Home > Throuple In Paradise(19)

Throuple In Paradise(19)
Author: Faleena Hopkins

I thought it was just lust.

Watching him face David like that proved me wrong. Especially the way he took those punches. He knew his friend needed that, so he took it and didn’t fight back. He could’ve overpowered metrosexual-David without breaking a sweat. Now his face is a pulp and his friendship is even worse.

That’s love.

What about me?

What am I going to do now?

I love her, too.

But she’s chosen.

And taken.

David grumbles, “I’m not hungry,” and walks to the door. His weary head turns to Jack, knowing full well that his opinion has been rendered meaningless by years of foolish actions. “We’ll talk about this later.”

Jack nods, “Done.”

Now it’s just the three of us. I pull my keys out, swing the ring around my finger and watch them jingle. “I’m gonna skip lunch, guys, but thanks.” Glancing to Marion, I see her unsure of what to say. My gaze flicks to Jack next.

He sighs, “We have to talk.”

“No need. I just learned all I’ve gotta know. I wish you guys happiness.” But even as I say it, a sharp pain twists inside my ribs. “Glad it worked out.”

Leaning his back agains the door, Jack touches the bloody tissue to a cut on his square jaw. “Mar, you still want Troy, right?”

My lips part as I look from him to her.

Hesitant, she whispers like she’s not sure if he’s going to forbid me coming around her again, “Yes, I still want him.” With more volume she insists, “I still want both of you.”

A smirk flashes on him. “Greedy girl.”

She returns the twinkle. “Maybe I am.”

I’m frowning as I watch them both. Jack locks onto me. “Troy, what do you say?”

“Whoa,” I gasp. “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”

“What do you think I’m asking?”

I hold my hand out flat, like I’m pushing down confusion with it. “You want the three of us to…”

“Be together. Yes, that’s what I mean. Now before you say yes, I don’t know if this’ll work. But here’s what I’m thinking.” He tosses the used tissue in the toxic waste basket and grabs another while he explains, “David is right, partly. And it’s what’s been stopping me up on this, almost more than the idea of dating his daughter. I couldn’t get my head around how to make it work. I travel all the time.”

Mar interrupts, “If you’re thinking about the player thing, and you’re going for a bunch of girlfriends in different cities, let me just say hell-to-the-no to that right now!”

He pauses and smiles at her. “Greedy greedy greedy.” Stepping closer to me, he returns to his plan, ignoring her.

Which she hates.

I know that all too well.

“Jack, I mean it!”

Holding out his hand to silence her, he says, volume low and amused. “I’m not interested in other women, Mar, calm down. Now can I continue?”

Her long eyelashes blink twice. “Oh.”

He chuckles and locks eyes with me again. “You’re a good balance to me, Troy. I’d never watch those girly-movies and I don’t cook. And as much as I hated hearing you did those things together while I was gone, and the image that provided, now that I’m considering us all being a thing, it works out perfectly. It’s like an extension of what we’ve been doing. While I’m gone on business, I know she’s taken care of. I trust you. You’ll never hurt her.” He points at me. “At least, you better not.”

I smirk, “You don’t have to worry about that. I’d have you to deal with.”

“That’s right.”

“Jack, um, this all sounds interesting, and I’m seriously considering it.” I glance to Marion. “The idea of finally being able to touch you has me hard right now.” My gaze flies back to my friend. “But Jack, buddy, I’m not into guys.”

“Me neither. It’s all about her.”

Marion raises one of her slender eyebrows. “No chance of you two ever…come on!”

Jack shrugs, “Just like Bobby was born gay. I was born straight, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Me too. Kissed a guy once in college because everyone was doing it. Felt like I was kissing rubber. There was no sensation at all. Didn’t do it for me. I tried again just to see if it was him, but nope, same thing next time. I’m not interested in your cock, Jack, sorry.”

“Well, I am!” Mar sighs, grabbing her bag. “Now, can we get out of here?”

Jack holds out his thick hand. “Wait. This all rides on one thing. I get to be with you alone, first.”

Something fires up in me and I start to argue, but Mar beats me to it.

“That doesn’t seem fair, Jack, does it?”

“This isn’t about fair. This is about happy. Troy just met you. He barely knows you, but he got to spend all that time alone while I’ve been restraining myself and longing to touch you.”

Her eyes go soft. “You longed to touch me?”

“Yeah, and with my face like this, making out isn’t ideal. So you’ll stay at my place until it is, and I’ll get that time he got.”

Dare I ask?

I dare.

“Wait, so Jack, when you said you get to be alone with Marion first, you meant hanging out?”

“Yeah. What’d you think I mean?” His eyes brighten. “Oh, you thought I meant sex? That wouldn’t have been a great way to start a balanced thing, would it?”

My shoulders relax, because as much as I would’ve given him what he wanted, it probably would’ve haunted us.

Mar walks to him and touches his shoulder, her fingers tenderly sliding down to take his hand. The other one has the gross tissue in it. “Jack, I would love to spend alone time with you.”

He’s gazing at her in a way that makes me barely recognize the man. “Good, then let’s go home.” He throws his arm around her and calls back to me. “I’ll call you in a few, Troy.”

I pause. “Oh…okay.” Following them out, I listen to her ask where he stayed. As he tells her, we walk up the corridor toward the parking lot, our new reality sinking in with me.

Watching Jack and Marion, my imagination fires up over all the ways this’ll be new for each of us. Scenarios play out in fantasies all the way to our cars.

Mar turns to say goodbye and Jack heads to his Tesla. “Are you excited, Troy?”

I cup her chin, give her a soft kiss. “You have no idea. I’ve been wanting to touch you so bad, and I’ll get to soon. Make sure his face heals quickly, will ya?”

She grins up at me.

As she bounces off with her new legs and fantastic future, I call out to Jack, “How do I know you won’t consummate this little arrangement without me?!”

He grins over the roof, “You don’t. Welcome to my world.”

“Ah ha! Funny!”

“You think I’m kidding?”

“Please tell me you don’t think I’m opening my own door, Jack. What’s wrong with you?”

He chuckles and walks back around the car. “You’re what’s wrong with me.”

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