Home > Brother's Keeper(21)

Brother's Keeper(21)
Author: Stephanie St. Klaire

Dace heard the front door open behind him with quick steps that matched his own.

“Don’t touch her,” Carly said. “Let me grab something to help her.”

Dace stood at the edge of Ivy’s bed and watched her flail around with no real organization. Was she hitting at something in this lucid dream? Running maybe? Whatever was happening in her head was violent and left her full of fear. She was fighting.

“I’m going for her thigh. This will calm her down,” Carly said as she prepped a syringe. “It’s a quick injection and acts quick. Doc Charles left these when he was here. Somehow, he knew this was coming.”

“Should I hold her arms? What if you get hit?” Dace said frantically, pained by his inability to help.

“No,” Carly said. “It’ll only make things worse. If I get hit, I get hit. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

In a quick motion, Carly took her chance and landed the syringe on Ivy’s thigh that was closest to her. With a quick push of the plunger, the meds were delivered but not before Carly took a solid punch to the eye.

“Cashel!” Ivy yelled.

Carly pulled the syringe as quickly as she’d administered it and stepped back to catch her breath while they let the meds kick in. “Had a feeling that was coming.”

“You okay? You should have let me hold her or something.”

“Nope. It would’ve only added to whatever trauma has hold of her right now. Wasn’t the first hit and likely won’t be the last I take.” Carly snickered. “She’s already settling down. Don’t leave her side. I’m going to go dispose of the needle and get her some fluids.”

“I wouldn’t think of leaving,” Dace said sincerely.

He’d stay by her side through anything, though it was hard to see what she was going through at that very moment. He’d been reminding himself for several days that she may not be as innocent in all of this as he’d hoped. Though he valued what his brothers said on the matter, and with little more to go on than they had days before, it was hard to justify the gut feeling he had that she was innocent. The fact was, the more they investigated, all they had uncovered thus far had pointed back to Ivy. Until this.

Seeing her like this had him wavering on guilt versus innocence once again. Did a guilty person deny medication that would promote healing just so they could stay vigilant and aware? Or was that fear? Did a guilty person have uncontrollable emotional breakdowns? Or was that fear? Did a guilty person suffer from night terrors because of their misdeeds and sudden conscience? Or…was that fear?

Though the small nuggets of information – that could hardly be called evidence – didn’t point to Ivy being guilty of anything, it also didn’t clear her name or implicate anyone else. It just linked back to her. That could mean nothing or it could mean everything. Hell, they didn’t even know what there was to be guilty of.

“There she is,” Carly said as she entered the room with a cool cloth and glass of water. “You’re awake.”

Dace abandoned his thoughts, his attention trained on Ivy. She was breathing heavy, and sweat beaded at her brow, causing her hair to stick to her neck. She looked around the room, regaining her bearings. He took the cool cloth from Carly and moved to the edge of Ivy’s bed where he brushed the hair from her face. He first placed the cloth at her brow, then cheeks, cooling her down before sweeping her hair to the side and resting the cool rag against her neck.

“How’re you feelin’, darlin’?” he asked Ivy with a gentle deep timbre.

“I-I guess just…tired.” She shook her head as if to clear the cloudiness that filled her mind. Ivy pulled at her shirt in an up and down motion to cool off. “I-I had a bad dream? I’m so hot.”

“You had a bad one, honey,” Carly said.

“Oh my God, your eye. Did I do that?” Ivy was mortified.

“Oh, I’m fine. Don’t you worry about me for another second. Do you want me to get you a fresh change of clothes?”

“No. No. I’m okay. Just thirsty, I guess.” Ivy let out an awkward chuckle. “Did I, uh…say anything?”

“You were just really upset. Nothing to worry about.” Carly jotted a few notes on a pad of paper that had been on Ivy’s bedside table. “I gave you a little something to calm you, but don’t worry, it shouldn’t make you feel anything but maybe a little tired, okay? Drink some water, it’ll make that cotton mouth go away that you’re probably feeling right now.”

“You had to…medicate me?” she asked.

Dace handed her the glass of water. “Only so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. You’re still pretty banged up and healing, and you were thrashing around a bit too much.”

“I’m so embarrassed.”

Carly smiled. “Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve been through a lot, and this is all very normal. We’re here to get you through it, though, missy. You just rest, heal, and we’ll handle the rest. Right, Dace?”

“Yeah. We will.” Dace wanted to say so much more at that moment, but it wasn’t the time nor around the proper company to do so.

“Alright, then. I left some notes on the pad right there with instructions on when and how much she can take should she decide to take anything for the pain. Just need to be a little careful the next few hours while this stuff wears off. If you need me for anything, you know where to find me, guys.”

“Carly…” Ivy’s mouth opened, but it was void of words. Her internal struggle continued to be apparent when she finally slacked her shoulders and gave up on whatever she was tempted to say. “Thank you. I really do appreciate you. And I’m so, so sorry about your eye.”

“Sure thing, honey. It’s my pleasure to be your nurse…and your friend. This shiner will heal. In the meantime, we can match.”

An authentic smile found its place on Ivy’s still bruised face. Dace hadn’t seen that smile since before she left, years ago. It did something to him inside, something he couldn’t explain. Was it a breakthrough, maybe? Carly’s kindness clearly went a long way with Ivy to provoke such a response.

With a quick wink, Carly turned and left.

“She has to be the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” Ivy said.

“She’s got a big heart. You can trust her with anything.” Dace wanted to reinforce any ideas that Ivy might have about Carly in hopes she’d open up.

“Everyone here is, really. Your ma came by again and had all the ladies with her this time.”

“At least she warmed you up and eased you back into things around here. Now that you’ve met them all one on one, expect to see them in a pack now. That’s how they travel, and Ma is their pack leader.”

Ivy laughed. “I could see that.”

The ladies Ivy referred to were Dace’s sisters-in-law: Declan’s wife Lydia, Liam’s wife City, Luke’s wife Daisy, and Eva, who wasn’t attached to any of the brothers but was just as much family.

“Ma is really happy to have you here.”

“It’s been nice catching up with her and her ladies, as she calls them.” Ivy giggled. “They’re all really special. You can tell how much they love each other. Even Carly.”

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