Home > Inconvenient Attachments

Inconvenient Attachments
Author: Brea Alepou


A Chance Encounter



River Wicker had one last paper to write. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he recalled all of his history lessons. It was easy homework, always was—with a photographic memory, things just came easy to him. River hurriedly pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he finished up the paper. A few keystrokes and some added quotes from his text, and he was done.

“And complete,” River said, sighing as he leaned back. He tilted his head to the side as he stretched his tired muscles. Four hours of sitting had made River’s muscles cramp up in an uncomfortable and sore, achy way.

He clicked out of the Google doc he’d worked on and shut down his computer. He’d finished every assignment in the history class for the rest of the semester. River was one of those people who took the syllabus seriously. He’d glance it over and move ahead of the class, finishing his assignments early so he didn’t have to worry. There were always a few professors who deviated from the syllabus, but River tried to avoid them as much as possible. He always looked up the professor and their ranking before enrolling in their class.

River stood and looked around the small dorm room he occupied. He’d been lucky enough to score a room by himself. Not that he was completely opposed to having a roommate, it’s just River liked his own space. Always had, even from a young age. Maybe it had something to do with the way he’d grown up; River had always stayed alone. He could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen his parents. Even the ever-changing nannies were far and few between. He remembered none of their names; they’d stayed two weeks tops. One could say River had been lonely his whole life, but to him, it was only normal.

River’s stomach took that time to remind him he’d only drank a cup of coffee since breakfast, and it was already a little past lunch. He grabbed his blue hoodie from his closet and slipped it on. The weather had been fluctuating as of late, so River checked the weather app before stepping outside. He made his way outside, the cool autumn air blowing through his auburn curls. He adjusted his glasses once more, then stepped down the stairs. He didn’t mind living on the third floor; the building was old, and there were no elevators, but the stairs let him get exercise.

River pushed up the sleeve on his hoodie to check his watch. Three thirty on the dot. He had about another hour before he needed to go to his appointment. River contemplated going to the cafeteria or grabbing a to-go salad from the small store on campus.

He grabbed a sandwich and a snack bag of carrots from the school cafeteria. River opened the bag, popping a carrot into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully as he made his way to his appointment. The clouds blocked out the sun, but it was still bright outside.

River finished his meal before he stopped at the double doors to the clinic. He pushed up his sleeve once more to check the time; he still had twenty to spare. He glanced around the street. He could go inside, but he doubted the clinic had changed out their magazines since the last time he’d been there. They only changed them out once a month, and River came to that clinic twice a month, alternating it with a few others.

There was a bookshop a few storefronts down. The privilege of going to school in such a small town—everything was within walking distance or a train ride away. River turned, more than sure he’d be back in time for his appointment.

River was just an inch from the bookstore when he stopped in his tracks as a movement in the alleyway caught his eye. He told himself he should ignore it. He had a time limit, and he was already fitting something new into his schedule. But as River took a step toward the door, the thing in the alley moved once more, and River’s curiosity was piqued. Twenty minutes, that was it.

River glanced back at the bookstore. He bet they’d gotten some new books. Another heavy sigh left him. He fixed his glasses before fully turning toward the alley. It was narrow, but big enough for him to fit. River wasn’t large by any means, but he enjoyed exercise and had the body to prove it. River was a part-time trainer and jiujitsu instructor, it helped him keep order in his life. He made it to the end of the alleyway; it was dark and hard to see. Barely any light came through. River crouched down in a squat.

“Come here, kitty,” River said. He gentled his tone and called for the small animal he was sure was there. He clicked his tongue a few times.

Movement to his left caught his sight before a thin blanket slid down and revealed a man curled in on himself. River froze in place. Definitely not a cat. Just some homeless man. He sighed in resignation. River studied the man in front of him. New jeans and a leather jacket that looked real, and the T-shirt he was wearing was one of those name brands that charged two hundred bucks just for a shirt. His first assessment was very wrong. He also didn’t smell homeless. River watched him for a second.

“Shit.” River moved before he thought about it. The man wasn’t breathing; there was no rise or fall to his back. River reached out touching the man’s wrist in search for a pulse. His skin was ice cold to the touch.

River didn’t falter. He moved his fingers till he made it to the area he was sure was the pulse point on the wrist. He closed his eyes, focusing, but he didn’t feel one beat. He moved his fingers down a little more, but still nothing.

River drew his hands away as the realization hit him. But if the man on the ground was dead, then what had he seen move? River stood; his hands steady. He needed to go tell someone. He went for his phone. If he had time, he would call someone; if he didn’t, then the dead man could wait till after River’s appointment. It wasn’t like he would get up and walk out of the alley. The phone’s brightness stung his eyes momentarily, and River blinked past the sting. He only had twelve minutes. He was sure the police would question him for longer than that, not to mention they would demand he stay with the body. River groaned in agitation. It would mean he would have to reschedule his appointment, and that would mess everything up. River shook his head, already deciding to just wait until after his appointment, or maybe he would call in an anonymous tip. Really anything that wouldn’t take up too much of his time.

River turned to go back down the alleyway. One step and a noise came from the man on the ground—the man River was sure was dead. He turned, glancing down at the man as he uncurled his body. Again, the thought of leaving crossed his mind. Usually River would never even pay attention to such a thing, especially if it wasn’t planned prior. But he crouched down, trying to hear the man’s mumbled words.

River pushed down his usual personality and brought up the concerned human being. The one any other person would be. It was a persona River sometimes had to rely on along with the cheerful one, the sad one, the kind one, and many more. River pulled them from a box deep within when the need arose. Which was why River preferred to stay on his own and away from people.

“Are you okay?” River asked in a gentle, feigned-concerned tone.

Another mumble that wasn’t words. The man fully uncurled, his long legs dropping to the ground and his broad shoulders coming up. His head lifted to reveal a strong jaw with well-groomed facial hair. His ebony skin had not one blemish on it, that River could tell in the dark alleyway. His cheekbones were high and defined, and black eyelashes fluttered over bloodshot eyes, but still, River found it hard to think anything but beautiful as he stared at hazel eyes speckled with gray and green.

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