Home > Sweet Dreams(33)

Sweet Dreams(33)
Author: J. Clarice

“Official Samsus, we are at the end of our rope.” Cher stood and towered over the Officials as she placed her hands on the table. “If we are going to stand any chance against the Dark Realm and whoever the hell is leading them, we are going to need every Dreamer we can get.”

The Officials accepted the idea and discussed what else they’d be able to do. Scarlett listened when a lightbulb went off the top of her head. She abruptly rose and startled everyone.

“The Dreammares.” She blurted as she cut off what they were discussing.

The Officials’ eyes widened with horror as their voices broke out in refusal at the appalling mention.

“Are you mad?!”

“We possibly couldn’t!”

“Not a chance!”

Their objections fell flat on Scarlett’s ears. She was already forming it in her mind. Cher’s brows knitted as she observed her.


Some Officials gaped at her as their feathers were ruffled. They stayed seated as displeasure ran through them while others settled thinking of the possibility.

“Where does this come in?” Cher asked Scarlett with interest. She wasn’t fond of the idea, but she wasn’t against it either. As unruly as Dreammares could be, Ever Realm needed all the help they could get.

“They have powers that Dreamers don’t have access to and can easily defeat Nightmares. Their numbers, although small, will give us an advantage against the Dark Realm.” Scarlett explained as she made eye contact with every Official before landing on her mother and Grandma Ruth. “You said, we’d need all hands on deck. What better hands, than of those with the natural powers?”

Cher’s lips quirked upward and gave Scarlett a small nod. She smoothed herself and faced the Officials. “As absurd as an idea it may sound, my daughter does have a point. Old biased methods won’t work with the upcoming war. It’ll be the end of us all.”

The Officials didn’t argue. They knew she was right.

Official Samsus stood and bowed to his leaders. One by one, the others rose and followed suit.

“We will stand together; Dreamers, Half, and Havened. We will make it through.” All of the Officials’ armor collars glowed in sync with Cher’s and Grandma Ruth’s. Scarlett looked down and found hers brightening. She'd officially joined.

“Scarlett, you will be in charge of recruiting the Dreammares. While Official Samsus, I leave you in charge of the Havened. The rest of you make sure everyone is well and accounted for. I will be speaking in a few hours so have them prepping. You have until my announcements to recruit the Dreammares, Scarlett.” Cher swept her gaze around the room and made eye contact with everyone.

“We prepare for war.”






Scarlett left as soon as the meeting was finalized. There was no time to spare. She made her way to Jenna’s to check on her before she went to the Refuge. She hadn’t seen her sister since their father’s death.

Jenna’s yellow dome came into view and Scarlett beelined for the front door. She turned the knob and it wouldn’t budge.

‘It’s never locked.’

Scarlett walked around the side to where her room was located. She exhaled in relief as the glass door quietly slid open. Inside, everything was incredibly silent which caused Scarlett’s stomach to fill with the beginnings of unease. She made her way to the living room and found it neatly in place as if no one had been there for a while.


“She isn’t here.”

Scarlett swiftly spun in the direction of the croaking voice. Chad stepped out from the hall next to the kitchen. His blonde hair was tousled and he wore a dark blue t-shirt with a stretched neck collar and a pair of grey sweats. Purple bags lined under his eyes which barely stayed open and his skin was pasty. Scarlett gasped at the sight.

“Chad, what happened!?” She rushed towards him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. He looked like he’d tip over any second.

“Just a minor injury during the battle.” He weakly laughed. Scarlett couldn’t see the cause of his state until the corner of his shirt shifted. She hesitantly reached for it and peeked under. Chad’s torso was wrapped in thick gauze that was soaked with blood, pus, and sweat.

“You call this minor?” Scarlett paled. “How did you get this?”

“Nightmares.” Chad coughed through chapped lips and turned away from Scarlett.

‘He’s lying.’

His blonde hair matted to his forehead with sweat. The attack may have been two days ago but there was no way his wound could be this fresh. She led him to the couch and eased him onto the edge. Chad groaned and winced as Scarlett laid him down. She cautiously lifted his shirt and gave another peek under the gauze. A long gash diagonally started from the bottom of Chad’s ribs to the edge of his belly button. It oozed pus and blood but wasn’t deep enough to have gutted him. He wouldn’t be alive if it had.

“Chad, where’s Jenna?” Scarlett breathed out as she recovered his wound.

He stiffened at the mention of her name but quickly relaxed. Scarlett caught it. “I haven’t seen her since your father’s death. Jenna’s completely closed herself off and withdrawn. Scarlett… she’s not the same.”

His voice broke as he finished and Scarlett shakily inhaled as she held herself still. “I’m sure she’ll come around Chad, just give her some time. Right now, you need serious help.”

A tear slid down Chad’s cheek and his face contorted with pain. Scarlett grabbed the collar of her armor. It lit up and the voice of one of the Officials filled Scarlett’s ears.

“Official Alich, Miss.” The voice surrounded her and she kept her eyes on Chad who wasn’t able to hear anything.

“I have Chad by my side with critical injuries, I need medical treatment immediately.”

“They’re on their way. Is there anyone else with you?”

“No, there isn’t.”

They ended the call and Scarlett stayed by Chad’s side until help arrived. His breathing was staggered as he shifted in and out of consciousness. The front door busted open and four Dreamers stormed through, two carried a stretcher while the others carried medical bags.

“We’ve got him from here.”

“Please, help him.”

“He’ll be under good care, Ms. Blackdall.” A voice she knew all too well reached her ears as she saw Official Samsus enter the door. He wore his Official armor and nodded.

Scarlett glanced back at Chad and wrung her hands as they loaded him onto the stretcher. She grabbed a hold of his hand as they exited the home.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” She whispered before letting go and watching the Dreamers carry him away.

“Official Samsus.” She addressed.

He appeared beside her with his hands loosely at his sides.

“You know, don’t you?” Scarlett asked, getting straight to the point.

“I was closest to your father and he confided in me, what he couldn’t in others.” Official Samsus spoke the words heavily.

“What was my father keeping from me, Samsus?” Scarlett stared at the darkening space of Ever Realm. It was no longer bustling with Dreamers. No more laughter, loud chatter, Dreamers’ flying, running, or walking out in the open. They were either dead or taking refuge at the Center.

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