Home > The Petrov Brothers(57)

The Petrov Brothers(57)
Author: J.L. Beck

“Of course, Sir.” I watch the waitress scurry away, clearly uncomfortable with two guys looking like us at her table.

Xander Rossi takes the seat directly across from me, looking rather pleased with himself. “Ivan, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“Can’t same the same.” Especially now that I see his face. His features are so similar to his father's. He looks like what I imagine Rossi Senior to have looked like twenty years ago, and I have to remind myself that he is not his father.

“You might change your mind about me when you hear what I have to offer you,” he smirks, full of himself, just like his father.

“And what’s that? What could you offer me that I don’t already have?”

“Money, power, and of course, the most important thing… freedom. You would never have to look over your shoulder again. Never have to worry about someone coming for you.” His offer is very tempting, very tempting, even more so now that Violet and I are expecting a baby.

“The question is… what do you want in return?” I cross my arms over my chest, staring him down.

His dark gaze doesn’t waver from mine. “All I want from you is a location. Tell me how to find my father so I can kill him. That’s all I want from you. Then we’ll all be free from him and able to live our lives.” Xander is very good at hiding his feelings; you have to be to survive in this business. But even he can’t hide the flash of desperation in his eyes. He wants his father dead more than anyone else and that's saying a lot considering how many people want Rossi dead.

“Furthermore, once my father is dead, I’ll need someone to take over his business in this area. I don’t want to expand mine, but I don’t want one of my father’s goons to take over either. I could make sure that you get the position.”

“How do I know you’re not going to just stab me in the back later? I don’t know you but what I’ve heard about you raises concerns about your trustworthiness to me, and those I care about. Maybe you’re just blowing smoke up my ass now so you can turn around and kill me later, taking your father’s territory for yourself.”

“I can assure you that I have no need nor desire to do either of those things.” Xander leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. He looks as determined as I feel. “I guess the real question is, are you willing to trust me to secure a future for you and the people you love?” When I don’t answer right away, he continues, “Maybe we should ask Violet to come over here and see what she thinks.”

Anger and protectiveness surges through me like I’ve been hit by lightning. I slam my fist down on the table, loudly. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

The last thing I need is Xander hurting Violet and our unborn baby.

Xander chuckles and puts his hands up, trying to calm me. “No reason to get angry. Look, I know what you’re probably thinking. I keep Violet’s sister like my father keeps his women and if I’m being honest, I thought the same thing about you, but now that I see you and her.” He glances over to where Violet and Roman are sitting across the room. “It’s obvious that you care for Violet just as much as I care for Ella, and for that simple reason alone, I won’t betray you. I won’t do anything that would hurt Ella or her sister.”

I can’t deny the sincerity in his voice. I consider my options. He’s not asking me for anything dangerous, anything that I can’t give him. And he’s right, hurting Violet would only hurt Ella, and if he cares for her as much as it seems right now, then I doubt he would do anything.

“If you fuck me over, I will come for you, Xander,” I growl, and then look over to Violet. When our eyes meet, I wave her over. She sits there wide eyed for a second but then excitement grabs her, and she hastily makes her way over here with Roman on her heels. She sits down next to me while Roman takes a seat at the head of the table.

“You must be Violet,” Xander greets her. “I’ve heard a lot, and I mean a lot, about you. I’m Xander.” He holds his hand out to Violet and it takes a lot out of me not to pull her fragile hand away when she takes it and shakes it softly. He might actually love Ella and play nice with us, but I know the things those hands have done. I know the life he’s lived.

“Is my sister here? Is she okay? Can I talk to her or see her?” She starts bombarding him with questions, excitement in her voice.

“She is not here, I’m afraid. She stayed home in North Woods because, quite frankly, I didn't know if I could trust Ivan yet. I wanted to come and see for myself before I put her in any danger. As for the rest, yes, she is fine. Happy and healthy. We can definitely set up meetings for you to meet as soon as I’ve taken care of my father. Which hopefully will be very soon.” Xander looks straight at me, urging me to give him what he wants.

“Until then, maybe we can set up a secure phone line or even video chat? You could talk whenever you want.”

Violet’s eyes sparkle as she nods vigorously. She looks like she’s about to jump up and hug Xander. I hope she realizes that I would never allow that. I barely managed to hold myself back watching them shake hands.

“Okay, Xander, I’ll take the deal. I’ll tell you where he is and how to get past his security. But I want your word, a blood oath. I don’t want you turning around taking it back.”

A triumphant grin spreads out on Xander’s face, and he pulls a knife out. When Violet sees the metal of the blade, she gasps. I extend my hand out, watching as he slices the skin on his palm, before handing me the blade. I do the same, feeling the sting of pain as the sharp blade cuts through my skin, and then we shake hands across the table.

My gaze pierces his, and I know now we’ve just become family rather than enemies.

“I’ll be in touch,” He releases my hand and gives Violet a soft smile. “It was very nice to meet you, and I’ll be sure to let your sister know you’re alive and well.”

Violet opens her mouth to say something, but the words never come. I grab a napkin from the table and wrap it around my hand, watching as Xander drops money on the table and walks out.

Silence settles over the table, and I take a drink of my whiskey, letting it burn down my throat. Fuck, that was easier than I thought it’d be.

“Are we safe?” Violet looks up at me, those blue eyes of hers making me weak with need the same way they did the day I rescued her, taking her into my arms.

I smile, feeling like a hero. I might not have been able to save Mira, but I understand now that’s not my fault. I can’t control everything… but Violet, I could control her outcome, and saving her is the best thing I’ve ever done.

“Yes, Kitten, we’re safe.” I lean over and kiss her, a groan from Roman filling my ears.

“Are you guys going to fuck, too?” he mumbles, as I pull away.

I grin over at him. “Of course, we’ve been doing that a while. How the hell do you think you became an uncle?”

Roman looks at me, shocked, completely shocked. “You’re having a fucking baby?”

Violet and I both nod at the same time. Roman, of course, throws his hands in the air, shoving away from the table. He leaves the restaurant without a backward glance, and I understand why he feels the way he does. We just reconnected and now I’m making a family of my own. He doesn’t want me to forget about him, but he has no fucking clue the plans I have for him.

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