Home > The Breeding Experiment

The Breeding Experiment
Author: Laurann Dohner

Chapter One


“Keep your head down to avoid drawing notice,” Darla urged her sister, pushing her through the crowd. She kept her own chin tucked low to her chest for just that reason.

Becky clutched at her arm. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong? Why are you scared? Don’t we have permission to be in the city without our brothers or Dad?”

“Now is not the time to talk. We’ll miss the shuttle if we don’t hurry. I have our new work visas…” She didn’t want to think of the price she’d pay for them later.

She’d had to promise sexual favors to the guy who’d hired her. That would happen after she was off the planet, when he became her boss.

But all that mattered was saving her sister.

“We’ve got jobs on Defcon Red. Working for the fleet will be much better than staying here.”

“What about Mom and Dad? Our brothers? They need our help to keep operating the greenhouse.”

“No, they don’t. This is what they want us to do. Us not being there is what’s best for them. Trust me on that.”

“Dang it, Darla! What’s going on?”

“Not now,” she snapped, relieved to see the sign for the transport they needed directly ahead. No one had stopped them to demand to see their travel papers. She reached into her pocket with her free hand and yanked out the work visas, gripping them tightly in her fist.

A man wearing a fleet uniform blocked the ramp to the shuttle. She stopped in front of him and held out the visas. “We’re Darla and Becky Mitt, new-hires on Defcon Red in the garden section.”

He took the work visas and studied both before staring at their faces. Then he handed them back. “Welcome aboard.” He stepped aside.

Darla shoved the visas back into her pocket and hauled her younger sister up the ramp, not relaxing until they’d stepped inside the transport.

They were officially on fleet property.

A load of stress left her shoulders. No one from her planet could drag them off the fleet-owned shuttle. They’d made it…they were safe.

Another man in a fleet uniform approached. “Luggage?”

Darla released her sister and wiggled out of her backpack, passing it over. She motioned for her sister to do the same. The officer took them, walking toward the back of the shuttle to the storage compartments.

“Why did you give him our stuff?”

Darla turned to face her sister. “It’s okay. He’s going to store it. This isn’t a land hover where you just drop your bag at your feet.”

“Oh.” Becky lowered her voice. “How did you get my image on that work visa thing? I didn’t pose for it.”

“I took some old stills of you with me earlier today, and the guy who made our visas just copied your image from one. Let’s sit.”

There were rows of seats along the sides of the interior of the long, narrow shuttle. At least fifteen other people had already buckled in near the front. There was an emergency hatch that had three seats near the back of the shuttle. Darla steered her sister there and sat.

Becky took the seat next to her. “Now—what’s going on?”

Darla glanced around, making sure no one was near enough to hear her whisper. “Remember that inspection coming up in two days?”


“The inspector is new.”


“It just…it wasn’t a good thing, okay?”

Becky frowned. “I don’t understand. The greenhouse is inspected every six months. We’re up to code. What does that have to do with you getting us jobs with the fleet? This is our home, Darla!” Tears filled her sister’s eyes. “I only went along with leaving because I could tell you were really scared. I want to know why. We didn’t even get to say goodbye to our parents or brothers since they were gone picking up new equipment!”

“They know we won’t be there when they get back. Dad and our brothers could have handled picking up the new harvest machines themselves, but they took Mom with them to give her an alibi, too. That way, none of them can be accused of helping us leave Radison. Becky…I had a deal going with the other inspector. The new one couldn’t be bribed. So, we’re going to work in a huge garden on an Earth fleet ship, where we’ll be safe. Our family will be fine.”

“What kind of deal? You’re not making any sense. Safe from what?”

“Being reassigned to another job. A bad one. Leave it at that, Becky. Okay?”

Her sister opened her mouth, ready to protest. Before she could, another woman spoke.

“Who let that animal on this transport?”

Darla lifted her head, staring at the opening where passengers boarded. Shock hit hard and fast at the sight of the huge alien man who’d entered the shuttle.

She’d seen plenty of news feeds; she could guess what he was.

Her sister grabbed her arm.

The big alien glanced their way, and Darla felt her sister press against her side tighter, probably attempting to hide from the alien’s intense bluish-green stare.

His eyes were brilliant in color. He had everything a human did, as far as two eyes, two arms, and two legs went…but he wasn’t one. The pointed ears proved that. He was also bigger and scarier looking than any guy she’d ever seen in person.

He tore his gaze away from them to glare at the woman who’d called him an animal. She wore a light gray fleet uniform, her blonde hair pulled back in a severe bun, and had an angry look on her face.

He handed his bags to the shuttle officer who handled luggage.

“You need to get off this shuttle right now,” the blonde ordered. She stood from her seat and pointed toward the open door. “This is only for the crew of Defcon Red.”

“I’m aware.”

Darla felt a chill run down her spine when the alien snarled those words. He sounded equally angry. Not that she could blame him. The blonde woman was being rude.

“Then get off!” The woman pointed again.

“I live on Defcon Red.”

The woman made a huffing noise and took a step forward.

A man in a dark gray uniform got up and stepped into her path. “Stand down, Barbara. Now. A whole team of Veslors are assigned to our ship. He’s probably returning after getting a few days of leave, too.”

“I don’t care, Adam. I don’t want that thing near me!”

“Goddamn it,” Adam loudly hissed. “Shut your mouth and stand down. That’s an order. Put your ass in the seat and seal your lips.”

Barbara opened her mouth.

“Commander Bills personally asked for the Veslors to be assigned to Defcon Red,” Adam whispered, but his voice carried easily. “United Earth signed a trade treaty with them. We’re under orders to make them feel welcome. Anyone who doesn’t will be written up—or worse. Remember that tactical team everyone was gossiping about?” He motioned his head toward the big alien. “They messed with the Veslors.”

Barbara paled before finally retaking her seat. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked anything but happy. Adam turned, staring at the Veslor. He gave the alien a brisk nod before sitting back down, too.

Darla felt bad for the alien when she noticed the other humans suddenly refused to look at him, putting items on the empty seats as if they were saving them for someone who hadn’t arrived yet.

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