs. The files before him held the progress of the new Dreamers, reports from the other Realms, and most of all, the information on his daughter.

Scarlett Blackdall.

Case: 001

Type: Dreammare with the Mark

Hostile or friendly: Unknown

Abnormal strength in training

Growing outbursts in temper

State: Unstable

Roger dropped the file on the table and rubbed his face. The door opened and he lifted his head to see his wife close the door behind her. Her eyes sported the same as his. They both felt the weight that laid on their shoulders; the lives of the remaining Dreamers, and their daughters.

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