Home > Talking to Strangers(73)

Talking to Strangers(73)
Author: Malcolm Gladwell

Look at how suicides from carbon-monoxide poisonings declined in the years after 1975. It’s just like the chart of British suicides at the end of the town-gas era. See Figure 4 in Neil B. Hampson and James R. Holm, “Suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning has decreased with controls on automobile emissions,” Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. 42 (2): 159-64, March 2015.



Chapter Eleven: Case Study: The Kansas City Experiments

“Many of us…knew much about”: George Kelling et al., “The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment: A Summary Report” (Washington, DC: Police Foundation, 1974), p. v, https://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Kelling-et-al.-1974-THE-KANSAS-CITY-PREVENTIVE-PATROL-EXPERIMENT.pdf.

“This country’s social problems…progress is very small”: Alan M. Webber, “Crime and Management: An Interview with New York City Police Commissioner Lee P. Brown,” Harvard Business Review 63, issue 3 (May–June 1991): 100, https://hbr.org/1991/05/crime-and-management-an-interview-with-new-york-city-police-commissioner-lee-p-brown.

“A four-year-old boy…sickening, outrageous”: George Bush, “Remarks to the Law Enforcement Community in Kansas City, Missouri,” January 23, 1990, in George Bush: Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, January 1–June 30, 1990, p. 74.

The description of Kansas City’s Patrol District 144 is from Lawrence Sherman et al., “The Kansas City Gun Experiment,” National Institute of Justice, January 1995, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/kang.pdf; new strategy halves gun crimes in District 144, Exhibit 4, p. 6; statistics for 200 days of Gun Experiment, p. 6.

“The police went…‘would ever come’”: James Shaw, “Community Policing Against Crime: Violence and Firearms” (PhD dissertation, University of Maryland College Park, 1994), p. 118; “Not unlike residents…can’t see anything,” pp. 122–23; statistics for seven months of Kansas City Gun Experiment, p. 136; “Officers who recovered…‘will be the night!’” pp. 155–56.

“When you stop…to do a frisk” (in footnote): Erik Eckholm, “Who’s Got a Gun? Clues Are in the Body Language,” New York Times, May 26, 1992, https://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/26/nyregion/who-s-got-a-gun-clues-are-in-the-body-language.html.

“There are moving violations…personal judgment”: David A. Harris, “Driving While Black and All Other Traffic Offenses: The Supreme Court and Pretextual Traffic Stops,” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 87, issue 2 (1997): 558, https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6913&context=jclc.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the officer: Heien v. North Carolina, 135 S. Ct. 534 (2014), https://www.leagle.com/decision/insco20141215960.

“I don’t know why…too simplistic for us”: Fox Butterfield, “A Way to Get the Gunmen: Get the Guns,” New York Times, November 20, 1994, https://www.nytimes.com/1994/11/20/us/a-way-to-get-the-gunmen-get-the-guns.html.

In 1991 the New York Times: Don Terry, “Kansas City Police Go After Own ‘Bad Boys,’” September 10, 1991, https://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/10/us/kansas-city-police-go-after-own-bad-boys.html.

For the rise in North Carolina traffic stops in the early 2000s, see Deborah L. Weisel, “Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Traffic Stops in North Carolina, 2000–2001: Examining the Evidence,” North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police, 2014, http://ncracialjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Dr.-Weisel-Report.compressed.pdf.

One of Weisburd’s former students (in footnote): E. Macbeth and B. Ariel, “Place-based Statistical Versus Clinical Predictions of Crime Hot Spots and Harm Locations in Northern Ireland,” Justice Quarterly (August 2017): 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07418825.2017.1360379.



Chapter Twelve: Sandra Bland

“Dude, issue the…pulling her out?”: Nick Wing and Matt Ferner, “Here’s What Cops and Their Supporters Are Saying about the Sandra Bland Arrest Video,” HuffPost, July 22, 2015. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cops-sandra-bland-video_us_55afd6d3e4b07af29d57291d.

“An employee of the Department…extreme provocation”: Texas Department of Public Safety General Manual, Chapter 5, Section 05.17.00, https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3146604-DPSGeneralManual.html.

TSA haystack searches: DHS Press Office, “DHS Releases 2014 Travel and Trade Statistics,” January 23, 2015, https://www.dhs.gov/news/2015/01/23/dhs-releases-2014-travel-and-trade-statistics, accessed March 2019.

“go beyond the ticket” and other Remsberg quotes: Charles Remsberg, Tactics for Criminal Patrol: Vehicle Stops, Drug Discovery, and Officer Survival (Northbrook, Ill.: Calibre Press, 1995), pp. 27, 50, 68. Also from this source: “If you’re accused…the defendant’s case,” p. 70; “concealed interrogation” and “As you silently analyze…incriminating evidence,” p. 166; and “Too many cops…what the suspect does,” pp. 83–84.

the driver was “stiff and nervous”: Heien v. North Carolina, 135 S. Ct. 534 (2014), https://www.leagle.com/decision/insco20141215960.

When he approached the stopped car: Gary Webb, “DWB: Driving While Black,” Esquire 131, issue 4 (April 1999): 118–27. Webb’s article was really the first to document the growing use of Kansas City techniques. It is superb—and chilling. At one point he sits down with a Florida officer named Vogel who was a particularly aggressive proponent of proactive searches. Vogel was proud of his sixth sense in spotting potential criminals. Webb writes: Other indicators, [Vogel] said, are adornments like “earrings, nose rings, eyelid rings. Those are things that are common denominators with people who are involved with crimes. Tattoos would go along with that,” particularly tattoos of “marijuana leaves.” Bumper stickers also give him a feel for the soul of the driver. “Deadhead stickers are things that almost—the people in those kinds of vehicles are almost always associated with drugs.”

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