Home > Reaper's Wrath(91)

Reaper's Wrath(91)
Author: Jamie Begley

She felt her groin tingle and her nipples harden, and Ginny self-consciously started to pull back at the overwhelming feelings. Gavin’s hand slipped to the back of her hip to hold her in place. Glancing up at him, she was transfixed by the man staring down at her.

A feminine shiver had her breasts tightening in need.

Blushing at the experienced knowledge she could see lurking in his tiger-like gaze, Ginny quivered at the predatory gleam she recognized, even though she had never been on the receiving end of one before.

Realizing she was unexpectedly out of her comfort zone, Ginny tried to backpedal. As the song ended she dropped her arms.

“One more.”

Winding her arms back around his neck, Ginny held on for dear life. When the next song began playing the moody music, she wished she had never asked him to dance. She asked for a dance she would remember forever, not one that would be scorched into her soul for eternity.

Ginny had no doubts that Greer and Silas would be able to help make Gavin whole again, and she was equally sure she wouldn’t be the one who would be reaping the benefits.

How would she survive when he chose another woman to spend his future with, have children, make a home. A home she had been searching for her whole life—first with Trudy, and now with Gavin.

Another song blended in seamlessly. Gavin stepped away from her as the words sang out across the bar. “You and Silas set me up just so I would come here? Pretty convenient those love songs are playing.”

Ginny masked her crushed reaction and looked toward the bar.

“Mick why did you play these songs?”

Gavin glared at her for asking the question, surprised she would call him out on his presumption.

“Jessie brought it in tonight for me to play for them.”

“Thanks, Mick.” Stiffly walking toward Gavin she glared up at him. “I guess you’re not the only stubborn male in Treepoint.”

Breezing past him she went to her table to retrieve her purse, then hurried out the front door.

“Wait, Ginny.”

Ginny started walking across the parking lot heading toward the road.

“Ginny, Wait!”

A hand took her arm jerking her to a stop.

“I’m sorry.”

“I keep asking myself how many times I’m going to forgive you. I love you, Gavin, but I’m not a saint.”

“Let me drive you home. I won’t say another word.”

“I prefer to walk. I wouldn’t want any accusations of me trying to lure you into the backseat.”

“Dammit, will you listen?”

“Why should I?” She stopped walking long enough to point a finger in his chest. “Why are you arguing with me? You prefer riding alone.” Ginny turned back to walking, motioning toward the road. “Have at it.”

Gavin strode in front of her, blocking her from going farther.

“I overreacted, okay?” he shouted. “If you’d let me get a word in edgewise, I’d admit I was a fucking ass.”

Ginny folded her arms over her chest.

“This, I have to hear.”

“I have a confession to make.”

Wanting to smooth down the tumbled mess he was making of his hair when he raked his hand through the long strands, Ginny clenched her fingers to prevent herself.

“I’m listening.”

“I liked dancing with you. Instead of admitting it to myself, it was easier to blame on you.”


“Because I wasn’t expecting it to feel so good.”

Ginny blushed remembering the warmth that spread thought her body when they were dancing.

“During those two dances, I felt like I use to, like I had the world at my feet, and the woman I wanted in my arms. By the third dance I started getting….” Gavin seemed lost for words.

“Freaked out,” Ginny added helpfully.


The mysterious quicksilver rushed through her bloodstream, again, at his wry laughter, and she saw a glimmer of the man he used to be … the one that was beginning to reappear.

The dark sky was spread out before her like blanket, and the twinkling stars seemed brighter than normal, as if they were smiling down at them from above.

“Maybe the stars were aligned for us tonight,” she said musingly more to herself than him.

“What do you mean?”

Ginny lowered her gaze away from the sky.

“When you first came to Treepoint, the stars weren’t aligned for us. You were engaged to Taylor, and I was too young. Do you ever wonder what kind of life you would be leading now if you hadn’t been kidnapped?”

“I try not to think about it.”

“Go to Taylor’s Facebook page; her life is an open book.”

“Are you fucking saying I was better off being kidnapped than being married to her?”

“No. I’m saying, quit dredging up your past like one of those gold miners who kept digging, even though the claim had been played out.”

“You mean stake another claim?”

Ginny didn’t let the irony in his voice bother her.

“No, be a man who admits he was wrong and move the fuck on,” she said cuttingly.

Gavin laughed. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you say that word.”

“Believe it or not, I can let loose with that word frequently when I’m mad—” She stopped midsentence when she realized he was no longer listening to her. “What are you doing?”

Gavin was striding across the parking lot and looking down at the ground, as if he were searching for something.

“Trying to find my earring. It must have come unlatched when I pulled my hair back.”

Giving the ground a cursory glance, Ginny changed directions and went to Silas’ car.

“You coming?”

“You’re not going to help me look?”

“It’s pitch dark out here, and the lighting is even worse inside; it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You can call Mick and ask him to keep out an eye for it. Personally I think silver suits you much better.”

“The earring was solid gold….”

Ginny gave him an unladylike snort. “Then you got taken. It was ten karat, and that’s if you were lucky.”

Impatiently she tapped the roof of the car. “You mind opening the car?”

Tossing her the keys, he asked, “Will you wait here while I go inside and look around?”

“Knock yourself out.” Ginny got inside the car and turning the ignition on. The music was blasting away when Gavin returned ten minutes later.

“No luck?” she asked turning the radio down.

“No. Mick will call if he finds it.”

“Don’t look so discouraged, something will turn up.” Raising the volume, Ginny lowered the car window, enjoying the wind coming into the car.

Gavin gave her a harassed look, then turned the volume back down.

“You never did tell me why you went to the bar.”

Ginny gave him a pained glance. “I have a confession to make.”

“What?” he asked taking his eyes of the road.

“I was meeting someone.”


She turned to stare out the window at the jealous tinge in his voice.

“Just remember before you go off the rails, that you were mean to me when we were dancing. By the way, isn’t it customary for a gentleman to thank a woman for dancing with her?”

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