Home > Darkness Deceives(52)

Darkness Deceives(52)
Author: Katie May

“Though we’re no longer Fates, Hadley and I can help you too,” Cauis offers. “We have latent unknown powers. Your brothers believe in you, and I do too.”

I don’t know how to take Caius's praise, but I simply nod and turn to face the grave. “Okay, everyone stand back. I need to make a protection circle.”

Grabbing the baggie of salt from my pocket, I carefully create an unbroken circle surrounding Abram’s grave. “The only thing we know for sure is that, according to Auston, Abram’s sin was Greed. Everything else surrounding him is a mystery. Everybody ready?” I turn to look back at my brothers, my girl, and Caius. When no one objects, I turn back to the grave, making sure I’m a few feet back from the circle, and call on my scythe.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, grasping the hilt of my scythe in my hands. I can feel it humming with power before I even command it, and I wonder if that’s because I’m here in Caemeterium Primis or if it’s because I have two fallen Fates near me.

Aiming my scythe at Abram’s grave, I chant the words Administer taught me. “Noctures. Reparous. Resurrectious. Veritas.”

At first, nothing happens, and I begin to freak out, but then I think about the confidence my brothers have shown me, that my girl has shown me, and I feel more determined than ever to do this. Gritting my teeth, I pour my power into the spell and soon the purple mist pours from the end, swirling over the grass.

“I feel something,” Hadley mumbles as the ground begins to shake. I try to keep my breathing even, knowing the horror I’m about to face, but fear still slithers down my spine. The shaking grows harder, and a moment later, the grass over Abram’s burial site begins to move. One spot raises, then another, followed by a muffled growl.

I try and ignore my fear, holding my scythe tight, not wanting to fuck this up. When the decayed hand pushes through the earth, I feel a small victory. I’ve done it. But that happy feeling is soon squashed by horror as I see the grotesque creature pulling itself from the dirt.

Dirt cascades down a yellowed skull from the empty, sightless eye sockets. Rows of teeth gnash against each other, half of them missing, as strangled sounds pour from its lipless face.

“Quick! Ask it a question!” I shout, unsure how long I can hold this damn thing.

Auston moves forward and asks, “How did you die?”

The Raised jerks its head towards Auston’s voice. “Iiiii k-killlled mmmyselfff.”

We all look at each other, startled.

“But why did you kill yourself?” Karston questions.

The creature coughs, caked dirt and lord knows what else spewing from its decayed mouth. “B-B-Because…Caiussssss k-killled m-myyyy llloverrr.”

Hadley turns to Caius with her mouth gaping. “You killed his lover?” she stammers.

“I-I have no idea,” Caius says darkly. “The only person I killed was Lucifer, and that was because he helped in your murder.”

The corpse of Abram swings its head toward Caius and roars, “You're baaaack.”

“Fuck, I can’t hold it much longer,” I shout when the Raised begins to speak out of turn, letting me know my power is waning.

“Aannnnd youuuuu,” it growls turning its terrifying face towards Hadley. “Youuuu sshhhhould b-beee d-d-dead.”

“I am dead, you sick fuck!” Hadley shouts, her hands clenched in fists.

“Commmee heeeere, C-Clairrrre.” Chills run through me as its voice drops an octave, sounding much scarier, much more cruel. “Y-youuu belllong i-innn the g-g-ground.”

The corpse then begins to rasp inarticulate words as it tries to pull its body from the dirt bed.

“I’m losing him!” I shout, my scythe shaking from the force of holding him. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder stabilizing me and smell Hadley’s shampoo. Another person sidles up to my other side, but it’s not one of my brothers as I expected.

It’s Caius.

I can feel his power radiating off of him, tingling the side of my body he stands near. He…he’s helping me. I just hope it’s not at the cost of those stolen essences. But I can’t think about that now. All that matters is getting this dead fuck back in his grave.

Concentrating with all that I have inside me, I begin to force the Raised back into the ground, gritting my teeth against the strain. The joined power of Hadley and Caius flows through me, mimicking a power that I’ve only felt once before—when I joined with my brothers, our powers combining. I can understand why I felt this way with my brothers. Hell. Even Hadley I can see. But Caius? All I know for certain is that his power ripples through me, intertwining with both mine and Hadley’s in a way I’ve only ever experienced with my brethren.

There’s a moment where Abram fights my spell, and I know the outcome could tip either way. He could free himself and take my essence, or I could bury him once more.

A guttural cry leaves his mouth, his lower jaw falling off his face as his body begins to sink into the ground.

I shout right along with it, my muscles spasming from holding this spell, every part of me screaming in pain from exertion.

“It’sss n-nottt overrrr!” he warns before his head is swallowed whole and the earth above him no longer moves.

With a cry, I release my scythe and fall onto the ground, my vision swimming. As darkness invades the corners of my eyes, I know I’m going to pass out.

But I’m filled with disappointment. Because as much as we were hoping for answers when we came here today, I feel like we’re leaving with more questions unanswered, all of us more confused than ever.



Chapter 32




I deserve to be here.

In my cell.

In my prison.

Locked away like the monster the world knows I am.

When Braxton snidely suggested I travel back to my cage in Hell—and my tangible body—I hadn’t protested. After all, it’s the least I deserve. Hadley’s quad has been surprisingly accommodating, allowing me to remain around her when I know they would like nothing more than to shove golden fruit from The Tree of Good and Evil down my throat.

No, this cell—with the flames dancing on the cavernous gray walls and the single hole allowing me to see the belly of Hell—is where I belong. It’s where I feel most comfortable, if I am being completely honest.

Life feeds on contradictions. How can it not? We can’t even begin to fathom absolute joy until we experience loneliness. We can’t comprehend pain until we’re first gifted with everything we have ever wanted, only to have it taken away. I believe the default setting of life is difficult. It just makes everything else that much sweeter.

My home for the better part of eternity is exactly as I remember it. The only light is the ambient flicker of flames on the walls. I’m fortunate that I don’t need to eat, sleep, or piss. That the blistering flames don’t affect my body the way they would a human’s.

It’s a strange sensation to enter my body after days out of it. My bones crack as I amble to a sitting position. I’m sure my appearance leaves a lot to be desired. As a Fate, I’ll never age, never wither away. But that doesn’t mean centuries in a cage hasn’t distorted my appearance. My hair is long and shaggy, completely unlike my usual impeccable cut. Without needing a mirror, I know I have a scraggly beard, tangled and in desperate need of a wash. Dirt and ash stain my cheeks, arms, and my fingernails black.

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