Home > Creeping Beautiful(15)

Creeping Beautiful(15)
Author: J.A. Huss


How did you get him to buy me?


I talked to him before the auction started.


Is that old guy your grandfather?


Mm-hm. He is. I spent a lot of time on that island growing up.


But they never put you in a cage and sold you.


No. My grandfather is too important. I’m… special. Like Adam.


What’s that mean?


Let’s stick to one question at a time, OK? That will keep things on track.


Because you have to leave. You’re in a hurry. Adam called you here to talk sense into me and make me behave.


That’s… not actually true, Indie. McKay called me. And he’s just worried about you. We all want you to be successful and that means you have to listen to Adam and McKay because one day you’ll be doing things that are dangerous and if you don’t do as you’re told, bad things will happen.


Bad things? Like… I’ll be put in a cage again?


No. That’s never gonna happen again. That’s all over now. You’re Adam’s.


No one asked me if I wanted to be Adam’s. Maybe I want to be McKay’s?


McKay didn’t pay for you. Adam did.




McKay works for Adam. And now you work for Adam.


Do you work for Adam too?




Then why are you here?


I just told… never mind. Do you want to know how I got Adam to buy you and why I did it or not?


I do.


OK. Then I’ll tell you. But don’t interrupt me again.




I was in the pavilion—don’t interrupt me.


I was just gonna ask where that was. That’s all. I need to picture it in my head.


It’s… the place where the auction was. On the top of the hill on the island. Maybe you saw it when they brought you in by boat?


Oh. Yeah. OK. I did see it. Go on.


Girl. You tire me out.


Are you gonna talk? Or just whine like a baby?


We were in the pavilion. Adam came back first from the tour and—


Yeah, he was the first to come see me.


Indie Anna.


Sorry. I’ll zip it.


OK. So… as I was saying. Adam came back first because my grandfather took him out on the tour in his personal truck. And by that time the place was all set up for the auction. There were a ton of people there waiting for everyone to come back and get things started. All men, of course. Everyone was drinking and there was a little string quartet in the corner playing soothing music.

Adam was there off to the side. By himself. Adam is like me. He’s a little bit older, but we’re cut from the same cloth. Both of our fathers died doing a job five years ago.

Don’t you dare interrupt me. I’m not talking about that tonight. I only mention it because I’m making a point that we’re the new generation of Company kids and… I’ve noticed that all the other kids my age, and Adam’s age, we’re not as committed as the generation that came before us. We like the money and the privilege, but the price is high. We understand this and the world has changed so we’re not as comfortable with it as… say… our parents were.

We’re looking to make changes and I had heard that Adam was involved with something regarding this change a few years earlier. And to me, that meant that he was not there to buy you for the wrong reasons.


OK. Wait. I have to interrupt. What reasons? Like… what are the bad ones and what are the good ones?


Maybe I should clarify. All the reasons you buy someone are wrong, Indie. All of them. So Adam is not some kind of saint. He’s just as guilty as anyone. Including me. But… what he did… if he really did that… I mean… I respect the guy for that shit.


What shit?


We’re not gonna talk about that today, either. Maybe, when you get older, I’ll tell you everything. But not today. And don’t make that face at me. You’re ten years old.


But when? When will I be old enough?


After you finish your first job I’ll come back and—


No. No, no. Wait. You’re not coming back until then? Donovan—


I didn’t mean it that way. I’ll be back once a month. Adam and I agreed on three months at first, but it’s clear you need more consistent guidance. So once a month.


For how long?


How long will I stay? Or—


How long will you keep coming?


For as long as you want.


You promise?


Indie Anna. I’m trying to tell you things right now. Do you want to know them or—


I do. Just… I need you to keep coming back forever. Like… that’s not even a joke. For. Ever. Donovan. I mean it. Once a month forever.


Fine. I promise I will. Anyway… of all the men there that day at the auction Adam was the only one I knew who would take care of you. He wasn’t interested in you the way the others might be. And don’t ask me to explain that, because I won’t. Ever. It makes me fucking sick just thinking about it. So I made sure he saw you the way I saw you.

You’re smiling. Why are you smiling?


Because you see me.


I see you. And I’m trying to help you. Because while this situation with Adam and McKay is better, it’s not… the best. It’s just… you’re different, Indie. You’re not like other people. None of us are. We don’t fit in anywhere but in the world of the Company. Adam was… he’s just a lot like you. More than you understand right now. I know he looks like he’s in charge, and as far as you’re concerned, he is. But he’s not. His mind is… OK. I’m getting too far off track here. What I really want to say is this. They’re going to make you do things. Dangerous things. And you have to follow Adam and McKay’s directions and rules because they really do know what they’re doing. I’m coming here to talk to you because I like you, but I’m also coming here to talk to you because Adam is paying me now.


I thought you said he wasn’t your boss?


He’s… he’s not. Not really. He’s just paying me to help you. That’s all. Because he knows we were friends back on the island and I took a liking to you.


I like you too.


Thanks. So that brings me back to my question. Did you get enough information from me? Or do you need more before I can ask it?


Go ahead. It’s your turn, I guess.


OK. Tell me why you’re here with Adam and McKay.


You just explained it.


Indie Anna.

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