Home > Loves Me NOT(3)

Loves Me NOT(3)
Author: Alexis Winter

I shake that memory from my head and massage my temples as a headache starts to form. Being back here hurts. There’s a physical pain in my chest that I can’t push away, and whiskey doesn’t seem to dull it. Running away is the only thing that’s ever worked, but getting that call from my dad’s nurse put an end to that.

“How’s Dad doing?” I ask, hoping to distract myself.

“You know about that?” he asks.

I nod. “His nurse called.”

He shakes his head and curses under his breath. “I told her not to bother you.”

My head jerks in his direction. “Why the hell did you do that? You didn’t think I deserved to know the man had a heart attack?”

“If it had been serious, then I would’ve called. But his doctor thinks he’ll make a full recovery if he stops drinking and starts eating right.”

I snort. “Yeah, like that’s going to happen.”

“His nurse is living with him. She doesn’t allow any alcohol in the house and she cooks three healthy meals a day. He’s doing better now than he has in years.”

“You still should’ve called.”

“Is that why you came home?” he asks, his voice suddenly taking on a softer tone.

“I just felt like . . . it was time,” I say, eyes fluttering closed again.

There’s a long silence between us as we drive through the darkness. I’m jolted awake when the truck stops and he says, “Okay, we’re here.”

I sit up and look out the windshield at the two-story pole-barn-style home I built when I started working at the brewery. Everything looks perfect and just as I left it—maybe even a little better. It looks as though the cleaning company I hired has been doing some decorating.

Drake laughs. “Been that long? You don’t even recognize your own home?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course I do.” I open the door and nearly fall out. I grab my bag from the back. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I slam the door closed and head for the house.









I can’t believe I’m pulling back into this town. I swore the day I left for college that I wouldn’t come back. However, I didn’t realize my dad would have a stroke and that my mom would be too old and weak to care for him fully. Giving up my life in the city was the hardest thing I’d had to do since . . . well, walking away from Wyatt while he was down on his knees, begging me to forgive him.

I can’t believe I’ve only made it one mile into this town and I’m already thinking about him. Who am I kidding? I’m always thinking about him. Every guy I date, I compare with him. Every memory I have has him in it. When my friends would talk about their high school boyfriends and what losers they are now, I couldn’t even join in, because Wyatt’s social media accounts are filled with nothing but pictures of gorgeous beaches, beautiful women, and famous musicians. He’s living the life most people dream of—me included. I often wonder where he is in the world, what he’s doing, and if he’s also thinking of me. Then I laugh at myself, because of course he’s not caught up in thinking about his high school girlfriend. How could he be when he’s surrounded by beautiful model-like women every day?

At least one thing’s for sure: I won’t have to worry about seeing him here. Unlike most of my high school peers, he left this town long ago and doesn’t seem to have any plans of returning. Pulling into the driveway, I park my car and climb out, stretching. It’s been a long drive and I can’t wait to just relax and unwind for a little while. I grab my bag out of the back seat and let myself into the old two-story farmhouse.

My mom’s little dog, Rat, barks the moment I step inside. I bend down to pet him, knowing it’s the only way to silence him.

Mama screams with excitement. “You’re home! You’re finally home!” She rushes over for a long hug.

“I missed you, Mama.”

“I missed you too. Look how thin you’ve gotten.” She pulls away to study me. “Are you hungry? Of course you’re hungry. Sit down and I’ll make you something.”

“I’m fine, Mama. I ate this morning.”

She looks at her watch. “It’s going on two. You need lunch. Now, have a seat. No back talk.”

I laugh but do as I’m told. “How’s Daddy?”

“He’s about the same. His health is stable, but he has a lot of work to do. That stroke took his ability to talk correctly. He has a slur that makes him hard to understand. He’s also having trouble swallowing. He’s getting around okay with a walker now. No more wheelchair.”

I offer a sad smile but can’t help but feel sad. I’m happy that he’s recovering, but it’s devastating to watch a man who’s always been so strong become so frail and weak. “Can I see him?” I ask.

“He’s taking his afternoon nap right now. He’s usually up by three. You have just enough time to eat. You need your strength too, you know.” She places a plate in front of me with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, carrot sticks, and sliced apples. I pick up a carrot and take a bite while she pours me a glass of iced tea.

Finally, she sits across from me. “I’m here to help take care of Daddy, but also to help you, Mama,” I tell her. “You don’t have to wait on me. I’m a grown woman now.” I pick up my PB&J and take a bite.

She laughs. “Was that hard to say while eating a child’s meal?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s still my favorite, I don’t care if it’s meant for children.” I stick my tongue out at her and she laughs, a sound I’ve missed.

I sit, eat my late lunch, and talk with my mom for the next hour. When three rolls around, my dad calls out.

“Sounds like he’s up.” She stands and heads for the bedroom. I get up and follow along behind her, almost scared to see the condition he’s in. She walks into the bedroom and flips on the bedside lamp. She picks up the remote and turns on the TV for him.

“Danny, look who’s here. It’s Destiny. She’s finally come home.”

“D-D-Dessss,” he slurs out.

Tears fill my eyes, but I don’t allow them to fall. I don’t want him to see me upset. I sit on the edge of the bed and take his hand in mine. “Hi, Daddy. How are you feeling?”

He smiles as tears fall down his cheeks. It’s amazing how different he looks. It’s like those six weeks in the hospital and rehab wore on him like years. He was once a big, tall man who farmed his whole life. Now, he’s thin, and his skin is practically hanging from his bones. His eyes are surrounded by wrinkles, and their once-brilliant blue is now a clouded gray. My heart hurts just looking at him.

“What you doing home?” He asks the words slowly, making sure to pronounce each one correctly.

I don’t want to tell him that I’m giving up my life in the city to come help him and my mom. I know how he’ll react to that. So instead, I shrug. “I just missed home. I missed you and Mama.”

He nods. “It’sssss ti-me for myyy shooow.” He points at the TV.

My mouth drops open. “Oh, okay.” I stand up. “I guess I’ll leave you alone to watch it then.”

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