Home > Pretty Painful(5)

Pretty Painful(5)
Author: K.A Knight

I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells, and I ache to find out if her musk would get stronger if I buried my fingers and tongue in her soft little pussy. It’s the worst torture, her wrapped around me as the time passes slowly. She snores softly at one point and I slant my eyes open, watching her. I can’t help but do it.

I want her.

I want this human.

But I can’t.

It’s safer for us all if she gets out of here now, before I swallow her whole and make her nothing but mine. Before I mark her body with my teeth and cock until she craves me, wants me, needs only me.






I’m warm, like really warm. Like when you are sitting next to an open fire type of warm. Sweat drips down my back as I try to pull away, but something hard keeps me pressed to the heat. Grumbling, I struggle and try to get free, but when the heat moves, I freeze, cracking open my eyes to see skin, lots and lots of skin. Rolling my eyes upwards, I meet the black gaze of the chained creature, and everything comes flying back.

“I’m in your lap,” I point out stupidly.

He leans back against the wall, his arms wrapped around me and jostling me with his movement, while gently stroking my thigh. Something hard is pressed against my ass and it takes a minute for me to realise that hard length, like a fucking steel pipe, is his cock. Holy shit. My pussy pulses as heat shoots through me—desire. Fuck, I thought they had broken me of that.

“You were crying out in your sleep. Don’t fear, you crawled your way into my lap, I didn’t force you,” he offers, closing his eyes, and I notice how tired he looks. Did he not sleep at all? Looking down, I realise I’m sprawled across him like he’s my personal teddy bear, except he is all hard muscle. I suck in breath, noticing he smells like fire, like when you’ve had a bonfire. It’s delicious and my mouth fills with saliva, my eyes trawling along his skin before I come back to myself.

“Sorry.” I wiggle, trying to break free and he growls, clamping me, so I still.

“Don’t fucking do that unless you want me to come all over your ass,” he warns, and my eyes fly wide open and meet his.

“You have been wiggling that fucking ass back and forth all night, and I’m about ready to throw you down and fuck you senseless, so unless you want that, I suggest you stop fucking moving,” he orders.

Brain malfunction.

His dirty words nearly have me panting and I’m embarrassingly wet, but I remember my dignity and slowly climb from his lap. He grabs my hips and helps, before letting go as soon as I’m standing. I shuffle away, leaning back on the opposite wall and sit there, not like there is much else to do. It’s silent, deadly silent, and I find myself looking around the cell we’re in. Whatever drugs they gave me must have still been in effect yesterday, because I feel so much more awake today. I notice the steel door with what looks like charred marks on the inside. There is a hole in the ground in the corner near the door, and hooks in the wall where the chain is fastened. Apart from that, it’s empty all except for him.

“Dabria, my name is Dabria, what’s yours?” I find myself asking to fill the silence. Every time I look at him, I see his eyes locked on me with unnerving intensity. I keep remembering waking up wrapped in his arms and how right it felt, how good it felt with his cock pressed against my ass. My eyes drop to his lap without meaning to, wondering if he is as big as he seemed.

“Mishal,” he grunts, drawing my eyes back up his magnificent body to his face.

His eyes are still dark and hunger has contorted his face, and I know he caught me staring. Heat fills my cheeks, but it does nothing to dampen my curiosity or stop the wetness between my thighs as I imagine all that power aimed at me. He raises his head, sniffing the air again, and his eyes seem to sharpen and lock on me. I squirm, looking away.

“I can taste your need, little one.” He grins.

Well, fuck.

“Yeah, well, I could feel yours,” I shoot back, refusing to blush and cower like a virgin.

He throws his head back and laughs, the sound like thunder cutting through the room. I can’t help but stare. He’s fucking beautiful when he laughs. His face and eyes shine with mirth, and his whole body shakes before it tapers off into chuckles and he looks back at me with a considering stare. “It has been over a thousand years since I last laughed, what have you done to me, little one?” he questions, more to himself.

“Thousand years?” I choke, looking at him.

His face wipes clean of all expression. “I am older than you can imagine,” he replies.

“Shit.” I rub my head. “I didn’t even know anything other than humans existed until…until there.” My voice is tight with tension. I have seen some amazing things in my life, things that people would call miracles and I always wondered if there was more out there, but to be faced with the hard truth now…either that or he’s just mad. But that doesn’t explain the strength, the black eyes, or the need for chains, and it doesn’t explain how I killed those men.

Am I human…or am I something else? Did they make me something else or was I born that way and I just didn’t know?

“I killed them,” I whisper, not realising I have said it out loud until he leans in.

“Killed who?” he asks with interest, tracking his eyes over my body again.

“The-the men who killed my-my sister,” I stutter. “I-I don’t know how. It was like time slowed down and I just—I punched one in the chest, stopping his heart. How is that possible?” I murmur, looking to him for answers.

He stares at me, that fucking blank mask in place. “Maybe you aren’t human,” he suggests.

A choked laugh escapes my throat as tears form in my eyes. “How is that possible?” I get up and start pacing. “I was human! I was born human!” I scream, looking at him. Like I’m lost at sea and he’s my lighthouse, I need him to guide me.

He sits farther back. “Bloodlines are weakening due to low birth rates, interracial matings, and the killings. I am betting it has diluted the bloodlines of most creatures out there. It’s possible you were born with the blood of a supernatural, your whole family could have been, and they wouldn’t have known. It probably wasn’t strong enough to pass your human side until...” He nods. “Until you needed it, until it was all you had left.”

I sit again, deflating. “You’re saying there are people out there just walking around with supernatural qualities hidden?” I laugh.

He shrugs. “Who knows, probably. They wouldn’t even notice unless they had a lot of the blood left from their original lines, or if it was pulled from them, destroying their humanity in the process. I can’t really say. I’ve been locked in here too long to know.”

“How long have you been in here?” I find myself asking.

“Over one hundred years,” he grunts.

“Well, shit. At least I know I will be dead long before that, thank fuck.”

“Don’t be so sure. If you truly have blood of the originals, you might live for a long time depending how strong it is or what you are.” He shrugs.

“What I am?” I whisper, swallowing hard. “You said I would get this from my parents?” I inquire.

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