Home > Hired Hottie(45)

Hired Hottie(45)
Author: Kelsie Rae

His face goes ghostly pale as his mouth opens to defend himself. I raise a shaking hand to stop him. By some miracle, his mouth snaps shut, and I’m able to continue. “You wanna know the best part, Levi? You even had the audacity to pimp me out to your best friend because, in the beginning, you saw me as less than that damn bowl of popcorn. You didn’t care if he touched me first. You thought, Hey! Why not loan out my best friend to my roommate for a solid cherry popping, then I’ll sweep in and save the day, riding off into the sunset with a girl on my arm and a job in the bag.”

His eyes darken, but he doesn’t bother to argue. He can’t. Not this time.

“I was really rooting for you to get that job offer, and because I love your mom, I’m going to still root for you. But I really hope it was worth it.”

My legs feel like Jell-O as I push myself to my feet. After smoothing down my dress with trembling fingers, I walk to the door then close it behind me.

Just like I do with our friendship.

I’m done being underappreciated.



Chapter Twenty-Nine






The soft click of the door closing behind Charlie almost guts me. Dropping my chin down to my chest, I squeeze my eyes shut. Slowly, I take a few deep breaths in through my nose then out through my mouth in an attempt to center myself.

It’s a waste of time.

My blood is boiling in anger, swirling with guilt, and racing through my veins in an attempt to get me out of this room. To chase her. To make her understand.

But I know it won’t do me any good. She needs time to process the screwed up situation I put her in. If I have any hope of her forgiving me for this, then I have to give her space. Even if it kills me. As I rub my hand down my face with more force than necessary, I hear the soft squeak of hinges and turn to see the culprit. Conner’s face is stone cold. He closes the door behind him then slowly stalks closer. It’s as if he’d been waiting for Charlie to escape before confronting me. Like he planned this. My anger finally boils over, shoving every other emotion aside before replacing it with absolute rage.

“What the hell did you say to her?” I grit out. My fists clench at my sides.

“I told her the truth,” he replies just as coldly.

“You twisted the truth.”

He shrugs. “I told her my side of the story.”

“And raked me over the coals with it.”

Scoffing, he says, “You pimped out your best friend to get a job, Levi. Learn to take some freaking responsibility for once in your life.”

Storming toward him, my arm already cocked, I swing back and nail him in the face. Conner loses his balance and stumbles back. His eyes are wide open in shock as he glares at me while clutching his already-swelling cheekbone.

“What the fuck, Levi?”

I shake my hand out at my side, a deep throb breaking out across my knuckles. The feeling reminds me of when I was younger and used to get in fights as a kid. Sometimes it was because of stupid shit that didn’t even matter. And sometimes it was because I was trying to protect Charlie from assholes. Assholes like the guy in front of me.

“Want to know something, Conner? I remember the day Charlie told me that you’d moved when we were younger. She was relieved that you weren’t going to be around anymore, especially after the shit you put her through. I remember being bummed I didn’t get to put you in your place before you disappeared.” Shaking my head, I laugh dryly before calling him out on his lies. “You told her I pimped her out? That’s bullshit, man. You approached me, remember? You offered to drop out of the competition for the final position if I could set you both up. This is on you—”

“Bullshit,” he spews before puffing his chest out and stepping closer, practically begging me to deck him in the face a second time. “You need to grow a pair and admit you screwed up with Charlie more than I ever could. We both know I’m not that dipshit little kid anymore. I liked her, man. We both know that even if you won’t admit it out loud. You knew I wanted her, and you practically stole her out from under me. Don’t blame me for this shitstorm. You got yourself there all on your own.”

“The only part that’s on me is the fact that I agreed to your stupid idea in the first place. You wanna talk about taking responsibility for your actions, man? Maybe start by admitting to yourself that you were never cut out for Montague Enterprises in the first place—”

“And maybe you should admit that you would’ve never gotten in without my dad’s connections. Be out of my apartment within the week. I don’t want to see your face ever again. Understand me?”

“That won’t be a problem.”

By the time I reach the door and enter the main area, I’m numb.

And I welcome the feeling with open arms.

I just need to get through tonight and hope that Charlie forgives me and gives us another chance.



Chapter Thirty






A few days after my epic meltdown, I leave Get Baked with one destination in mind––Forever Grey. I need a good run. I need to clear my head. I need to get my ex-best friend out of it so I can think clearly. Think logically. Think. Period. Because right now, I’m running on pure emotion, and it sucks. I feel gutted. I feel betrayed. I feel sick.

I feel the overwhelming need for a break. And so I’m going to get it the only way I know how. By sweating it out. If only I’d brought my baseball bat.

I told my fairy godmothers the details with swollen eyes the morning after the grand opening. It sucked to rehash the details, but it was nice to know they had my back. In fact, I may or may not have had to restrain Sophie for a few minutes to calm her down. She might be pregnant, but she’s feisty as hell.

It’s been four days. Four grueling days. Indie asked if I wanted to take a few days off. I told her, no, thank you. I don’t think I could deal with this much time inside my head without anything to distract me. That being said, I need this run more than my next breath. I already texted Suzette and asked if she could get Bonnie ready. And because she’s a champ, she said yes.

As I swing open the door, I find her waiting for me with Bonnie’s leash in her hand.

“Thanks.” Reaching forward, I grasp the nylon cord.

With a sympathetic smile, Suzette pulls me into a side hug before I can escape unscathed. “You doin’ okay?”

I release a sigh and shrug one shoulder. “I guess we’ll find out. I’m gonna go.”

Suzette nods and waves goodbye as I head out the door just as quickly as I’d entered it.

Once outside, I head up the street in a full-on sprint, feeling a little sorry that Bonnie has to be stuck with me and my complicated mess of emotions. As we round the corner toward Get Baked, and subsequently Central Park, I dig my heels into the pavement beneath my feet. Six inches in front of me is Alexandra, Levi’s kinda, sorta boss. Or at least one of them, anyway. Her hand was outstretched to grasp the door handle of Get Baked, but she twisted in my direction when I nearly barreled over her.

“Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Are you okay?” I apologize.

“Charlie?” she asks, looking me up and down.

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