Home > All My Loving(43)

All My Loving(43)
Author: Marie Force

Landon extended his hand to Amanda, inviting her to join him.

She cozied up to him, and with her in his arms and the scent of her hair enveloping him in a cloud of sweetness, he felt himself settle ever so slightly into the possibility that he was, in fact, falling in love with her.

That was a rather earth-shattering revelation to a guy who’d gone out of his way to avoid the L word his entire adult life.

But if falling in love meant getting to be with her every day, well, then that was just fine with him.

“How was the lesson?” Landon asked her.

“It was great. Hunter showed me a few things I need to practice. I’m going to order a keyboard online.”

“We might be able to get you one through the store,” Hunter said. “We have suppliers for just about everything.”

“Even better.”

“I’ll check with Charley tomorrow and let you know.”

“Thank you.” To Landon, she said, “Are you ready to head home?”

“Whenever you are.”

Amanda stood and found her balance while holding on to Landon’s shoulder. “Thank you, guys, so much for dinner and the piano lesson. I really appreciate it.”

“Our pleasure,” Hunter said.

“Don’t get up,” Landon said. “We can see ourselves out. Thanks again.”

“Any time,” Megan said.

Landon helped Amanda down the stairs and into his truck. “How’re you holding up?” he asked as he drove them home.

“This last hour will be the longest of my whole life.”

“Probably, but just think, in an hour, you get to talk to Stella.”

“I can’t wait.” She looked over at him. “I know you have to go to work—”

“I can hang out until you make the call.”

“Oh good,” she said, sounding relieved. “I was so hoping you might be able to stay.”

“Barring a rescue call, I’m all yours.” That was true in ways he was only beginning to fully understand.



Chapter Eighteen



“Patience is the art of hoping.”

—Luc de Clapiers



After Landon and Amanda left, Hunter and Megan continued to snuggle on the sofa until she was yawning so much, he insisted they turn in early. He let out Horace and locked up for the night.

On the way upstairs, Hunter said, “I think my little boy Landon is falling in love.”

“I know. I told him that and freaked him out a little.”

“He didn’t already realize it?”

“He said he was getting there on his own, but he seemed a little startled to have it spelled out so clearly by someone else.”

Hunter put his arms around her, gazing down at her with the love and affection that had become part of her daily life since he made her fall in love with him. “You know what I don’t miss?”

“What’s that?”

“All the time I spent wishing for everything we have now. I wouldn’t go back to that for anything. That uncertainty is the worst.”

“It is. Landon is really struggling with trying to figure out how he fits into her life, especially in light of the new wrinkle with her daughter.”

“That’s really quite a challenge for both of them,” Hunter said.

“It is, but I think they’re up to it.”

“I do, too. It’s funny how both he and Lucas could end up taking on kids. They’re a couple of kids themselves.”

“No, they’re not,” Megan said. “Despite how it might seem sometimes, they’re actually fully grown men.”

“They are? Really?”

“They are.”

“Huh, I must’ve missed that memo.”

“Guess what? So is Max.”

Hunter pulled a shocked expression. “Wow. I might need a minute to process this.”

“Face the facts, love. Your baby brothers aren’t babies anymore.”

“I can’t get my head around this development.”

Megan yawned again and snuggled into his embrace, practically asleep on her feet.

“Let’s get my baby mama tucked into bed.”

She was almost asleep when he slid into bed a few minutes after her. “Need my kiss.” Even though her eyes were closed, she felt his smile against her lips. “Love you.”

“Love you, too. Thanks for marrying me and making me the happiest guy in the world.”

She managed a smile with the last of her energy. “You didn't give me much choice.” They had this conversation frequently.

“The choice was all yours, my love.”

“Best thing I ever did was marry you.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” He put his arms around her and settled her head on his chest. “Sleep. I’ve got you.”


The final forty-five minutes were, indeed, the longest minutes of Amanda’s life. “What if she doesn’t like me?”

Landon sat next to her on the sofa, holding her hand and doing his best to keep her calm. “She’ll love you. How can she not?”

“What if she changes her mind?”

“She won’t.”

“What if I can’t do it? I’ve never been anyone’s mother. What if I screw her up?”

“You won’t. After reading her letter to you, it’s obvious she’s already a great kid. You’ll just be taking over what her mother started.”

“When are you going to get sick of me and tell me to get out of your house so you can get your life back?”

“Um, never? I love having you here.”

“I can’t imagine why. All I’ve done is cry all over you and bring massive amounts of drama to your previously peaceful existence.”

“That’s not all you’ve done, and my peaceful existence was boring compared to having you here.”

She laughed. “You’re crazy.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m crazy about you. You’ve got enough going on without worrying about me getting sick of you. That’s not going to happen.”

“It could happen.”

He kissed her, probably to shut her up, and really, who could blame him? “Not going to happen.”

“I’m lucky to have such a good friend at a time when I need one very badly.”

“Everything is going to be fine. I know it. Just keep breathing and take it one minute at a time.”

“I’m still figuring out how to do that. I’m used to having plans for my plans, and nothing is going according to plan.”

“You’re writing a whole new plan, and I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”

At one minute before nine, Landon got up, retrieved the portable phone and handed it to her. “Do you want me to stay?”

“God, yes.”

Smiling, he returned to the sofa and put his arm around her. “Keep breathing.”

“I’m trying.” Her hands trembled as she dialed the number she’d all but memorized and listened to it ring. And when the voice of a young girl answered with a cheerful “Hello,” tears flooded her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

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