Home > Kiss Me Every Day(4)

Kiss Me Every Day(4)
Author: Dena Blake

Someone knocked softly on the door. “Come in.”

Stephanie, her assistant, stood in the doorway. “That was your last appointment, so if you don’t need me, I’m going to take off.”

“That’s fine.” She blew out a breath as Stephanie turned to go and then said, “Steph, wait. Can I ask you a question?”

Stephanie spun around. “Sure.”

“What do you think about divorce?”

“That’s a pretty broad question. Can you be more specific?”

She smiled. Steph didn’t buy in to the typical baiting questions she used on her clients. “One, do you think it’s appropriate to divorce if people are better off apart? Two, do you think it’s possible for people who divorce to remain friends?”

“One, hell yes. I grew up with parents who should’ve divorced, and it was miserable. Two, that depends on the people. My parents are happily divorced now, but they’re not friends. They don’t speak unless I’m the reason.”

“Why aren’t they friends?”

“The divorce was brutal. Between dividing their belongings, money, and child support, lots of things were said that couldn’t be forgotten.” Steph shrugged. “They’re civil when they end up at the same place or event, but neither one of them goes out of their way to talk to one another.”

“Do you think it would’ve been better if they’d divorced sooner?”

“I was sad when it happened because I liked having them both in the same house with me, but when I look back on it, I do think it might have been better if they’d split sooner.”

“Thank you. Your insights are spot-on, as always.”

Steph started to leave and then stopped. “Divorce isn’t a bad thing. I mean, we’re living in the twentieth century. No one brands you with a scarlet letter or anything. People just realize they want different things. They want to be happy.” With that, she turned and swept quietly out of the room.

Carly relaxed into her chair, wondering who the better marriage counselor was, she or Stephanie, before she picked up the phone and called Jordan.

Jordan answered after the first ring. “Hey. What’s up?” At least she didn’t avoid her calls.

“Just wanted to let you know I’m going to your mom and dad’s to see the kids this afternoon.”

“Cool. Is Suz going to be there?”

“Suzanna and James are out of town, remember?” She could tell she wasn’t getting Jordan’s full attention. So much for her answering right away. What difference did it make if she didn’t listen?

“Right. So, I’ll see you at home later?”

“I thought you could come by and see them, take a short swim, and then we could go to dinner from there.”

“Right.” Jordan dragged the word out slowly. “Where are we going again?”

“You forgot.” She couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice.

“Nope. Not at all. I just had my mind on something else—kind of in the middle of something. I probably shouldn’t have picked up.”

“What could be more important than me?”

“Absolutely nothing. I just have a lot to finish before I can get out of here.” Jordan sighed into the phone. “What time is the reservation?”


“I’ll try to get to Mom and Dad’s as soon as I can, but I’m not guaranteeing it will be early enough to swim.”

“Okay. Then I’ll let you go.” She was having a hard time suppressing her irritation. No matter how much work she had on her plate, she never made Jordan feel she was too busy to talk to her. Just another sign she’d married the wrong person. She took a notebook from the top drawer of her desk and flipped it open. Last month’s entry had been a two, but that conversation had just lowered the number to a one. Underneath it she scribbled, NO CONNECTION ANYMORE—AT ALL. She flipped the notebook closed and shoved it back into her drawer.



Chapter Three

Wynn walked past the tables and wicker-lined chairs on the bistro’s patio and entered the restaurant. She immediately spotted Jordan at her favorite table by the front window. Her sister was a creature of habit. Once she found a place she liked, she continued going there until they screwed something up. Her current choice for lunch was a little French bistro on Baker Street that served the absolute best seafood stew. This place had lasted longer on Jordan’s radar than most, so their service must be excellent.

With leather booths and padded, wooden chairs, it had a homey yet elegant feel. Small tables that could be pushed together to create substantial seating for large parties filled the dining room, and window seats provided the opportunity to enjoy the quiet hum of diners chatting inside while also watching the weather and passersby on the sidewalk. The food was a little pricy, but Jordan was buying, so Wynn didn’t intend to worry about the cost. In fact, she might just order a bottle of wine as well. She needed something to change her mood. She let the hostess know she was with Jordan and then weaved through the tables to where she was seated.

Jordan stood as Wynn approached the table. “Happy birthday, sis.” She gathered her into a hug.

“Thanks.” Her birthday wasn’t until tomorrow, but this was the only time Jordan could fit Wynn into her schedule this week.

“How old are you this year?”

“Thirty-one.” The work she’d had to do this past year as chief operating officer had made her feel so much older. Was the job worth it?

“Still just a pup.” Jordan squeezed the two lemon wedges remaining on the plate in front of her into her water.

“She’s bringing you a water and more lemon wedges.”

“How about a bottle of wine?”

“Really? It’s so unlike you to drink in the middle of the day.”

“I need a little something to relax. It’s been a rough morning.”

“I’m all in on that.” Jordan waved the waitress down. “Can we have a bottle of the sauvignon blanc?” The waitress nodded and left the table. “What’s going on?”

“I just had to lay off twelve hundred people at work.”

“Was it unavoidable?”

“It was now. It wouldn’t have been if we’d made some better choices last year.” There had been a layoff then as well, one that had paved the path that led to her promotion. She should’ve looked at more options earlier.

“Don’t beat yourself up. It happens. It’s only business.”

That’s what she’d been telling herself to get through it, but it just didn’t feel that way anymore. “Not to them, it isn’t.”

The waitress came back with the wine, opened it, and poured Jordan a taste. She drank it, nodded, and the waitress filled their glasses. “Are you ready to order?”

“You go first.” Jordan motioned to Wynn. “Order up. It’s on me.”

“I’ll have the seafood stew and a small salad.”

“Ooh, that sounds good. I’ll have the same, and bring some sourdough bread and butter as well.” Jordan collected their menus and handed them to the waitress. “You need to keep your strength up to face the aftermath this afternoon.”

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