Home > Hardwood(9)

Author: K.M. Neuhold


Watson: It’s not technically against the rules, but it IS frowned upon. So, we’ll have to keep it on the DL a bit.


Everett: I feel so cheap.


Watson: And dirty?


Everett: A little bit


Watson: Mmmm…please tell me you’re shirtless at a job site right now.


I bark out a laugh, my insides heating all at once at his flirting.

Everett: Are you an undercover OSHA agent? Is this some kind of sting operation where as soon as you catch me breaking OSHA regulations, the feds are going to descend and take me away?


Watson: What kind of undercover agent would I be if I fessed up that easily?


Everett: Good point. Well, for the record I am currently in my office, wearing clothing appropriate for work.


Watson: What a shame.


We chat back and forth for a few more minutes before he tells me he has a class about to start, and I realize I’ve been at work over an hour now and have not done a single thing except think about or text Watson. Jesus, if I was a thirteen-year-old I’d be doodling his name in my notebook. I need to get a grip.

I shove my phone inside my top desk drawer to force myself to focus and finally get down to getting some work done.

Hours later, when the workday is drawing to a close, Stone stops by my office again to remind me about dinner at his place. I wrap things up and swing by the store to pick up drinks before heading to Stone’s.

I get there around the same time as the rest of the guys. It seems that Cole stopped home to pick up his fiancé, Ren, who brought some homemade honey barbeque sauce that he makes with honey from his own bees. Ollie arrives alone with a tray of vegetables in tow. We go around the back of the house and through the fence we helped Stone build after his boyfriend’s dog got out and had a bit of an accident.

Stone is already on the deck getting the grill going while West and Stone’s boyfriend, Dare lean against the railing. Their two dogs, Nards and Rudy come bounding over to greet us.

“Perfect timing,” Stone says. “Can one of you please tell these two that the expression is ‘you have another thing’ coming.”

“Actually, it’s think,” Ren offers.

“No fucking way,” Stone says. “That makes no sense.”

“It makes perfect sense, it means you need to re-think what you thought,” Dare explains.

“No, it means the thing you thought was coming is not coming, it’s another thing coming,” Stone argues.

“Sorry, Stoney, gotta go with Dare on this one,” Ollie says.

“I’m team thing,” I offer.

“Me too,” Cole agrees.

“Yes, okay, you two are allowed food. The rest of you are on your own because no way am I rewarding your insanity with my delicious meat.”

Dare cracks a smile at the innuendo, and Stone looks victorious. I hate to admit it, but the two of them are perfect for each other. I didn’t think Stone would ever find someone to put up with his antics, but they certainly seem to be making it work.

“Stop eye fucking your boyfriend and focus on our food, please,” Ollie complains. It sounds good-natured, but I swear there’s the slightest hint of bitterness underneath the jibe.

“Don’t be jealous, Ol,” he teases.

“I’m not jealous,” Ollie says.

“You know with two of us paired off now, there are only two to go,” Stone points out, and out of habit, we all look to Ollie, expecting him to tell us about whatever latest boyfriend he’s sure is The One. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever known, he just happens to have shit taste in men and a lead foot when it comes to relationships. He’s zero to sixty with every man he meets, which has led to three quickie weddings and even speedier divorces.

Ollie seems to realize we’re all waiting for him to say something and glares at us.

“This is weird. It’s like missing a step when you’re going down a flight of stairs,” Cole says.

“Fuck off. I told you guys. I’m over it; I’m staying single for now, maybe forever.”

“Come on, you don’t mean that,” Ren argues. “The right guy is out there for you.”

Ollie scoffs. “I thought so, but now I’m starting to think I’m just an idiot. I’m tired of serving up my heart on a platter just to have it tossed back in my face. I’m done.”

My heart breaks for him, and it’s all I can do to stop myself from pulling him in for a hug. He might appreciate it, but I have a feeling it would be awkward as hell. I’m a bit rusty with physical contact.

“Is this all because of the ass grabber?” Cole asks skeptically.

“It’s about everything,” Ollie says. “I thought you of all people would be thrilled. You never miss a chance to point out how shit I am at dating. So, I’m finally taking your advice and packing it in.”

Cole looks guilty even before Ren shoots him an angry look.

“Three,” West pipes in.

“Three what?” Stone asks.

“Two down, three to go. Or do I not count since I’m a lowly apprentice?” he jokes.

“You’re an honorary bear,” Stone concedes. “I just didn’t count you because you’re way too young to be thinking about settling down. You have wild oats to blow and all that.”

“Sow, Stoney, it’s sow,” Ollie corrects with a chuckle.

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

We all laugh. Good old Stone.



Chapter 6



“Oh my god, just text him already.” Mia sets a drink down in front of me forcefully, drawing my attention away from my phone.

“Text who?” I ask, shoving my phone away. Not that it helps. As soon as it’s in my pocket, my fingers are already itching to reach for it again, just to make sure I haven’t missed a text from Ev.

Mia rolls her eyes and then looks over at Jordy for backup. “He’s being ridiculous, right?”

“Very,” he agrees, taking a sip from his glass of water.

Of course, I filled them both in on my run-in with Ev this week, and then sent a group text full of emojis when he texted me yesterday.

“I can’t text him,” I argue.

“Why? For all you know, he’s sitting at home right now, staring at his phone like a sad puppy—just like you are.”

“I’m not a sad puppy,” I grumble, giving into the urge to check my phone again. “You should have seen his face when he recognized me at school. I thought he was going to pass out. That poor man is so not ready for all of this.” I wave my hand at myself and sigh.

“I can’t imagine how hard it must be for him to be grappling with his sexuality in his forties,” Jordy says sympathetically.

“Right?” I shake my head, trying to conjure an alternate universe where I wasn’t so utterly fabulous as a teen that coming out was less of a choice and more of an assumption from everyone who met me. Luckily, my parents were supportive and amazing, and I was already used to getting bullied for my weight anyway, so one more thing at school really wasn’t a big deal.

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