Home > Riding for a Fall(32)

Riding for a Fall(32)
Author: Sam Hall

“Yes, yes…” I gasped, clawing him towards me, needing that thick cock that had worked its way down my throat inside me now. I’d been titillated, teased, and appalled all damn day, and I was fucking done with ambivalence.

“We do this. If I put my cock inside you, it’s going to change things,” he gasped, softening the blow of his words by rubbing the bulbous head of his cock against my aching slit, slipping in the ridiculous amount of slick there.

“You tell me this now?” I moaned, unable to lie still as the dragging pressure drove me mad.

“I’m your preceptor. I’m honour bound to tell you this.”

“And what will happen? Tell me that I’ll come really hard. I need to hear that.”

It wasn’t my golden Johnno here right now—it was his dark twin. One whose eyes shone in the near dark, his grin wide and carnivorous. Fear and arousal twined so tight inside me, they just exacerbated each other.

“I’m not a good man, Kira. None of us are. But if we do this, we’ll be yours. We’re tied to you already by that dream bond, but this, this will make that permanent. You won’t be able to get clear of us. We’ll always know where you are. We’ll be drawn to you, tied to you, and this?” He pushed the head of his cock inside me, giving me horribly shallow thrusts, enough to let me know how wide he’d split me, but none of the actual relief. “If I was a good man, I’d wait. I’d have told you when you were clear-headed. But I’m not.”

That low growl sent ripples of pleasure through me, promising me everything. I should have stopped, thought about what he was saying, asked questions, got more details, at least considered what he was trying to tell me, but he’d laid his plans well. Everything in this day, from being brought onto this bus, to the concert, to court, was all so well-orchestrated.

But sometimes, you wanna be the girl with the most cake.

I threw him down on the bed, clambering over him, and before he could protest anymore, slapped a hand over his mouth, the other closing around his dick. I straddled him, the weight of my power palpable around me. I was bringing a whole lot more to this than just a fuck, we both were. He was my stranger-slash-lover, the worm twisting inside my brain, and I was surrendering to whatever this was. I liked the feel of his teeth against my palm, the harsh breaths heating the surface as I mimicked his teasing strokes. But unlike him, I sank down, inches at a time. Slowly, inexorably, I worked him inside me until we both began to glow.

I saw all of him now. He couldn’t hide behind the shadows, his golden light burning brighter and brighter as I moved with a long, slow, rollicking pace. He was so fucking perfect, the right stretch, the right angle, dragging against that tight bundle of nerves that just unfolded inside me.

There was a whole world of pleasure out there I’d never seen, and the quick, furtive, not quite right, ‘desperate working of my clit to get where I needed before he did’ fucks of the past were so different, they couldn’t be classified as the same thing. I opened a door, saw the bright world before me, and leapt out into it.

“Kira, love!”

He was desperate, throbbing, growing impossibly harder inside me, terrified that he’d come too soon and not do the thing he’d longed for so long, well. I could feel it all right then. But he needn’t. It was like a tidal wave, shaking the earth, sending the smaller people running as it swept through us, starting where our bodies joined, but the feel of his cum spurting helplessly inside me, my cunt fluttering in response was almost irrelevant.

It spread further out, the pleasure such a generous thing that it couldn’t be contained to two people. It rushed through the carpark on light feet, blowing out lightbulbs and casting a comforting dark blanket over everything, touched those security guards patrolling the fenced off area, bringing them helplessly to their knees. Their bodies twitched like fish on a hook, spasming as their poor human bodies fought to contain that which the gods’ gifted. I saw Mark’s grey eyes, wide and unfocussed for a moment, before it moved on.

Inside, it arrowed, breezing past the hangers on and roadies, sending them spinning in wild dances of pleasure, then flaring when it reached the court. The golden motes of light that had filled the whole area sparked brighter, sending shafts of ecstasy though every person they touched. Jen’s head jerked up and out from under the cluster of bodies she was bound to, her eyes closing as she felt it pulse through her, pushing her body to further heights than she’d managed to seek with all of her partners that night. My view shifted to the reservoir, where a shower of massive chunks of power stones erupted, crashing down on the darkened floor, the armed roadies guarding the locked room falling to the ground.

And then it found them—my targets, my dream lovers, each glowing brighter and brighter. Billy smiled, a curiously innocent thing, before his eyes fell closed, his head tipped up as if towards the sun, and Jake fell into his arms, doing the same. Lucas looked torn in two, every muscle tensed against what was coming, but he couldn’t stop it. It rushed into him, into all of them, filling them in ways they didn’t yet understand, and neither did I, until the Viking man screamed. His hands were thrust up, muscles twitching and jumping on his bones as lightning erupted, burning through the roof and into the sky above. His cry was one of agony, though it wasn’t the lightning that hurt him, I realised, but me.

And Liam, the architect of this all? He leaned back in his throne, eyes gently closed, and rode the waves, the perfect golden king. The only indication of what was happening were in the involuntary twitches of his body, the final hard jerk of his hips as he erupted, his pleasure joining ours.

Johnno’s arms went around me as I fell down beside him, my body jerking along with his in sympathy as we rode the aftershocks. The squiggles I’d always seen at the edges of my vision came back with a vengeance, as if irritated they’d been held at bay for so long by my transformation. But they were bright now, my inhuman body finally able to reveal what they were. They were lightning strikes, great untrammelled gouts of electricity stabbing at the earth by a furious atmosphere, but there was no pain. Whatever transformation I had been through had freed me of that, no mortality fighting what I so obviously was—an avatar of an alien power.

One that bent over me now, placing a gentle hand on my forehead, like a mother would her child’s after they had worn themselves out.

“Well done, little butterfly,” the voice said, familiar, yet unfamiliar. “Well done.”






“Quick, get him in here. Skin to the skin, Aen said.”

I dimly heard the sounds of someone’s pained groans, as if shouted out through clenched teeth.

“Fuck! He’s fitting again!”

“Lie him down next to her now.”

“He’s gonna fucking hate this.”

“He can hate me all he likes in the morning. Won’t be any different than normal, anyway.”

Something heavy and warm was laid beside me, joining the little cocoon we’d created. I felt the body twitch and jerk, and knowing what that was like, I threw an arm around whoever it was and snuggled in. That’s what had settled us.

“Now the rest of us?” The voice was hopeful and wary all at the same time.

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