Home > Loves Me NOT

Loves Me NOT
Author: Alexis Winter







“Come on, man! One more shot before we go in. You know you’re going to need it with these girls making us dance during every single song,” my friend Mark says, pushing a bottle of Jameson my way.

“Dude, we’ve drunk half that bottle already. Not to mention wiping out that six-pack while getting ready,” I argue. My vision is already doubling. I’d hate to vomit all over Destiny’s dress. She’d kill me for sure. If nothing else, she’d never let me live it down.

“Dude,” is all he says, still holding out the bottle.

I shake my head. Clearly, it would be easier to take another sip than to argue about it. “Fine,” I say, ripping the bottle out of his hands and swallowing down a long gulp.

When I pull the bottle away, I cough and get the sudden urge to puke, but somehow hold it back as I sputter out, “Let’s go before these girls lose their shit.”

We climb out of the limo and find the girls waiting for us.

“About time,” Destiny says, wrapping her hand around my arm.

“I know. Mark just wouldn’t come off it.” My eyes fall from her beautiful face down to her chest, where her breasts are pushed up nicely thanks to the fancy prom dress.

She laughs and bumps her shoulder into mine when she notices. “There’s plenty of time for that later, Mister. Right now, you owe me a dance.” She flashes me a smile and her blue eyes light up.

Seeing her in this big white dress only makes me think of the ring I have sitting at home in my dresser drawer. I know we’re young, but I don’t care. I’m going to marry this girl, and I plan on asking her the day we graduate. Only two more weeks until I have that ring on her finger. I’m counting the minutes.

I know a guy my age shouldn’t be thinking about getting married. Most guys my age are only talking about going away to college and the fun they’ll have. But I’m not planning on going to college. Why would I when I have a good job waiting for me at my family’s brewery? I’m all set to become director of marketing, and I’ve already learned from the best when it comes to doing that job.

When we walk into the entrance of the gym, we hand over our tickets and wait in line to have our pictures taken. I wrap my arm around Destiny and pull her close, inhaling her sweet scent. I pull back.

“Are you wearing a different perfume?”

She smiles and nods. “Do you like it? It’s my mom’s fancy stuff. She never lets me use it, but it was a special occasion tonight.” She shrugs one shoulder.

“I like it, but I like the kind you always wear better.” I bend my head down and brush my lips against hers.

“Next!” the man taking the pictures yells, and we all step forward in line as Mark and Julie go to stand in front of the backdrop.

“I love the color of her dress. I wish I would’ve found one in that color,” Destiny says about Julie’s light-colored baby blue dress. It’s almost the exact same as Destiny’s, or at least it looks that way to me. They’re both long, puffy, strapless, and form-fitting around their chests. The only difference I see is the color.

I lean in. “I like you in white,” I say, causing her cheeks to flush.

“Next!” the man yells again, and we go stand on the tape for our pictures.

Minutes later, we’re on the dance floor, and Destiny is wrapped up in my arms. Blue lights are flashing around us as we move back and forth to the beat of the music.

“Damn, look at them moves,” Julie says with a wide smile.

I flash her a grin but don’t respond. Lately, I think Destiny’s been getting jealous when Julie and I have our usual banter. She says I’m flirting, but I’m a natural flirt and do it without even realizing it. Mark couldn’t care less. In fact, he purposely flirts with Destiny. I try not to think too much about any of it. Mark is my best friend and has been since day one of kindergarten. And Destiny and Julie have been friends for years. If nothing else, I hope Destiny sees how much I love her and that I’d never do anything to risk what we have. I hope to end all that doubt when I put that ring on her finger in two weeks.

There have been many times when I’ve been tempted to give it to her a little early, but I keep telling myself to wait. It’ll be much more romantic on graduation day.

“Des, bathroom break?” Julie asks.

Destiny nods and pulls away. “I’ll be right back.”

I look over at Mark and he nods toward the back corner of the gym. I follow behind him, thinking we’re going to meet up with some friends. To my surprise, he pulls a small bottle of liquor out of the inside pocket of his jacket. He takes a swig and passes it over.

I roll my eyes, having learned my lesson from trying to argue earlier. I take the bottle, tip it back, and swallow down the liquid.

“Tonight is going to be awesome,” Mark says, taking one last drink before tucking it away.

“I probably won’t even remember it now, thanks to you,” I joke.

He bumps my elbow with his. “That’s the point. You know you had fun if you can’t remember.”

My stomach gurgles from that last drink and sweat starts beading on my brow. “I’m going to the restroom,” I say, walking off.

“I’m going to go spike the punch,” he laughs out, walking in the opposite direction.

In the restroom, I take a piss, wash my hands, and then lean against the sink. I’m fucking dizzy, my stomach feels like I’ve been on a roller coaster for the last 14 hours, and the loud music is killing my head. Is it possible to have a hangover before you even go to sleep? I shake my head and splash some cold water on my face. I quickly pat it dry with some paper towels then look over my reflection. My eyes are bloodshot and hooded. My hair is already a mess and I make quick work of straightening it the best I can. With a sigh, I give up and exit the restroom.

The moment I step out, my eyes land on Destiny’s back. Her thin neck teases me with her hair pulled up high on her head. Something comes over me and I’m instantly craving her lips on mine. I wish I could just carry her away from all of this. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of the night buried deep inside her. When the three girls she’s talking to walk away, I step up to her back and press my lips to her neck. She tilts her head to the side, giving me more of her. The different perfume she’s wearing burns my nose as I breathe it in, but I don’t think anything of it when she spins around, wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me.

My arms immediately wrap around her, pulling her closer to my chest as I deepen the kiss. Something seems off—different. And it’s not just the perfume. The way she tastes is different; maybe she’s had some of Mark’s spiked punch. But the way her tongue moves with mine is different too.

“Wyatt!” someone yells, and I pull away, finding Julie—not Destiny—directly in front of me.

I spin around to find Destiny. Hurt fills her eyes as her mouth hangs open, her bottom lip quivering. I look from Destiny, to Julie, who looks just as surprised, and back.

“Des, it’s not what you think,” I try to get out, but she turns and runs away.

I chase after her, but lose her in the crowd of people. My vision is blurring, my feet are tripping over who knows what, and my ears are ringing as my stomach churns. I know I can’t chase after her. If I do, I’ll most certainly vomit right here on the gym floor. I rush to the restroom and make it to the toilet just in time to empty my stomach. I’ll find her. I’ll explain. Everything will be okay. She’ll forgive me and we’ll carry on like nothing ever happened. Then on graduation day, I’ll propose and we’ll live happily ever after.

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