Home > Undaunted(26)

Author: Shirleen Davies

“Gentlemen.” Grayson’s voice had them coming to attention in their seats. “I have Kell Kirkland with WES on the phone with us. Ms. Blackmore’s protection remains a primary op. There is additional data affecting the mission. Blackmore is not the only senator being threatened with harm to family members. There are two others. The FBI is protecting both senators and their families. Kell is going to provide an update.”

“I’ve spoken with Senator Blackmore. He still refuses to bring in the FBI to protect Brittany. After the way you gentlemen handled the attack at Fuse’s house, he’s convinced WES working with the Brethren is the right choice to protect his daughter. Grayson has given us his approval.”

“Which means, our connection with the FBI will remain tenuous on this op,” Grayson interjected. “The director is fuming over Blackmore’s refusal to bring them in. As you know, the current director isn’t a supporter of Eternal Brethren. Due to your record, he can’t touch us. He’s forced to work with us and share what he knows about the perps threatening the three senators.”

“Do you expect the data he supplied will be complete, sir?” Mitch asked.

“Hell no. The man’s as tight as they come. But we’ve got our own people working on it, as well as other sources I won’t name. What we believe right now is the Butovo Bratva is behind the threats against the senators.”

“To what end, Admiral?” Fuse asked.

“There are votes coming up about our dealings with Russia. It will take three senators to swing the opposite way to pass the bills in Russia’s favor. The consensus is the threats are connected to the votes, and the three senators who are on the fence.”

“Threats and kidnapping seem a little drastic,” Rock muttered.

“I’d agree, except we believe there’s more at stake than the votes. For now, the order hasn’t changed. Kell’s received the senator’s approval to provide more men, freeing you boys for our own missions. Wrath, I’ll get back with you as soon as more Intel is available.”

“Yes, sir.” Ending the call, he thrummed his fingers on the desk. “You heard him. Mitch, you and Fuse will return to his house with Ms. Blackmore. Who do you want with you?”

Mitch turned toward Fuse. “Your call.”

“Gunner, Fargo, and Bas. Iggy and Boomer on the highway, if you can still spare them.”

“Done. Take what you need from the armory. Raider, I want you to do another sweep of Fuse’s place. Upgrade as needed. The Bratva will send more men. We need at least one alive.” Wrath set his hands on the table and stood. “You’re dismissed. Fuse, Mitch, and Gunner stay. We have a few more details to discuss.”


Fuse opened the door to the secure ops center where one of the Brethren sat several feet from where Brittany worked on her computer. He dismissed him with a flick of his hand.

At the sound of his approach, her fingers stilled on the keys. Lifting her head, she locked gazes with him. Surprising her, Fuse leaned down, brushing his lips across the sensitive skin below her ear.

“Are you ready to leave?” His whispered question was accompanied by another brush of his lips.

Shivering, heart stuttering, she let out an unsteady breath, wishing he’d kiss her. Instead, Fuse straightened, ending the brief contact.

Disappointed, resigned he’d never allow them a second chance, she closed the laptop, slid it into its case, and stood. “I’m ready.”

Fuse walked behind her to the front of the clubhouse. Mitch, Gunner, Fargo, and Bas waited by the door.

“You’ll be riding with Mitch, Gunner, and me in the truck, Brit. Any questions?” When she shook her head, they headed out.

She sat in the back seat with Gunner, her attention on the passing scenery. Brittany knew the men had been meeting to discuss the attack and keeping her safe. She’d calmed down a great deal since seeing four men riddled with bullets and covered in blood on the floor at Fuse’s house.

It had been the most gruesome, haunting scene she’d ever witnessed, prompting more than one nightmare. Instead of curling into a ball, trying to stop her body from shaking, Brittany had prayed for the courage to seek out Fuse, slip into his bed, and let his strong arms take away the horrific visions. Pride and dignity won out over the humiliation of appearing weak.

The sound of wheels rolling over asphalt had her yawning. Giving a quick shake of her head, she touched the still tingling spot where Fuse’s lips had branded her skin. If he kept up the teasing assaults, it wouldn’t be long before her control snapped. She couldn’t afford to go along with his ludicrous proposal for meaningless sex. It would be fun while it lasted, but the aftermath would be devastating. At least for her.

Brittany checked her watch. Not even noon and she wanted to stretch out on the back seat and sleep. So unlike the woman who could put in eighteen hour days, starting well before a seven a.m. breakfast and ending long after a nine p.m. theatre performance.

The slowing of the truck had her sitting up. Fuse pulled into a different driveway this time, stopping in front of a garage large enough for four cars.

“Go ahead and get out, Brit. Mitch and Gunner will escort you inside while I park this and talk with the other men.”

Mitch pulled open her door, helping her to the ground before grabbing the computer case. He studied her as they entered the house, the slump in her shoulders, her slow pace.

“How are you doing, Brittany?”

Shrugging, she entered the house, passing the family room, kitchen, and Fuse’s office before halting in front of her bedroom door. She didn’t reach for the knob.

Mitch stood behind her, understanding what was going on. “How about setting up your computer in the family room?”

She let out a relieved sigh, following him back down the hall, lowering herself onto the sofa.

“If you’re tired, stretch out here. I can stay with you.”

“I’ll keep her company.” Fuse walked in, setting his keys on a table. “Gunner is going to check the cameras after he, Fargo, and Bas do a perimeter check.”

Mitch grabbed a blanket from a chair, setting it next to Brittany. “I’ll get food together for everyone.”

Fuse sat a foot away from Brittany on the sofa. The spot gave him a clear view of the hallway, kitchen, and patio through the glass doors. He knew Mitch would have eyes on the front door, living room, and dining room. Plus, all the men wore earpieces connecting them to the communications network.

Kell and Wrath had insisted everyone wear bulletproof vests. Uncomfortable but necessary. The Bratva didn’t play games. They were nasty opponents, more so than either the Night Devils or Demons Blood, another outlaw MC who claimed territory near Liberty Lake.

“Are you doing all right, Brit?”

Shifting, she tucked her legs under her, resting an elbow on the back of the sofa. “I’m doing all right. My concentration isn’t so great. I guess it’s expected, given what happened here. Did you learn who those men were?”

“We’re still working on identifying them.” The lie didn’t bother him. She didn’t need to be worried about the Russian Mafia being involved, nor the fact two other senators had been threatened. Brittany needed to focus on her own safety, and her work.

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