Home > Jilted Jock(40)

Jilted Jock(40)
Author: Rebecca Jenshak

“Try this one. It’s Orgasmic Vanilla.” I fed her from my half-eaten cupcake.

“Mmmm. That one is good too.”

We shared our cupcakes with each other and when I offered her another, she shook her head. I set the box on the bench next to me and moved closer.

“Did you really think we were going to eat twelve cupcakes for lunch?” She asked, smiling.

“Didn’t know how hungry you’d be.” I dipped my head to take her lips with mine. I kissed her softly. A tougher challenge than it sounded. I’d waited for months to be able to kiss her whenever I wanted, but some part of me also realized she needed to know the things I wanted from her went beyond physical.

“I’ll make it up to you tonight with real food. Dinner anywhere you want.”

She smiled. “Deal. Now kiss me like you mean it. I’ve only got fifteen minutes until I have to get back.”


Anywhere she wanted turned out to be her place. We went shopping for groceries together, which turned out to be fun. She perused the vegetables and I perused her.

Even though I knew she wasn’t much for cooking, I let her order me around in the kitchen. Adele wielding a sharp knife was a little scary. Hot, but scary.

“Learned to cook, I see.”

“Not really. I finally admitted defeat that I’m never going to be the next Gordon Ramsay and found one simple thing I could cook. Literally, I Googled the easiest recipe on the planet and found this fifteen-minute pasta meal. I have it at least twice a week.”

We sat on the couch with our food and caught up on life. We’d talked on the phone, but in person it was so much easier to let the conversation flow naturally.

“Have you been back to California much?”

“Just for Christmas.” She ducked her head a little, pausing with her fork stuck in the pasta on her plate. “I’m sorry that I left the way I did, without even hearing you out.”

“I suppose I understand. You two had history.”

“That’s true. I did feel like I owed it to Richard to try and make things work, but if I’m super honest, I think I was hiding behind him because I was afraid of what would happen if I admitted how I felt about you. Being with someone like you scares me.”

“I’m not someone. And you don’t need to be scared of me. Ever.”

She nodded.

“When did you two end things?” She still hadn’t told me a lot of the details surrounding her breakup with Richard and I’d selfishly wanted to forget about any reminder that she’d chosen him over me.

“Right after the new year. Richard is a great guy and he’s everything I thought I wanted, but…”

She hesitated, but I hung on her every word and I needed to know how that sentence ended.


“But those two weeks with you changed me. It reminded me that I’m not meek or scared. After rehab, I made myself believe I was. Maybe I thought if I hadn’t changed then it meant I’d failed somehow. Failed the program, failed myself, failed Chance.” She met my stare straight on. “You made me feel strong again and allowed me to picture a new life, wild and adventurous. Might take some time to put it in action.”

“I didn’t do anything. Besides, you’ve been living on your own taking on the city – I’d say that’s pretty wild and adventurous.” I found her leg under the table and wrapped mine around it.

She dropped her fork and looked at me with hunger and need. Looked like dinner would have to wait. Standing, I took her hand and helped her to her feet.

“Wanna do something else wild and adventurous?”

She nodded, wide eyed.

Scooping her up in my arms, I walked us toward her bed. A shelving unit acted as a barrier between it and the living / dining area. I hadn’t been on this side and I may not have paid that close of attention now if it hadn’t caught my eye. It was the picture I’d sent her of me and Marshmallow. It wasn’t framed like the other photos, but she’d printed it on photo paper and set it where she could see it. And the cherry on top, she’d placed it in front of an old photo of her and Richard at CJ’s first birthday party. Take that, Dick.

I set her down and circled her neck with both hands as I kissed her softly.

She moaned deep in her throat and arched her pelvis up to make contact. I ground down in slow circles.

“I want to fuck you in every way possible – ways I’ve never even thought of, but right now, I’m gonna make love to you, sweetheart.”


We laid in bed naked talking and making out like teenagers for most of the day on Saturday. Neither of us mentioning the time ticking by or the fact I was leaving in a few hours. She asked about California, the team, Marshmallow, and I made her fill me in on her job and the life she’d built in New York.

With her head on my chest, I’d nearly drifted off when she asked, “Have you seen her?”

At first, I had no idea who she was talking about. Honest to God, I hadn’t even thought of her today or yesterday – and all the days since reconnecting with Adele, Cindy had only been a fleeting thought mostly in regard to avoiding her.

“She’s called a few times, and I saw her at a charity event, but so far I’ve managed to not speak to her.”

“Really?” Adele lifted her head and looked at me. Even in the darkness I could make out the surprise in her expression.

“There isn’t much to say.”

“Don’t you want some sort of closure from it all?”

“Her bailing on our wedding day is all the closure I need.”

“Finn.” The way she said my name, like she pitied me, made me realize how true it was. There was nothing left for Cindy and me to say to one another.

“Maybe it’s juvenile to avoid her, but I don’t think talking it out will do anything but piss me off. She made her choice and I’m glad she did. The execution was harsh and I’m not sure I’ll ever feel the same way about weddings again, but it led me to you and for that I’m grateful.”

She seemed satisfied with my answer and I blew out a breath, glad to be done talking about Cindy. I didn’t want to bring any of that baggage into my time with Adele.

Neither of us felt like doing much as the hour to leave grew closer. We settled on the couch watching TV, tangled up and somber. The ride to the airport was silent. Adele came with me, even though I told her it wasn’t necessary. I was hopping on a plane to California and wishing there was some way I could take her with me.

“I can’t believe you have to leave already. It feels like you just got here.” Adele hugged me tightly outside security.

“We’ve got a home game next Saturday, but I’ll figure something out to get back before the end of the week.” I kissed her forehead and ran a hand down her head until I caressed her neck. “Or I could fly you out to California.”

Her body tensed against mine, all but giving me the answer before she’d even said the words. “I don’t know. I don’t like the idea of you paying to fly me out. It’s bad enough you keep flying here. Paying for my flight makes things seem sooo… serious between us.”

I chuckled lightly. “I am serious about you. Think about it.” I pulled back. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

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