Home > Sweet Dreams(37)

Sweet Dreams(37)
Author: J. Clarice






Cher was hollowed from the inside out.

As they dragged a screeching Jenna away, Cher didn’t utter a word as another chunk of her heart withered away.

A part of her was glad she’d forced Grandma Ruth back to Earth before Jenna’s sins were found out. The other part wished she had someone of older wisdom to take her place. Their business was far from done. As much as they wanted to hide away, Cher had Dreammares to take care of and people to inform.

Cher glanced at her daughter and the dam she tried so hard to hold up collapsed. Scarlett welcomed her with open arms as they held each other. Silent cries left Cher as she struggled to choke down her sobs. Numbness infused her as the fate she gave Jenna filled her mind.

Cher was horrified at the punishment, but she knew Jenna’s sins couldn’t go without a harsh one. She knew her daughter would choose to continue in the Nether Realms. Deep down, she felt her will to continue living even if it was in the most hellish Realm. Jenna wouldn’t take the easy way out.

Scarlett rubbed Cher’s back and smoothed some of her loose hair.

“It’ll be okay Mom,” Scarlett murmured as a few tears fell from her eyes. “We’ll be okay.”

Cher moved back from Scarlett and faced the door. She needed to be there for her daughter. She couldn’t lean on her like a crutch. If she, herself struggled under the weight of everything, what would Scarlett feel if she was leaning on her all the time?

Cher wiped her cheeks and let out a shaky breath. She glanced at Scarlett with an outreached hand.

“We will be alright, Scar.”

She couldn’t give up now. Cher knew they’d get through it together.

The other’s deaths would not go in vain.


Five hundred Dreamers were bustling inside the room where the meeting would take place. Every Dreamer left fit in that one room and the meaning of it hung clear over everyone’s heads. All were present, even the injured, as they waited to hear from their leader on what would come of them next.

Cher and Scarlett visited the Dreammares at one of the neighboring Centers. They’d gotten settled and filled in about the ongoings of their situation. Cher relayed the guidelines to the Dreammares as everybody needed to be on the same page.

It didn’t slide by Cher how Scarlett presented herself. Pride swelled through her at the sight of Scarlett holding herself together. She had every reason to leave and not be at the forefront with her, yet there she was. Making sure all the Dreammares were well and ready for the meeting.

‘She’ll make a fine leader... If only Roger were here to see how strong his daughter was.’

The thought shredded Cher. They’d underestimated what Scarlett could withstand. They only wanted to keep her safe. Her last conversation with Roger replayed in her mind. He told her the information he’d been withholding and while Cher wanted to shout at him, she could see where he was coming from. He truly had pure intentions in his heart and the memory tore at hers knowing he won’t get to see Scarlett rise above it all.

Although titles weren’t used much, Cher saw her daughter as a young Queen.

Cher closed her eyes and paused before entering the meeting. As weak as she wanted to be, she needed to appear strong for her people. Cher took deep breaths before nodding at Scarlett.

She’s ready.

They walked in together and a small podium was set up in front of them. Silence fell like a wave across the room as the people caught sight of their leader. Cher saw the way they eyed Scarlett and remembered they’d seen her display of powers in the battle. It’d have to be addressed.

She swept her gaze around the room and made her place behind the podium. A pressure built behind her eyes as she was met with haunted and sorrow filled faces.

“Dreamers, as you all know, we were gravely attacked two days ago which resulted in the deaths of –,” She briefly paused as her words caught in her throat. “Many loved ones and Roger Blackdall. My partner and your leader.”

Many lowered their heads in remembrance of the fallen ones as small cries broke out.

“As much as it pains me to say this, we will not be able to mourn for any longer. My Dreamers, we have a war in our midst and the Dark Realm could strike at any time.” Cher’s voice cracked. “I’ve failed you, as a leader, and protector. It will not happen again for as long as I breathe. For this reason, I have taken necessary measures in ensuring we stand a fighting chance.”

“We are allying with the Dreammares as they will be joining us in this fight against the Dark Realm.”

Dreamers stirred at the announcement and murmurs rose throughout the room. “Before you protest, acknowledge this. Look around you.” Cher swept her arm towards them. “Take a good look at my daughter and I. As you already have witnessed, Scarlett Blackdall is a Dreammare… ascended from me. ”

Gasps filled the air and disgust filled some faces.

“You’re one of them?”

“How could you lie to us?!”

“We’ve trusted you with our lives!”

Cher squeezed the edge of the podium and opened her chest. “And I have with every minute of mine. I have not injured any Dreamers and have treated you like my equal as you have done the same with me. My daughter, the other Dreammares, they are not any different. I have devoted years to you all and I will continue to do so until it is my time. Roger Blackdall died for you to be here.”

Cher sucked in a shaky breath as a tear broke free. “Many others died for you all, to be here. We are all that is left and the Dark Realm has an endless supply of Nightmares. We need outside help if we are to even have a fighting chance against them. Prejudices need to be put aside and we need to start anew. Times have called for a change. I want to give you the best opportunity possible to make it through this. Alongside, the Dreammares, we are acquiring assistance from the Havened Ones.”

Unease radiated from the Dreamers in waves but even then, they couldn’t turn a blind eye to the truth Cher had spoken. Heavy with grief and weakened by losses, they knew they needed the help.

“If Ever Realm is to live on, we must work together. This is a battle that cannot be won alone.”

Cher’s heart pounded as she spoke her final words. She worried her people would reject the idea and choose to go about it on their own. The war won’t be won if they were divided. She held her breath and awaited their response.

A man at the back of the room rose. His eyes were steeled and observed Cher’s before he softened and stood tall.

“For Ever Realm. For my fallen leader. For my wife, I will fight alongside you and the others.” The man’s voice wavered but held strong as he spoke.

Another Dreamer stood and repeated the same agreement.

And another.

And another.

Until they all were standing before Cher. Pride and relief swelled through her chest as her torn heart softly beat within. The pressure behind her eyes grew and wetness slowly coated her cheeks. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as a small smile spread across her lips. She glanced to her side at Scarlett and grabbed ahold of her hand.

Cher saw the awe in her eyes. She did it.

‘For Roger. For my daughter. For my people. We will not go down without a fight.’

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