Home > Claiming Her(8)

Claiming Her(8)
Author: Tory Baker

“No, whoever sent that letter left a print on it, but it’s not in any database, which means he or she has never had a record. Or it could have been from someone else handling it. We’ll figure it out and soon. We just need to stay vigilant right now.” I drop the tongs I was using to flip the bacon and walk toward her, needing her in my arms probably more than she needs me.

“Thank you, Slade.”

I pull her into me. “Nothing to thank me for.” When our hug is over, she does something I wasn’t expecting. She holds on to me as I walk back to the stove, snuggling in as I finish the bacon.

“I’ll get the eggs out of the fridge. Also, you said we were talking once we were downstairs, so it’s time to pony up.” Taylor has no idea how fucking adorable she can be when she’s throwing her sassiness around.

“I did. I guess now isn’t the time to make you wait some more?”

I cock an eyebrow when she says, “Not happening, Mister Bossy Pants.”

“The hell?” I shake my head with a smile. If she thinks I’m bossy now, I don’t know what she’ll think once I get her underneath me in bed.

“What? Tell me you aren’t bossy. You’re probably the bossiest person I’ve ever met.” She really does have her sass in full effect today.

“We’ll circle back to that. You know as well as I do how much Travis is against you having anything to do with me. I’m telling you now, I don’t give a Goddamn what he has to say about it, though. But, with that being said, I’m not telling him while he’s overseas. He needs to be watching out for himself and the men he’s overseeing.”

“I agree with your idea. It’s not that I want you to remain a secret to him, but he has enough to deal with. Now, what are our plans for the day? Am I allowed to go anywhere as long as you’re with me? Because if so, we need food, and not the healthy kind of food either. I need ice cream, brownies, chips… You know, carbs?”

“Is that so? Are you saying there’s nothing but healthy food in this house?” I fire back, loving the banter between the two of us.

“Slade Chavez, did you not just finish cooking turkey bacon? I rest my case.” She plops down on the seat at the counter after she plates out food while grumbling.

“You get what you get and don’t throw a fit, Trouble. Didn’t Travis ever tell you that?”

“Even Travis wouldn’t deduce me to this travesty,” she harrumphs.

“Fine, we’ll agree to disagree. But it’s you that will be keeping me in the gym longer at night, when I could be in bed with you.” Desire drips from my tone.

“It’s a good thing kissing and sex burn calories then,” Taylor says between bites of her eggs, barely touching the turkey bacon.

I’m caught off guard with her retort. I laugh, a real laugh that seems to only happen when I’m around Taylor. “Touché.” We finish our breakfast and then head out for the day.









“Are you taking me to work or am I driving as you follow me?” I ask Slade as the both of us get ready side by side on this ridiculous Monday morning. The weather is as bad as I feel. I’m not sick, not like that at least. It’s so disgustingly dreary outside and a Monday to boot. Not to mention, the weekend passed by entirely too fast. We didn’t do much. In fact, after we went to the grocery store Saturday, which by the way, I got all of the carbohydrates to my heart’s content. Slade didn’t think I was really going to go hog wild. I even offered to pay for all of the groceries; he wasn’t having that, not even allowing me to pay for half.

What we did do, though was talk. My God, did we talk, staying up until almost two in the morning, but it was worth it. It solidified our goals in a relationship and in life. Heck, we even talked about how many children we’d potentially like to have. Slade floored me when he said five to my two. Given the right circumstances, I’d have as many children as he could give me. Especially if they looked just like their father.

“I’m taking you and picking you up today. Tomorrow is up in the air. You may have to deal with Bridger or Drake.” He winces, putting his toothbrush in the holder. We fell into this relationship pretty quickly, just not in the sexual sense, which has been frustrating at times but also shows me the type of man Slade really is.

“They aren’t bad, you know.” I close the tube on my mascara I finished applying.

“I’d still rather it be me with you.”

I slide my hand around his waist, snuggling into his side. It’s something that comes to me naturally when I’m around him. “You have me every other waking minute, and don’t forget, we have a gym session together tonight.” I wink at him. The thought of Slade shirtless, in only gym shorts, working out, hair wet from exerting energy, sweat slicking down his body. I’m going to need another session in the shower where I’ll be using my fingers on myself, again.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear you in the shower last night. It took everything I had not to barge in on you and watch your fingers do what my mouth wanted more than anything.” The two of us are looking at each other in the mirror, him with a smile, my face turning a shade of red.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I play off instead of admitting the truth.

“Babe, I heard you the first night. Didn’t you realize our beds were backed up to each other? I got to say, I look forward to the real-life performance.”

“Jesus, Slade, you should come with a warning. I had no idea you heard. I thought I was being quiet,” I admit, then blow out a breath of air, trying to combat the way my body heats up.

“Nope, best damn thing to hear, but tonight, I’ll be watching if not an active participant. Now, if you’re ready, let’s get this show on the road.”

“Yep, I’m ready when you are. My bag is by the garage door.” I dart off, find my heels, which are under the bed somehow—not exactly sure how that happened. I’m bent over, reaching for them when Slade smacks my ass. I barely hold myself from falling over.

“I thought you said you were ready?”

“Did you hide my shoes?” I say as I grab my shoes, hop on one foot to put one on and then the other, all while Slade watches with a smirk on his face.

“Now, why would I do that?”

“Because you’re Slade, and you like to get your hands on my ass any chance you can get?” I roll my eyes.

“You know it,” he replies and walks out of the room. I follow him the entire way down, scoping out his body from the back and enjoying every moment of it. I have a feeling tonight will be the icing on my cake.

“Hold on, let me take something out for dinner. Anything particular you feel like having?” I ask.

There’s a gleam in his eye, and I know what he’s thinking, completely. It’s written all over his face.

“Nope.” The ‘p’ pops, then he’s licking his lips as he saunters over to me, grabbing me by the hips while lifting me and placing me on the counter. My skirt hikes up, all the way until he can see what I have underneath my skirt, as he steps between my now spread legs. “Goddamn, look at you. All professional suit wearing, but when I unwrap you, it’s a gift just for me.”

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