Home > Chasing Cain(15)

Chasing Cain(15)
Author: Megs Pritchard

Cain heard the sadness in Archer’s voice and started to touch him but let his hand fall away. He couldn’t do that right now, not in the way he truly wanted to touch him. Brothers didn’t do the things he was sure they both wanted to do to each other.

“You’re right. It is.”

They stood, watching the other until a waiter came out. “Take your seats, please.”

With a final glance at Archer, Cain walked away.



Chapter Nine



WAKING UP THE following morning, Archer groaned as his head thumped. Watching Cain all night had driven him to drink, and now he was paying the price. He gingerly rolled to the side and breathed though his mouth, waiting to see what his stomach would do.

When he was marginally convinced he wasn’t about to throw up, he slowly sat up, but had to stop again. Gritting his teeth as sweat broke over his skin, he slowly lowered his head toward the sheets and prayed his stomach would stop churning.

When he was ready to move again, he carefully swung his legs over the side of the bed—and had to wait again. He saw the jug of water and swallowed. His mouth tasted like roadkill, and he needed some water desperately.

Whether it would stay in his stomach was another thing entirely.

He finally felt ready to stand and eased off the bed and stumbled over to the jug. Whimpering, he poured a glass and drank it down before waiting to see how his stomach would react. It churned and roiled, protesting, before finally the water was ejected.

Gagging, Archer barely made it to the porcelain goddess. After he’d finished, he rested his hot, clammy forehead on the toilet seat. “I’m never drinking again.”

“Don’t be a girl.”

Archer groaned and closed his eyes. “How did you get in my room?”

Knox chuckled. “The maid was very accommodating.”

“Shit. You fucked someone who works here?”

“Did I say we fucked?” Knox grinned. “Yeah, we did. Hooking up with her later too.”

“I don’t need to know. I’m dying. Leave me alone.”

More laughter from behind and Archer thought about throwing up over Knox instead. That would teach the fucker a lesson. “Breakfast in twenty downstairs. I saw the state you were in last night, so I thought I’d come and make sure you managed to get up and dressed.”

“Will he be there?”

“Of course, he will, but I have some gossip. You know about his brother?”

“I know one barely talks to him now because he has gay friends.”

“Same one was causing problems last night, especially when he found out about you. The usual shit like how he didn’t want you raping his ass or didn’t want to catch some shit from sharing the bathroom with you. Robert tossed the mother fucker out.”

Wincing, Archer lifted his head and licked his lips. He grabbed the sink and pulled himself up then rinsed his mouth. “I need a shower and a gallon of coffee.”

“You can shower on your own. The coffee is waiting outside for you.”

“Thank fuck for that. I love you so much right now.”

“Get yourself sorted, and I’ll wait for you out there.” The bathroom door shut behind Knox, and Archer stumbled over to the shower. Ten minutes later, he staggered out, feeling marginally better, and grabbed the coffee Knox held out to him. Moaning, he took several gulps and sighed. “Thank you.”

“You may worship me later.” Knox smirked and pointed to the clothes on the bed. “Get dressed, lover boy. Your man will be downstairs by now.”

“He’s my brother.”

“I’ve been thinking about that.”

“And we’re all still alive?”

Knox stuck his tongue out. “I’m trying to help you, fuck face, and I need to get this sorted so I can find the maid. You should have seen her ass and those—”

“Gay man here. No tits and pussy.”

“Oh, pussy.” Knox licked his lips. “She tasted—”

“Fuck off!” Archer gagged and barely kept the coffee down. He ignored Knox’s peals of laughter and watched as he fell back on the bed, his hand on his chest.

Knox lifted his head from the bed and smiled gleefully at him. “Not gonna hurl?”

“No, because we’ll be late, and you’ll be late for whatever her name is.”

Knox shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. Just wanted to get her naked and see what that outfit hid and let me tell you something—”

“I don’t need to know. Dick and balls for me, yeah, and you quickly forgot about Betsy.”

Knox shrugged. “Is the prostate the orgasm center in a man’s ass?”

“Want some woman to stick her finger up there?”

Shrugging again, Knox at up and watched Archer as he dressed. “You seem to like it.”

“If you’re with a man who knows what he’s doing, it’s pretty amazing.”


Archer watched Knox, almost seeing the thought process going through his mind. “No.”

Knox eyebrows lifted. “No? Why not?”

“Could you suck a man’s dick? Take his come in your mouth? Maybe swallow it?” Knox mimed vomiting, and Archer gave him a close-lipped smiled. “I didn’t think so.”

“It can’t be that good.”

“The taste is affected by diet, so occasionally it can taste disgusting.”

“Okaaayyy. Thanks for that. Note to self. Don’t swallow another man’s come.”

“I’m dressed. Let’s get this over and done with. Mom’s going on her honeymoon after the breakfast, isn’t she?”

“Malaysia for a week then a few other places around there. She’s always wanted to go there and couldn’t before. I told Robert, and he booked it. She doesn’t know, so keep it shut.”

“That’s really good of you.” Archer smiled, watching Knox duck his head and shrug.

“She gave up so much for us when Dad died. It’s only right she has something for her now, and Robert loves her.” Knox winced when he said it. “She deserves this.”

“You won’t find me disagreeing. I’m glad he’s treating her right.”

Knox rolled his eyes. “You’ve managed to miss a lot of the family meals together with your practice or was that an excuse to get out of them. He worships her, and I mean worships her. She only has to flutter her eyelids, and he’s at her beck and call. And he loves it. They are sickeningly happy together.”

“And we’re all over the moon for her. Is the rest of the clan joining us?”

“Yeah. August, River, and Quince are there already. It’s just us two they’re waiting for. Starr wanted to come, but Sandra was ill, so they’re staying at home.”

Archer winced. “Poor Starr. She must be gutted to be missing out.”

“She said she’d call Mom before they left.” Glancing at his cell, Knox raised an eyebrow.

“Let’s go then.”

“And see Cain.” Knox made kissy faces at Archer who pointedly ignored him. Why was Knox his brother?



“Walter, it’s nice to see you.”

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