Home > Spring Secrets(3)

Spring Secrets(3)
Author: Allie Boniface

“So what does that have to do with taking self-defense?”

She twisted her fingers together. Dash didn’t look like a list-maker. “I have some things I want to do before I go.”

Read Pride and Prejudice again.

Get a new laptop.

Buy an honest-to-goodness camera and learn how to use it.

There were other items on the list, but to be honest, she couldn’t remember them at the moment. Dash’s gaze seemed to be burning them right out of her head.

“Ah,” he said, “and one of those things is learning to fight off Jack the Ripper?”

Sienna blinked. “Is he still a thing? I thought he died last century.”

Dash laughed, an amazing sound that filled up the room. His dimples popped and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “I think you’re right. He’s probably long gone. But I’m sure there’s someone over there waiting to kidnap pretty young women.”

He thinks I’m pretty.

Don’t be stupid. He probably says things like that to everyone who walks in here.

“Sienna?” Dash waved a hand in front of her face. “Sorry. I was kidding. I didn’t mean to scare you. I think London’s as safe as any place these days.”

“Which means, not so much.” She tugged down her tank top and wished she’d brought something baggier than yoga leggings and a thin cotton top. Under his gaze, she felt oddly exposed. Vulnerable.

He took her hands and shook her arms lightly, as if to loosen them. “Then we better get started. If you have a list of things to get through, I mean. I’m sure self-defense training is just one of many.”

Was he teasing her? She couldn’t tell. His mouth seemed perpetually curved into a half-smile.

“Though I can promise you, it might be the most fun of all the things you’ll be checking off that list.”

Oh, he was definitely teasing her. And she was definitely enjoying it.

“We’ll take it one step at a time,” he added, fixing those intense blue eyes on hers. “That’s how you tackle anything, you know. Self-defense, lists, life in general. One step at a time.”



ONE HOUR LATER, FLUSHED with adrenaline and good old-fashioned lust, Dash made two protein smoothies and slid one across the desk to Sienna. “You did good for your first time.”

“Thanks.” She wrapped her lips around the straw and sucked, which did nothing to cool his desire. “But you have a strange definition of good.” She loosened her damp hair from its ponytail and combed it out with her fingers. “I think you mean I didn’t pass out or break a bone.”

“Well, that too. I’ve seen both happen.”

“I’m sure you have.” She looked around the gym. “You’ve probably seen a lot happen inside these walls.”

He’d seen more happen outside them, but he wouldn’t tell her that. “So what are you doing between now and July? Besides checking things off your to-do list?”

She stuck out her tongue, looking so cute he almost couldn’t resist the urge to make a dirty comment. “Very funny. Lists are helpful, you know.”

“Or confining.”

She shrugged. “Not for me. Anyway, I took a leave replacement at Whispering Pines Elementary School. The regular teacher’s going out on maternity leave, and I start tomorrow. I figure it’ll give me some good experience for when I go abroad.”

“Is get experience on your list?”

“I already have some, Mr. Wise Ass. I taught when I was in college. For just a month, okay, but it was something.”

That didn’t surprise him. Teaching seemed like the perfect job for someone like Sienna, someone obviously smart and organized and put together. Someone who’d made all the right choices in and after high school. Someone who wasn’t anything like him.

“You might need some self-defense moves down there,” he joked. “I’ve heard school kids can be tough.”

“Geez, I hope not. Although I guess it would be good practice.” She pulled out her phone. “So should we set up some kind of schedule?”

Hell, yes. He wouldn’t mind spending a lot more time training Sienna. “I have most afternoons free, depending on what time you’re done with work.”

“How’s four-thirty?” She tapped something into her phone. It buzzed, and he saw a text message come up on the screen. She swiped it away without answering it. Another message came a moment later. “It’s fine,” she whispered under her breath. “Stop texting me.”

Dash resisted the urge to ask. A moment later, it turned out he didn’t have to.

“It’s my ex,” she said. “He’s the one who bought me the self-defense training. He wants to know how it’s going.”

“Ah.” So she’s single.

“He hasn’t really gotten the message that we’re over.” She put her phone down. “Do you know Jason Kingsley?”

Dash thought for a minute. “Don’t think so.”

“He’s a good guy. His father is the minister at our church.”

At that, a cold feeling washed over him. Our church. Her casual tone suggested she went on a regular basis. If she had dated the minister’s son, she probably did other church-related things too, like serve coffee and cookies after the service or bring meals to the homebound or pray with the sick. She’s so far out of your league, it’s not even funny. “Which church is that?” he asked, more to make conversation than anything else.

“Valley Presbyterian. Right at the bottom of Sunrise Mountain, before you start over to Silver Valley.”

He’d probably passed it a thousand times. He’d sure never slowed or stopped or gone inside, though. “How’s Tuesdays and Thursdays at four-thirty?” he asked, to change the subject. He felt suddenly embarrassed, ashamed of his life.

She tapped into her phone. “Sounds good.” She pulled on her hoodie. “I should probably go.”

“Sure thing.” He stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you. We’ll get you in shape in no time.”

She took his hand and smiled, and against his better judgment he said, “Let me walk you to your car.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks pinked. “Okay.”

He held up her coat and waited as she slipped first one slender arm and then the other inside. A touch closer and he could wrap her in his arms. Behave, Dash. She’s a good girl. A church girl. She doesn’t need to get mixed up with anyone like you. He pulled on his own coat and followed her to the door. Their breath came in long white streams the moment they stepped outside. They walked around the building to the parking lot behind.

“Miserable weather tonight.” She unlocked her car, shivering.

He glanced up. “But take a look at that view.” Above them, stars studded the early evening sky. In the distance, Sunrise Mountain was a dark, solid shadow, keeping watch over the town.

“It’s pretty, I’ll give you that.” She blinked and looked upward as well, and her long lashes fell to her cheeks. “Guess I’ll see you on Tuesday.”

This was the moment she would turn and say goodbye, duck into her car, and leave him standing in the falling snow. Except she didn’t. She stood with her back against the sedan, not moving, her chest lifting and falling, the breath still streaming from between her cherry lips. It took everything he had not to lean over and kiss her.

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