Home > Hired Hottie(22)

Hired Hottie(22)
Author: Kelsie Rae

Scrunching up my face, I continue. “When other guys do look at me like they might be interested, I freeze up.”

“Why do you freeze?”

“I don’t know!” I shout, growing frustrated. “You don’t know what it’s like. Girls fall at your feet, Levi.”

Silence follows my comment before his deep voice murmurs, “Do you want girls to fall at your feet too?”

Piecing together what he’s implying, my jaw drops. “Did you just ask if I’m gay?”

“Well, not that there’s anything wrong with that—”

“Levi!” I shove him. Harder than I intended, though I don’t regret it in the least. Feeling claustrophobic, I push myself up from the couch and start to pace the family room like a caged beast. “I’m not gay! I’m just not super comfortable around the opposite sex when it comes to romantic shit. Hell, I’ve never even been kissed, okay?”

“Seriously?” His eyes practically pop out of his head. “I mean, I know we joked about it last night, but you’ve seriously never been kissed?”

“I feel like we’ve already had this conversation,” I grit out. “And way to not make it a big deal, I might add.” I’m pretty sure sarcasm is oozing from my pores as I pace my little family room.

Clearing his throat, he leans forward and chooses his next words carefully. “I’m just surprised.”

“Yeah. I know. I’m as undesirable as they come.”

“Bullshit. You’re as innocent as they come, and trust me. That, combined with your looks and personality, makes for a lethal concoction. How have you not been kissed?”

Because you’ve never tried, I want to scream at him, but I bite my tongue and search for another sensible answer.

Collapsing onto the couch beside Levi, my adrenaline evaporating into thin air, I close my eyes. “I freeze when they look at me. How do you think I react when they even consider going in for a kiss?”

“You didn’t freeze last night when I was massaging your legs,” Levi offers.

Glancing over at him, I see the concern in his eyes, and I’m surprised he isn’t making fun of me for being such a dweeb.

“That’s because it’s you.”

And I’d kill for you to touch me.

“And how am I any different from other guys?” he asks.

Because I want you.

My eyes drop to his mouth for a split second before I scoot a few inches to the opposite side of the couch. “You’re my best friend. You’ll always be different.”

Silence follows my comment, making my discomfort skyrocket. My pulse races. I’m terrified I might have just outed myself to him as he stares a hole through the side of my head.

Does he know? Am I that obvious?

After a few seconds, he gives a casual shrug then offers, “What do you say we practice?”

“Practice?” Crossing my arms, I rotate toward him.

“Yeah. Like…cuddle and shit.”

I laugh. “We’ve cuddled before.”

Platonically, of course.

And yes. It’s a thing.

“Okay. Maybe take it a little further then. So you know what to expect.”

The offer is presented with such nonchalance, I’m positive I’ve heard him wrong.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“You’re right. It’s a terrible idea.” Levi chuckles awkwardly before reaching for the remote that I’d set aside to search for a show to watch and to end this conversation. My foot darts out of its own accord and kicks the remote off the coffee table.

“What were you saying?” I press, my voice cracking.

Another awkward laugh slips out of him before he scratches his jaw. “I was just thinking that if we can make the situation more comfortable for your first time, then maybe it’ll go more smoothly when it’s for real.”

“Like a trial run.”


Positive I’ll regret this tomorrow but unable to help myself, I nod. “Okay.”


“Yeah. I mean, if you think it’ll help.”

“Okay. So….” He runs his hand along the top of my knee, his skin scalding me with his heated touch.

Sitting there frozen, I stare at his hand as it rests against my bare skin. His thumb gently rubs back and forth, and I find myself mesmerized by the movement.

“How are you feeling?” his husky voice breaks the silence.


Sliding his hand up an inch, he presses, “How ’bout now?”

“Yup.” I swallow thickly. “Still good.”

With slow movements, he changes tactics, brushing his hand up my bare arm. “Now?”

Goosebumps appear along my bare skin, and I catch myself holding my breath.


“Good. I’m good.” I glance up at him to see his mouth tilted up in amusement.

“Good,” he murmurs before cupping my jaw. The tips of his fingers tangle in my hair, causing a tiny spark of pain along my scalp that sends tingles racing down my spine.

Breath fanning across my face, he whispers, “And now?”

I close my eyes and lick my lips. “Yup. Just dandy.”

His deep chuckle is mingled with an almost silent, “Good girl,” before his lips are on mine.

The heat from his mouth is like a warm drink of hot chocolate on a cold day, and I open my lips to see if he’ll taste just as good as my favorite beverage. His tongue runs along the seam, barely grazing the entrance of my mouth before retreating back. I catch myself mirroring his movements with my own. Squirming on the couch, I press myself closer to him. My fingers dig into his thick bicep, but I won’t acknowledge it’s because I don’t want him to pull away. Not now that I’ve had a taste. A soft moan escapes my lips when his tongue brushes against mine.

Shit, you taste good.

His fingers tighten, tilting my head back as he takes control of the kiss and practically swallows me whole. I’m so lost in his touch that I don’t notice we’re moving until my back hits the couch behind me, and I’m surrounded by his scent. His muscles. His taste. Everything.

I’m being consumed by Levi McCoy, and I can’t think of a better way to go.

With his groin pressed against mine and his arms on either side of my head, he cages me in. Seconds later, a soft vibration in said groin area makes me buck my hips toward him.

“What the hell is that?” I practically screech, pulling away from his delectable lips.

“Shit,” he mumbles, dropping his forehead to mine.

The vibration pulses a second time, and I bite my lips to keep from moaning at the contact.

Oh my—

Sitting up, Levi digs into his pocket to retrieve his phone, and I drop my head back to laugh at the absurdity of the situation while my face burns up with embarrassment.

“Hey, Mom,” Levi greets after sliding his thumb across the screen, his eyes darting toward me. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll let her know.”

Her muffled voice echoes through the speaker, though I can’t make out what she’s saying.

“Yup. Talk to you later. Love you too.”

Then he disconnects the call.

“You left your phone at my mom’s house. She said she’ll leave it on the kitchen counter, and you can go grab it tomorrow.”

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