Home > Brother's Keeper(22)

Brother's Keeper(22)
Author: Stephanie St. Klaire

“You know how it works around here. Everyone is family.” And when that sparkle he was starting to see emerge dulled, he said, “You know that still includes you, right?”

“Dace, you don’t have to say that.”

“It’s not up to me. Once you’re Ma’s family…it’s for life.”

“That’s what makes her special. She knows how to make you feel loved and like you belong.”

“That’s because you do belong.” Dace realized his words struck a chord, and he was losing his poker face where she was concerned. He was revealing far too much, so he tried to lighten it up with what he thought would be a funny joke. “Good luck getting out. She’s like her own little one-woman Irish mafia.”

Ivy’s gaze quickly shifted from Dace, and a subtle gasp escaped her. He’d triggered her. Ivy’s face paled, eyes went wide, and her breathing quickened. What he had said startled her somehow, but she was quick to recover.

“Mafia, good one.” Her voice tremored. “I can think of worse places to be trapped.”

He knew there was more to that comment – a hell of a lot more. “You want to talk about it?”

There was a long pause before Ivy shook her head. “There’s nothing to talk about, Dace. I’ve already told you that.”

“I meant the nightmare.” He’d been hopeful her stalling was a good sign, but yet again, she remained quiet, unwilling to let him in. “You yelled a name, Cashel.”

Ivy stiffened. “I-I did?”

“Yeah. Someone you know?”

“I, uh…don’t think so,” she said unconvincingly. “Are you sure that’s what I said?”

“Clear as day. Irish name, isn’t it?”

“Um, I would think so. S-Sounds like it,” she stuttered.

“Cool name. Sounds like a biker name. Cash sounds even cooler…”

“Wh-Why would you say that?” Ivy’s tone went from light to something sharp and accusing.

He’d hit another nerve, triggered something. Cashel, or Cash, meant something to her, and she was protecting whatever that was. Was Cashel the man in the picture? Maybe the kid? Who was he to her, and why did his name matter?

“Just conversation, Ivy. Or is it?” The last thing Dace wanted to do was further upset her, but if this was the route to get him answers, then so be it. “It’s okay if you, you know, had someone.”

“Had someone? You mean a relationship? No. No, I didn’t have someone, Dace.”


Her hesitation told him more than her words could at this point. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just tired. It’s…nothing.”

“Ivy. Are we going to keep doing this?” Dace was desperate. Every time they were close to a breakthrough, she’d reel in her truth and bury it somewhere deep until she couldn’t hold onto it any longer. Then the cycle would start over, like it was set to repeat.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve told you everything I know.”

“Which is nothing. Nothing, Ivy.”

“Because there’s nothing to tell. How many times do I need to say that? I. Can’t. Tell. You. Anything. There’s nothing to tell.”

“How about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doing…why I couldn’t find you?”

And that’s when the tears emerged. Either she was really good at turning on the waterworks, or the fear and pain were just this great.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I swear I didn’t. You couldn’t find me because I didn’t want to be found…by anyone, not just you.”

“Why? Ivy, just tell me why? I can take it. If it wasn’t me, then what was it? Was it someone else? You met someone?”

“No! I promise it had nothing to do with you – not really. It was…me.”

Dace rolled his eyes and tossed his hands in the air. “The ole it was me, not you…great.”

“Dace, please.”

“Please, what? Leave you alone? Quit asking? Quit digging? Not a chance. You practically landed on my doorstep within an inch of your life. You could’ve died. I want to help you, protect you…”

“Again, I didn’t ask you for anything. I don’t need your help.”

“You did up until that alley. You came here for me, my family, our help. Something. Whatever happened in that alley changed your mind. If you think a couple of guys kicking a woman half their size’s ass is a threat to my brothers or me, you’re wrong. You know better than that.”

“It’s not them! Okay, it’s not them I’m worried about…”

Dace paused. So she was worried about someone or something. He raised his brow, inviting her to continue, but then she did that thing. She shut down.

“I mean…I’m worried about nothing.”

“Okay.” Dace stood and turned off her bedside lamp, which left the room dark. The only light crept through her doorway from the living room. “You should get some rest. I’ll be on the couch…if you need me.”

He began to close her door when Ivy’s panicked voice had him turning her direction.

“Dace? Um…”

In a defeated tone, he replied, “What is it, Ivy?”

“Can you…stay? Just until I fall asleep? I, uh…don’t want to have another one of those bad dreams.”

Dace nodded and left the door open, assuming the dim light from the other room would make her feel more secure. Ivy laid on her side while Dace climbed in the bed behind her. Lying on his back, he stared at the ceiling, listening to the sound of her breathing. It didn’t take but a handful of minutes for Ivy to roll in his direction. She was asleep.

He turned his body to face her and swept away the unruly hair that tended to be in her face and watched her sleep while his mind wandered. Like no time had passed between them, she nuzzled herself into Dace, still a perfect fit, and she let out a long deep breath like she’d been holding it for years. He had. He’d been holding onto the idea of her for years.

He wrapped his arm over her hip and rested his hand at the small of her back. Feeling her this close, holding her as he was, wasn’t a good idea. It was too familiar, too comfortable, but what was one night. He’d told her he’d help her, he’d protect her, and he’d take care of her, and if this is how she needed him to be all the things he promised, then so be it.

He kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “Please let me in. What are you hiding or protecting? And…who is Cashel?”





“So is Dace bringing Ivy today?” Sheridan asked the group of women setting up Sunday dinner at the family pub.

When the women gave her an off-putting look, she replied, “What? Are we not talking about Ivy in front of Cally?”

“You know she’s standing right next to you, Sheridan,” a very pregnant Daisy said. Cally came to Portland to help plan Daisy and Luke’s wedding – she was a highly sought after and publicized party planner to the rich and famous. When she landed in Portland, she never left – she also happened to be Daisy’s best friend.

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