Home > The Petrov Brothers(96)

The Petrov Brothers(96)
Author: J.L. Beck

“She’s fine, I didn’t do…” I answer, but Ivan’s voice stops me dead in my tracks.

“I didn’t call to harass you Roman. I’ve got a lead on some of the assholes trying to go behind my back. I know for sure now that they have been trying to get back into the flesh selling business and I want to shut them down before it gets too bad.” The blood in my veins turns to ice.

I remember Andi telling me that he was approached by some men who wanted Sophie. We weren’t certain why they wanted her at that time because the men never told him why they wanted her but it makes sense now. She wasn’t taken to auction and the men that bought her from her parents never made their money back because she was never sold. If they’re looking to sell girls again then that explains why they came to take her, to make their money back.

“That means Sophie is in danger. What the hell do we do?” My voice raises, and I try to stop the anxiousness from consuming me. Nervous bubbles of fear fill my belly. I’ve finally got her back and now fear is on the horizon, threatening to rip all the good away from us. She stirs beside me, and I know the moment her big eyes open because I can feel them roaming over my skin.

“We need to find out where they’re operating, take in any of the other girls we can...it also wouldn’t be a bad idea to go and pay Sophie’s father a visit. He sold his daughter to these men, he might have some information we can use, maybe even know where they are now.”

I grit my teeth at the thought. I’ll kill her father if I discover he’s behind this. Hell, I should kill him anyway for putting his hands on her the way he did.

“So what do we do?” Sophie pushes up into a sitting position, her eyes wild, confusion marring her delicate features.

“We wait. I need to call Xander first since that is his turf. I’m going to talk to him and see if I can set up some operations so we can shut this shit down for good. I’ll need his permission since Sophie’s parent’s live in Xander’s territory. But I highly doubt he would have anything against it since those are the same people who took Violet and Ella.”

“And if he says no anyway?” I quip. Would Ivan go against Xander’s wishes?

“He won’t say no. Xander doesn’t agree with human trafficking any more than we do, especially since this one hits so close to home. He’ll help us Roman. Don’t worry about that.”

“Okay, let me know what you need from me, and if I can help somehow,” I mumble into the phone, pulling Sophie onto my lap. Right now I need to keep her close, as close as humanly possible.

“Just watch over Sophie. Let me know if anything strange happens.” My muscles tense instantly as I remember last night.

“Last night Sophie said she saw her father. Mac said it’s stress and her mind is conjuring up things, but I don’t think she was hallucinating. She was truly afraid Ivan. And since her father lives in North Woods he can’t be here by coincidence, he’s here for something, most likely for her.” Saying the words out loud enrages me. I can feel the fear in Sophie’s body as she clings to my chest like a second skin.

“Maybe we can lure him out of hiding. If he’s looking for her and he’s on my territory breaking rules and laws then we need to put an end to him.”

“We are not using her as bait. I don’t want to put her in danger. We know where he lives so I say we go to him instead of trying to find him here. We just make sure he knows where we are going,” I say softly, stroking my hand down Sophie’s back and wishing I could end all of this right now. The last thing I want to do is let her father get close to her. Her reaction to his presence last night was unnerving and seeing her paralyzed with fear as she was, scared me to death, and angered me beyond words all at once.

“We don’t have to let him get close to her. Let me come up with a plan, I’ll talk to Xander and then I’ll be in touch with you. If you see him again don’t react. I know it will be hard but I want all the details before you get to kill him. I know you want revenge and trust me so do I, but we need to think about the bigger picture. Think about the other girl they will take if we don’t stop this.”

“Okay,” I agreed. It will be hard, but I’ll fucking do it. I know Ivan is right.

Sophie’s father needs to be killed, but I can wait if I have to. She’ll be safer that way and we can actually help some other girls in the process. Sophie’s father will die either way. I don’t know when or where, but one day I will kill him, even if Ivan said otherwise, I’ll still do it. I could never let the piece of shit live knowing what he did to my Sophie.

I hang up the phone and pull Sophie back into my arms.

“I don’t want to go back there,” she said with her voice trembling.

“I know and you don’t have to. We can figure something else out. It will be fine, don’t worry.”

“I don’t want to go, but I will. Ivan is right, we need to do this not only for us but for all the other girls they took and are still planning on taking.” I hold her even closer to me. I can’t believe how brave and selfless she is. Even after everything she went through, she still thinks about other people before she does herself.



Three days later, Xander sends us his private jet, inviting us to his place. If it wasn’t for Ivan and Violet vouching for him, I wouldn’t take Sophie on this trip in a million years, let alone staying in his mansion. The only reason we are on this plane right now is Ivan and Violet swearing up and down that we can trust the Rossi brothers.

Sophie is sitting next to me, holding my hand with a death grip. Violet is sitting across from us trying to hide her excitement about this trip. Obviously we are there for a serious matter but for Violet this is a chance to see her sister and I don’t hold her happiness against her.

“You know you don’t have to pretend Violet,” I give her a reassuring smile. “We know you’re excited to see your sister and there is nothing wrong with that.”

A huge smile spreads across her face, lightening up her features.

“Thank you for understanding. I just feel bad about being happy in the midst of all of this mess.”

We land shortly after on a small runway, and when we get out of the plane, there is a limo waiting for us. I keep Sophie tucked closely to my side the whole time. I don’t care how many times Ivan assures me we are safe here, I don’t trust anyone with Sophie's safety.

The ride to the mansion is short and when we pull up, Xander and Ella are already waiting at the door. As soon as the car stops, Violet is out the door, running up the stairs to meet her sister. They clash together, their arms wrapping around each other, followed by a little jumping up and down. Ivan follows closely behind, while I keep my distance, ushering Sophie out of the car and up the stairs. I don't like this.

“You must be Roman, Ivan’s brother,” Xander holds out his hand to me once I get closer. I shake it reluctantly, eyeing him cautiously. I met him once before, but I didn't have Sophie to protect then. Xander’s gaze holds my own.

“My brother told me I can trust you, but I'll be the judge of that.”

Xander smirks. “I have too much at risk bringing you here to hurt you or her.” His eyes move past me and to Sophie. She's looking down at the ground as if it's the most interesting thing she's ever seen and oh how I wish the danger was gone and I could wrap her up in my arms and go home. Satisfied with Xander’s response I give him a curt nod.

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