Home > Chance Encounter

Chance Encounter
Author: Jerry Cole

Chapter One


“I am having a party at my place, and you must come, Hay.” Becca implored me with her dark eyes, and I rolled mine.

“You know it’s opening night of HSM,” I reminded her as she sighed.

“Come over after. Please.” We were at the coffee shop around the corner from The Tower Theater since we both had to work later, and I sipped my cold brew.

“I’ll try. You’re lucky to have the night off,” I told her as she smiled. Becca was dating a girl that lived in San Diego, and they only saw each other when someone traveled. That was the reason she asked for the night off. The party just ended up being planned after that.

“I see Mari a few times a month if I’m lucky, ass.” Becca glared at me, and I laughed. “I have to ask for the night off to accomplish that.” She smiled at me. “Mari wants to see you.”

“I’ll try. You know how crowded opening nights are with the meet and greet. Everyone just stands around and talks forever. I’m the closer, so I leave last.” I shrugged and glanced at the smartwatch on my wrist. “Shit. Speaking of work, we need to hurry.”

“Ugh.” Becca grabbed the napkins and tossed them as I grabbed our drinks. We left the courtyard and walked down the street to the completely renovated theater that was booming right now. It reopened three months ago, and I helped in every step of that. I got Becca the job at the popular coffee stand in the lobby, and now we worked together, and sometimes lived together if I stayed at her place. That was often, particularly since I broke up with Ryan a month ago.

She was the sister I never had, and since my conservative family lived out in Ohio, nearly the only family I had around here.

Tonight was a musical, and it would be crowded with seniors from the nearby nursing homes. They got group discount tickets and came on Tuesdays. It would be a busy night, and Becca would serve a lot of coffee all evening long.

She pulled a clip out of her purse and wound her curls into a rough twist before pinning it back. Becca hugged me, and I leaned down to further insult her small five-foot three frame. “Have fun tonight!” She told me before we walked in and separated to go to our sections. I did a lot around the building, and tonight, I’d be taking tickets and working as an usher to cover for someone who was sick.

“Yeah. I’ll get right on that,” I responded as I went to clock in. I entered the will-call office and smiled at the women getting ready for the crowd. “Good evening, ladies.”

“Hi, Hayden.” They replied as I leaned over to clock myself in. “Ready for tonight?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I told them, eying the amount of will call tickets that was clear on the screen. “You’d think it was opening night.”

“This is a popular play. It’s a mix of people watching it tonight.” Helen shot me a smile, and I chuckled. “Britt has the snack bar with Tom, and we can either handle this or sell tickets at the window. It’s up to you.”

“I’m good with selling. I am also going to usher for Lisa since she’s off tonight.” I raised my eyes and looked across the lobby to see everyone hard at work.

“She needs to be fired. She’s always off.” Tina clicked her tongue, and I fought the urge to laugh.

“You’re not wrong, but she’s the owner’s cousin. I don’t see that happening. I’d fight if Becca got fired.” I smiled at my best friend as she set up a large coffee pot.

“Becca works. There’s a difference,” Helen defended her, and I gave her a grateful smile.

I took the ticket window when people started to line up, armed with a list of tickets available to sell. I greeted everyone as they approached, selling groups of tickets as we got closer to showtime. Once every seat was gone, I flipped the closed sign forward and shut the lights off. I passed Becca, and she held up a cup.

“Thank you,” I told her as she grinned at me. I had a place I hid it in while ushering, and then I could watch from the hallway as I drank the coffee. I liked to be close to help anyone out that needed it, and I could watch these plays every night. If I wasn’t performing, I still took it all in as much as I did when I realized that I wanted to act.

I helped people to their seats along with the other two ushers, offering extra assistance to people with walkers and even wheelchairs. I was walking back to my greeting area when I saw a guy walking toward me with a woman on his arm. She looked to be a mother, possibly a grandma, but none of that mattered.

He was gorgeous. The man resembled a well-known surfer with tousled dark blonde hair and full lips that offered a fantastic smile. He approached me, and I smiled as they both looked at me. “Do you have your tickets?” I asked as I gazed into his sugar-brown eyes.

“Right here,” he offered them to me with a smile. I checked, and he had front seats, which I directed him toward with a nervous grin.

“Thank you,” he said as the woman smiled at me, holding tight to him as they made their way down the steps together.

“I’d hold tight, too,” I muttered as I glanced up to see another couple. Lisa was such an asshole for calling in sick again since I was supposed to be helping backstage. That was where my heart belongs, but I’d never have seen that man had I been backstage.

I sipped my coffee and directed people where needed during intermission. During the second half, I leaned against the wall and sang every word as I sipped my second coffee. I knew I probably wouldn’t sleep tonight, but it was worth it to watch this.

When the show was over, I clapped along with the audience. I stood back as people began leaving, making sure everybody got out safely. After that, I hurried to the lobby where the cast was waiting to say hello, take pictures, and sign play programs. We had a talented group of people that all of Washington loved. I stood with Becca as we watched the lobby fill with fans.

I helped to clean up a bit after the theater was empty and headed out with Becca. I only caught one more glimpse of my mystery man as he led the woman through the meet and greet line. He flashed me a smile before walking out the door, making Becca look at me with curiosity written all over her face. Her eyes told me that we’d be talking later over a late dinner if we were alone or at her house if we weren’t.

We ended up eating with the cast, then went to her apartment afterward. “Talk, friend.” She sat on her couch with a glass of wine, staring at me.

“I saw him when he was coming in. I think he was with his grandmother, and I told him where to sit. He smiled at me a few times and thanked me, but we never talked.” I shrugged. “I don’t know anything about the man except that he is my fantasy man.”

“He knows where you work. That’s something.” Becca smiled.

“We’ll see about that.” I laughed and dropped back to her couch. “So, the party. It’s Saturday night?”

“It is. Mari will be here Thursday night.” Becca smiled dreamily, and I pretended to gag. “You can ask that boy toy of yours.”

“I don’t even know his fucking name. Shut up, ho,” I threw a pillow at her, and she ducked, managing to finish her wine. After talking for an hour, she went to her room, and I took the queen bed in her guest room. I tossed and turned for a while before falling asleep, waking up late the next morning.

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