Home > The Petrov Brothers(54)

The Petrov Brothers(54)
Author: J.L. Beck

“What do you think Ivan is going to think when he finds you, thoroughly fucked, my cum dripping from your cunt?”

His words spark so much anger inside of me that I start fighting him… really fighting him. I buck, kick, hit, bite, and scratch. My body moves without thought.

Fight him at all costs, I tell myself. I will not let him do this. I will not let him touch me.

“I like when you fight me, baby, makes your pussy really tight.” He laughs and grabs me by my shoulders. His fingers dig into my skin as lifts me up a few inches just to slam me back to the floor with lethal force. My head bounces off the hardwood floor like a basketball. An explosive pain erupts at the back of my skull, making the room spin around me.

I think I black out for a moment, my body is numb, and it hurts to breathe. Once I’m finally able to form a coherent thought again, I notice that Lucan has ripped my shirt off and is touching my exposed breast, sucking, biting at the flesh.

I try to push him off again, but he just chuckles, wrapping a hand around my throat, squeezing till I see black dots across my vision. I feel his other hand reach down between my legs and tears start to roll down the side of my face and into my hair.

Ivan, where are you?

I close my eyes and try to let my mind drift away. I want to leave this body, forget the sick feeling filling my belly. I want to have no memories of this. Just when I think nothing can save me, that this evil man is going to take something so precious from me, I hear the sound of squealing tires off in the distance. I open my eyes and look up at the monster taking advantage of me. Luca is so busy trying to rape me he’s not paying attention to the noises around him, because he doesn’t realize that someone is coming until the front door swings open so hard I swear the whole room shakes.

I don’t have to look to know who it is that’s come to my rescue. Luca is pulled off of me in the next second. He lashes out with his hands, trying to get away, but Ivan and Roman move with superhuman speed. I cover my exposed chest with an arm and scurry backward.

Luca doesn't take more than one step before Ivan has him by the throat, slamming him against the closest wall. I get up off the floor and run down the hall, my stomach churning, my entire body aching. I can’t sit there and watch them kill him, even though he deserves it.

I hear Luca’s cries of pain as I reach the bedroom and slam the door closed behind me. I strip out of my clothes and go straight into the bathroom, turning the shower onto hot. I step into the hot spray and let the water wash every remnant of Luca away. His disgusting touch, his smell and his sweat, I want it all off of me. Erased from my body and erased from my memory.

I let the tears fall, leaning against the tile sobbing, releasing every single ounce of pain from within my body. I feel myself breaking in two, no way to hold myself together.

“Violet,” Ivan calls out to me, his voice frantic, and it makes me cry harder. I sink down onto the floor, huddling in the corner. I don’t even see or hear him enter the room, but then I feel his hands on me, pulling me into his chest. I clutch to the fabric, and cry into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body encompass mine. I suck in breath after breath of his scent, pushing the thoughts of Luca from my mind. I’m safe. I’m secure. Ivan saved me.

After a long time of holding me, he finally speaks.

“Are you okay? Did he…”

I open my eyes and look up at him. Guilt and shame fill his beautiful gray eyes and I shake my head no.

“I need to get you out of this shower and onto the bed. I want to make sure you’re okay.” He picks me up like I weigh nothing and carries me to the bed, setting me down on it gently. I lay my head down on the pillow. Other than the thoughts of what almost happened swirling inside my mind and a pounding headache, I’m okay.

Ivan’s eyes roam over every inch of flesh before he’s cupping me by the cheeks, his lips pressing against mine so softly, so gently.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Violet. I’m sorry for walking away, for leaving you here alone. If I hadn’t let my temper get the best of me, I would’ve been here, and he never would’ve touched you.”

I can live with the things going on inside me right now, the pain will fade, but I can’t live with Ivan feeling guilt and shame over something he couldn’t control. This wasn’t his fault, and I refuse to allow him to think that it was.

“Listen…” I try to sit up while talking to him but then the room spins out of control. I have to close my eyes to get a grip on the dizziness.

“What’s wrong?” Ivan’s voice is laced with concern.

“I hit my head on the floor. I think I passed out for a little while. I don’t really remember.” I lift my hand, feeling for a tender spot on my scalp. My fingertips graze over the spot, and I feel a huge bump underneath my fingers.

“All right, we’re going to get you to a doctor, right now. Here, let me get you dressed.” Ivan hurries to the dresser and starts grabbing clothes.

“You’re going to take me to see Mac?” I whimper, unable to not feel the tender spot on my head now that I’ve touched it.

“No, a real doctor.” He starts helping me into my underwear, and I almost want to shoo him away, but I’m so woozy that I actually think I’m going to need his help.

“Is that really a good idea, Ivan?”

Ivan gives me a stern look. “I don’t really give a fuck what is a good idea right now. You’re my ending and beginning, and if something is wrong with you then I’m going to take care of you before I worry about anything else.”

He finishes getting me dressed and then helps me into a standing position. Now that I’m standing and eye level with his chest, I notice that his clothes are soaked from getting me out of the shower, but he doesn’t seem to care about them. Actually, he doesn’t seem to care about anything but me right now.

“Ivan…” The words are cut off when a piercing pain shoots through my head. I squeeze my eyes shut in hopes to ease the pain but there’s no point. It feels like someone is carving deep inside my skull with a dull knife.

“Kitten, stay with me.” Ivan lifts me up yet again and carries me out the door.

“Roman! Car! Now!” he yells into the hallway and before I know it, we are outside, cool air hits my clammy skin, and Ivan opens the back door put us in the backseat of Roman’s car, his grip on me never slacking, not even for a second.

Roman enters the car just a moment later, starting it without question.

“We are taking her to the hospital. I don’t care what the fuck you have to say about it…”

“Calm down, Ivan. That’s where I planned to go anyway.” Roman’s voice sounds oddly calm. The complete opposite of Ivan’s worry-stricken tone. My eyes drift closed as I listen to the roar of the engine as Roman starts to drive.

“Open your eyes, Kitten. Don’t go to sleep,” Ivan orders.

“My head hurts… and I’m so tired,” I whine. I don't know if it’s the way Ivan is holding me against him or the soothing motion of the car but the desire to sleep overwhelms me. Maybe just a small nap would be okay?

“Violet, listen to me, you need to open your eyes. We are almost to the hospital.” Ivan’s voice is drifting farther and farther away, and I’m close to letting the darkness take over me when his next words drag me back to reality.

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