Home > Naughty All Night(61)

Naughty All Night(61)
Author: Jennifer Bernard

Steve didn’t say a word, which was so unlike him. Kate realized he’d been knocked out at some point. Maybe by his fall, maybe by Darius.

Leaving Steve where he was, Darius crouched across from her, at Dylan’s other side. Even from there, she felt the vibrating tension in his body. His eyes were absolutely wild. Filled with passion and fury and words about to burst out of him.

“I got this.” He drew out a Leatherman and sliced through the duct tape wrapped around Dylan’s wrists and ankles. “Are you all right, Dylan?”


Darius held his wrists, stroking gently to bring the blood back into them. “You tripped the motherfucker.”

“He was about to shoot you.”

“You did good. Real good. And you, Kate. Nice job on keeping him busy.”

“You can thank Emma and her rug for that.” Her voice sounded funny because all she could think about was how beautiful Darius was, how strong and wonderful and stern and caring and how she couldn’t bear to say goodbye to him ever again. “Besides, you’re the one who saved us. How did you know to come in here?”

“You just didn’t sound like yourself,” he said simply, lifting his gaze to hold hers. The intensity in it made her breath catch. “I know all your voices. I knew something was wrong.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. The aftermath of being grabbed and threatened at gunpoint and fearful for Dylan—it all snowballed and she wanted to throw herself at him and cry on his shoulder.

But she couldn’t do that. He was leaving Lost Harbor.

“I need to use the bathroom,” Dylan said. “He wouldn’t let me take a leak the entire time.”

“Yeah. Of course.” Darius helped him stand up. Dylan limped off toward the bathroom as Kate and Darius watched his every move.

“I hope he’s—” Kate began anxiously.

Darius cut her off by cupping her face in his hand. “He’s okay. But I’m not.”

Oh my God. Had Steve gotten him after all? Frantic, she patted his chest, his arms, anywhere that he might be wounded. “Are you hurt?”

“No, but I’ll die if I don’t say this. I love you, Kate. It’s not over for me. It’ll never be over.” Pure emotion, open and raw, blazed from his gray eyes. This was a Darius she’d glimpsed, but never seen in his full glory. Loving, powerful, caring, opening himself up to her—he took her breath away. “We can figure this out. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll fly back and forth. Spend summers here. I don’t care. Anything except walk away from you. I thought I could, that I wasn’t a romantic kid anymore, but I was wrong. I mean, I’m not a kid—I’m a man, with a man’s heart. And it’s yours.”

She let out a sob of sheer astonishment. “It is?”

“When I saw you arguing with that asshole, like you were made of pure fire trying to keep Dylan safe, I wanted to throw myself through the glass for you. I want you. I love you. I’m yours, if you want me.”

She threw herself into his arms, which he opened just in time. Being held by him again flooded her with transcendent joy. “I love you too, Darius. I’m not used to loving anyone, it’s so confusing. I couldn’t believe you wanted to just leave. You didn’t even ask me if I wanted to come with you!”

“I didn’t dare. I have Dylan with me now, and it all seemed too much to ask of you. But I should have. God, I should have. I should have told you how I felt.” Holding her tightly, he moved his hands in delicious circles on her back. “I’m sorry I ever made you think I could live without you. You’re my Kate. You’re my everything, my light, my joy, my fire.”

The tears were flowing down her face now. “How’d you get so good with words?” she wailed.

“I guess you’re rubbing off on me.” His chest shook with a deep chuckle. “Or maybe you just inspire me.”

The sound of Dylan’s footfalls made them pull apart. The boy looked from one to the other of them, hands on his hips. “I saw that.”

Darius cleared his throat. “Yeah. We should talk.”

Dylan put up a hand to forestall him. “I already know. You and Kate love each other and want to be together.”

They glanced at each other and Kate twined her hand in his for support. Was this going to be difficult? She thought she had a good relationship with Dylan, but he was still mourning his mother. Maybe he didn’t want an interloper around while he got to know his father.

“Yes,” Darius said seriously. “All that is true. But that’s about as far as we got. We’re not making any plans without you—”

The boy interrupted him. “Can we forget this stupid Texas idea and just stay here?”

Darius’ jaw fell open. “You don’t want to go to Texas?”

“No way. I like it here. It’s a fresh start. Or it will be, after people get used to me. That’s what Maya says.”

Darius nodded slowly, as if he was afraid to hope it was all going to work out. “I’ll have to see if I can get my job back.”

“They’d better not turn down the hottie fire chief.” Kate squeezed his hand.

He raised an eyebrow at her. “There’s another problem. We’ll have to work it out with the landlady.”

“I was thinking maybe I could have the upstairs, like it could be my bedroom.” Dylan grinned, suddenly looking like an ordinary, carefree teenager. “That’s why I came up here before. I woke up early and I went upstairs so I could imagine living there. It looked like someone had messed with the door. I shouldn’t have gone in, that was stupid.”

“You were really brave, Dylan,” Kate told him. “Brave and a little reckless.”

“Maybe it runs in the family.” Dylan smirked.

Darius settled his arm over Kate’s shoulders. The strength and love flowing through it turned her heart into a glowing ball of joy. “We’ll think about your idea. Now how about you go tell the crew we’re all fine and we have a suspect in custody? Kate and I will be right behind you.”

“Sure thing, Dad.” He headed for the door.

The look in Darius’ eyes at the sound of that word sent a new wave of emotion through Kate’s heart.

He spun her against him and cupped her face in both his big hands. For a moment they gazed at each other, joined in silent union, suspended in time.

Then he touched her mouth with his and she lost herself in a kiss she wanted to never end. This right here, her and Darius, this was the rock on which her life would rest from now until forever.

The sound of applause from outside made them break apart again.

“Dad?” Dylan called from the outdoor staircase. “You should see this. Look out front.”

Still hand in hand, she and Darius slid open the glass door and stepped onto the front deck. The entire volunteer fire department had gathered outside. Various official and personal vehicles were parked along the street. They were cheering Dylan as he limped down the stairs.

“I texted Nate about Dylan being held hostage and saving the day by tripping the dude,” Darius murmured. “Guess word must have spread.”

Someone spotted them on the deck, and everyone’s attention turned their direction. More applause, along with whistles and cat calls as people noticed they were holding hands.

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