Home > No Regrets(61)

No Regrets(61)
Author: Tabitha Webb

‘If you don’t let us through, we’re going to miss the—’

‘What do you mean that’s our problem!’

Stella turned and didn’t bother to hide her smirk as her eyes met those of the Botox Bitches. She’d forgotten about them. Her smile broadened mischievously.

Dixie had already begun her royal wedding march into the venue and Stella, taking Ana and Pearl’s arms, followed. Every couple of strides she smiled again at the Botoxes, enjoying their increasing indignation. Just before the doorman closed the door behind her, she swung back and allowed them to see her point back as she loudly asked the doorman, ‘You see those two awful-looking women in their late fifties? Yes, them, like salamis. Let them in, will you? Today we can afford to share the love.’

Just then, Ana thought she saw a face she recognised, but she decided she was probably just imagining things, and anyway Joel was on the other side of the world. Besides, she was absolutely fine on her own. She had found an inner strength in the last few weeks that she didn’t know she had and she felt determined she would be fine. She did not need a man to hold her hand. Even if Joel was the hottest thing she had ever had the pleasure to fuck.

‘Sorry it took me so long to get here,’ whispered a voice in her ear.

Ana froze, her heart pounding. She felt sick, sure her mind was playing games on her. Hormonal changes maybe?! She turned to see Joel, oozing sex, guitar in hand, standing right in front of her. He was wearing a morning suit, a cowboy hat tilted on the back of his head. He reached for her hand.

‘Anything I say right now will sound like a bunch of lying bullshit, but please believe me. I never wanted to hurt you, but I have been on tour and…’

‘I can’t do this right now, Joel,’ whispered Ana, trying to control her breathing.

‘Please, Ana, you have to hear me out, please just listen to me.’

She felt the tears welling in her eyes, her heart pounding. ‘I have to walk down the aisle with my best friend, and you are going to make me cry, please just let me go.’

‘Ana, it’s just, I love you… look at you, so goddamn beautiful, radiant as hell,’ he said as he grabbed her hand again. ‘I lost my phone, all my numbers, I wanted to call you back, I really did. Then I asked my agent to help me contact you via Freddie, and we got Dixie’s number, and then she said she needed a wedding singer… and well, here I am… and I’m here for good, if you’ll have me…’

She looked at him, searching his eyes for the truth, and turned back to follow Dixie, Stella and Pearl, without saying a word. She didn’t know what to think.

The warmth and brightness of the reception area were welcome. Ushers provided by the hotel helped them prepare for the ceremony.

The wedding was to be held in the Drawing Room and they gathered in a side room to make final adjustments. Someone was sent to inform the Master of Ceremonies that they were almost ready. The four girls took a moment to settle themselves.

‘You’re not having someone to walk you down the aisle?’ asked Ana, looking around at Pearl.

‘Of course. You guys will be with me, but I think a 40-year-old woman on her second marriage should be capable of walking herself down an aisle, and the idea of anyone giving me away… It’s 2019. Ana, I love you, but with the exception of the rather obvious life choice you’ve made, you’re such a traditionalist!’

‘And no page boys and girls?’

‘I might have a few surprises for you, girls,’ said Dixie. ‘Without you, I wouldn’t be here today, so I’ve taken a few liberties, reached out to a few people to make sure that this isn’t just my day, but our day, and that all the people who we love, and love us, are here to share it.’

‘No kidding,’ murmured Ana under her breath, not wanting to have it out with Dixie and ruin the day, but wishing she had been a bit more prepared for the surprise. Someone could have at least told her Joel had been in touch – they all knew what a control freak she was!

Stella felt a lurch of discomfort. ‘Dixie, are you OK?’

‘Trust me. This is my way of saying thank you,’ smiled Dixie.

‘What have you done?’ said Stella, panic rising.

‘Don’t worry, Stella, I think Dixie is on a save the world mission, but for today, one day only, we must let her play…’ murmured Ana.

‘Let’s go shall we? All will be revealed… Follow me, ladies. Once more unto the breach! Tally ho!’

Dixie opened the door and led them into the hallway.

Stella’s first surprise was to see Tom and Rory, both done up like little eighteenth-century lords. Ruff collars and long coats. Their faces, all clean and rosy and shining, were almost unrecognisable. They stood either side of a smiling Jake. Stella’s first reaction was surprise and slight annoyance, but Jake looked so happy and grateful to be there, and the boys just happy to have their daddy with them. Dixie turned and whispered, ‘I’m sorry, Stells, but they had to be here. Jake too. He’s promised to leave after the service if that’s what you want.’

The sincerity in her voice and tenderness in her eyes forced Stella to relent and relax.

‘You’re right,’ she said, though she wondered whether it was wise for Jake to be cutting short his rehab. He had been supposed to be staying an extra two weeks to complete his recovery. But she felt unexpectedly relieved to see him; after all, they were a family, and seeing what Ana was going through had made her realise that having a wingman who you loved and could trust was something to be cherished.

The doors to the Drawing Room swung open before them. Either side of an aisle were seats for about forty or fifty people. At the end of the aisle the windows were framed in sweeping gold drapes. There was an eighteenth-century vibe increased by the lanterns flickering with candles around the room. The lights dimmed and an electric guitar began to pick out a delicate refrain. Jake directed Tom and Rory to pick up the tail of Dixie’s cape.

‘Like I showed you. Yes, good luck. You can do it,’ he smiled encouragingly.

Stella and Ana followed with Pearl behind them, and then the boys, with Jake standing to the side whispering encouragement to make sure they kept moving – Stella was sure he had bribed them, and then felt a slight hint of panic that they might have inherited his gambling ways. As they moved down the aisle, Stella suddenly nudged Ana.


Seated on the dais, to the groom’s side, a black and white Fender Stratocaster on his knee and a small Marshall amp at his feet, was Joel. His eyes sparkled and danced as they met Ana’s, searching for the forgiveness and affirmation he so desperately wanted.

‘Did you know?’ whispered Stella.

Ana nodded her head. She was fighting back tears.

‘As of about five minutes ago! Never stop being a bitch, Dixie!’

They both laughed, then cried, then laughed until Dixie turned to scowl.

Freddie was standing in a classic morning suit with a bright red waistcoat that could only be an homage to Dixie. Beside him was a blond-haired celebrant wearing a full priest’s regalia: white cassock and detachable collar, gold-rimmed specs propped awkwardly on the end of his crooked nose.

The ceremony passed in a bubble of smiles and tears. The look that passed between Dixie and Freddie as he took her hand was everything Stella could have dreamed of for her friend. She was very aware of Jake’s presence behind her and tried hard to blank out any regrets from the last few months. She pulled Rory and Tom closer as they were instructed to stand and sing ‘Oh, What A Beautiful Morning’. Dixie caught Stella’s eye briefly as they sang, both remembering school services when they’d stood elbow to elbow and sung ‘rhubarb rhubarb’ to every hymn. The lip movements required by ‘rhubarb’ apparently working to cover their teenage refusal to sing-a-long. Stella slipped into an easy ‘rhubarb rhubarb’ and saw that Dixie was fighting back the giggles as she did the same.

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