Home > Spring Secrets(7)

Spring Secrets(7)
Author: Allie Boniface

“So you can play the hero that shows her how to kick us in the nuts?”

They all laughed. “Something like that,” Dash said.

“Sure, what the hell?” Mac said. “I’m always up for lending a helping hand.”

Ten minutes later, the four of them stood in the studio at the back of the gym. Sienna had changed into a t-shirt and leggings, clinging just tightly enough to ruin Dash’s vow to behave. She put her hands on her hips. “So what exactly is happening here?”

He took her wrist in his. Small, slender, but strong under the skin. He tried to ignore the heat it generated. “We’re gonna do some real-life practice. You know Mac and Damian?”

She smiled. “Yes, but you all were a few years ahead of me in school. You guys renovated the Thompson house, right?”

Damian nodded.

“It’s beautiful.”


“Yeah, yeah, enough with the polite chatter,” Dash said with a grin. “Okay, we’re gonna pretend you’ve never met Damian, and he comes up and grabs you on the sidewalk in the middle of the night.”

“In Whispering Pines?” Mac said. “Where everyone’s in bed in the middle of the night?”

“Shut up. Yes. Or in London. Or, I don’t know, in a thousand other places where it could happen.” He glanced at Sienna, who looked a little pale with worry. “Sorry. I just mean, it’s better to be able to protect yourself if you’re in a situation like that. With no one else around.”


“Believe it or not, in a lot of cases, you can get away or hurt your attacker even if you’re smaller or weaker than he is.” He dropped Sienna’s wrist and stood with his back to Mac. “Grab my wrist.”

“With pleasure.” Mac reached out a thick hand and was on the ground in less than a second. “What the—” He got to one knee and gave Dash a look of admiration. “That’s a pretty good move.”

Dash hoped Sienna would think so too. “Here,” he said, reaching for her hips and positioning her into place. “Take my wrist.”

“You’re not going to throw me on the ground, are you?”

Oh, he’d like to. And then he’d like to do a few things with her while she was down there. He swallowed. “Nope. I’m gonna show you how to do it to me.”

He was never going to make it through this hour. Never. Every single word out of his mouth sounded like it belonged in a porn film. Or maybe he was just being paranoid. He slid a glance at Sienna. Sure, that was it. Paranoid.

“Watch. You just grabbed me. Now I put my hand on your wrist and turn like this. Then apply pressure. Doesn’t have to be a lot.” He gave her the slightest push, not wanting to hurt or startle her. “See?”

Understanding lit her features. “I think so.” She inched closer and held out one arm. “Try it on me.”

He cleared his throat, stepped behind her, and grabbed. Not hard, but she was a fast learner. She turned, pressed, and shoved him to the ground.

Mac and Damian broke out in laughter and applause. “Hey, that’s what I like to see! A woman who can bring Dashiell Springer to his knees.”

He popped back up. “Not bad.”

“Thanks.” Her face was pink. “That was kind of fun.”

“Yeah?” He motioned to Damian. “Give it a try with him.”

“Don’t tell Summer I was grabbing another woman,” Damian said with a laugh.

“Is she the jealous type?” Dash had only met Damian’s girlfriend a few times, but he knew Summer Thompson had grown up in Whispering Pines. And that she’d lost her kid brother in a car wreck years ago.

“Nope. She’s the cool, down-to-earth, gorgeous type.” Damian took Sienna’s arm, and she turned him around and put him on the ground. “Nice,” he said from his knees. “You aren’t a half-bad teacher, Springer.” He hopped up and grabbed his water bottle. “Ready to hit the weights?” he asked Mac.

“Yep. Sorry, Sienna,” Mac said as they headed for the door. “We’re leaving you alone with the devil.”

Dash flipped them the bird. “He’s kidding.”

“I know.” She wiped her face with a towel. “But Damian’s right. You are a good teacher. I mean, if I could pick up that move in just a few minutes.”

He flushed. “It’s a pretty basic one.”

“But a good one. I hate to think I might actually have to use it someday, but I guess that’s the world we live in now. Felons around every corner, huh?”

He didn’t say anything to that.

“So what’s next? Should we practice some more, or...”

“Want to try something else?” He didn’t usually suggest this right away, but Sienna seemed different. She might actually appreciate it.


“Focus is important in self-defense. Awareness of your surroundings is key. Meditation can help with that.”


“You might be surprised. It’s something I picked up when I was living in California. Helps clear the mind.”

She gave him a sideways glance. “I didn’t know you’d ever left New York.”

“For a few years, yeah.” He shrugged. “Don’t talk much about it.”

“Any reason?”

Because I made some shitty mistakes and don’t want everyone in town knowing about them. “It’s in the past.”

“I get that,” she said, and those delicious lips curved upward. “Okay, coach. Show me what to do.” She stretched, raising her arms above her head and revealing an inch of smooth, caramel-colored belly skin.

Dash blew out a long breath. Think about baseball. The Yankees. Pitch counts. Cold showers. Anything. He picked up two yoga mats from the stack in the corner and unrolled them. Then he turned off all the lights but one and sank to the floor.

“Ever done this before?”

“No. I’ve read a little about it, though.” She sat beside him, legs crossed.

Of course she had. She’d probably read a little about every subject under the sun. Again that feeling of insecurity washed over him. Sienna Cruz wasn’t meant for a place like Whispering Pines. She was meant for London, for Paris, for traveling the world and leaving her mark every place she went.

He inhaled and exhaled slowly. “This is a good way to wrap up a workout. Or a rough day.”

“Do I have to chant or say om or something?”

“Not unless you want to. Just close your eyes.”

She lifted one brow.

He raised his palms in innocent supplication. “I promise I won’t try any funny business.”

For just a second, her expression changed, and he thought she might say something flirtatious in response. But then she dropped her gaze and the moment was gone. Dash cleared his throat and stretched both arms overhead. The Yankees. The Rangers. The Giants. Any sports team would do.

“Okay, the goal is to breathe in for a count of four, then out for four. Then breathe in for five, and out for five. Go up to eight if you can, or if you can’t, stay wherever feels comfortable. Stay at the top number four times, then work your way back down to four breaths in and out.”

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