Home > The Russian Unleashed(41)

The Russian Unleashed(41)
Author: Red Phoenix

I unlock the door and insist he enters first. My entourage follows behind me and I tell them to give us some space. They split up, taking posts around the perimeter of the property.

“The fact that you have so many guards has me concerned, my friend.”

“It is necessary, brother.” I grab two glasses and a bottle from the freezer.

As I pour the vodka, I tell him, “As you know, after Lada showed up at my door, I felt called to establish a refuge for survivors rescued from the slavers.”

“Yes. Last I heard, it was going well.”

I don’t bother with a toast and throw back the vodka, needing its fiery burn. “It is going well, moy droog. Which is why I hate that I must shut it down.”

He frowns. “What happened?”

“Heinous accusations were lodged against Dr. Volkov, who I had overseeing the program. Naturally, those same accusations were quickly directed at me. My reputation has been destroyed, along with the integrity of the program we started.”

Thane snarls. “This reminds me of what happened to my father. I hate the fucking press.”

“It has been hell, moy droog. However, none of it compares to being forced to shut down the facility to protect the girls from the fallout.”

Thane puts his hand on my shoulder. “I know how important it was to you.”

I let out a long, painful sigh. “At least the girls will be taken care of. I’ve seen to it.”

“Do you know who did this?”

I look him in the eyes. “I don’t, but I will not rest until I find them.”

I pour us each another glass. I let the warmth of the liquor soothe my tired, war-torn soul. “There has been one bright spot in all of this.”

Thane raises his eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“Andrev. While the rest of my family publicly disowned me after the scandal broke, he has stuck by my side.”

“That’s unexpected.”

“It gives me hope for the future, comrade.”

Thane sighs, knowing the difficult history between Andrev and me. “Well, I hope to God he doesn’t let you down.”

I laugh. “Not to worry. I don’t expect much from him.”


We spend the day relaxing on the beach. After being emotionally beaten, the sound of the waves rolling in helps heal my soul, and the presence of my one true brother grounds me.

When he informs me that it’s time for him to leave for class, I’m both saddened and reluctant to see him go.

“Can’t you skip one night, moy droog?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t. The course is only six weeks, and every night covers something new.”


“Why don’t you come with me? You can check out the place while I’m in class. They always have something going on there.”

Not wanting to spend the evening alone, I agree.

We drive back to his work so he can pick up his car.

When I see it, I laugh out loud. “What is this?”

Thane looks at his car with fondness. “I named her Motivation. Unc gave it to me as a graduation present. She may be old, but I can’t complain.” He shrugs. “She gets me around.”

I shake my head, amused by how hideous it is. “I’d be happy to buy you a suitable vehicle.”

“While I appreciate the offer, I love this car.”

“Why?” I chuckle.

Thane takes out his phone and shows me a red sports car. “This is a Lotus, and I plan to own one.” He looks back at his car, smiling. “And, there is no better motivation than getting into this car every morning.”

I slap him on the back, admiring his resolve. “I can only imagine the satisfaction when you get into your new sports car for the first time. I envy you.”

His eyes flash with excitement. “I look forward to it every day.”

I tell my men, “I want to take a ride in my comrade’s car. Follow us.”

I force myself not to laugh when the hinges squeak as I open the door. Getting into the vehicle, I sit back, appreciating this moment.

Someday, years from now, when I look back on this, I will be able to share in my friend’s personal victory.

I grin when we pull up to the large brick building that houses the Training Center. I’m familiar with the place, having been here once before with Thane while we were still in college. I’ve never forgotten the auction we witnessed here.

“Can you take part in the auctions now?”

Thane smiles as he gets out of the car. “I can, but I plan to wait until after I finish the course.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I chuckle.

Thane leaves to begin his class while I wander the halls of the Training Center.

I’m stopped by one of the trainers I met the night I visited. “Can I help you?”

I’ve never forgotten this man with the dark eyes. The intensity of his gaze has the power to make me mute. I thrust out my hand. “Hello, Marquis Gray.”

He takes it, shaking my hand firmly. “I’m surprised to see you here, Mr. Durov.”

The trainer already has me edgy. I dislike the way his eyes drill into a person.

I quickly explain, “I’m waiting for Thane’s class to end. He suggested I check out the place.”

Marquis Gray nods curtly. “If that’s the case, I highly recommend Room 136. Enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you.”

I watch him walk away, amused by how easily he’s piqued my curiosity. I head straight to Room 136 and hear the haunting melody of a flute playing behind the door. I open it a crack and a peek inside.

I see a woman, intricately tied in rope, being lifted into the air. The submissive has her eyes closed—the look of ecstasy on her face is breathtaking. I glance at the Dom to find him staring at me.

When our eyes meet, I realize I know the man.

He smiles and nods, indicating I should sit.

I quietly shut the door behind me and take a seat on the floor.

Although I don’t recall his name, I remember meeting this man on a park bench. What he said then has remained with me. You are strong enough for whatever comes next.

The kid couldn’t have known the hell I was about to face back then, but his words helped me on several occasions.

The melody of the song he has chosen sets a calming environment. The gentle touches he uses on his sub contrasts with the strength and power of the rope as he adjusts them to create new poses while she hangs in the air.

I thought I knew what Kinbaku was, but I was wrong. This man is a Master at what he does. It is not bondage—it is an art with a purpose.

The process of his binding is sophisticated and involved. After several minutes, he starts lowering her slowly, maintaining her grace and beauty as she meets the floor again.

He holds her in his arms, rocking her gently and whispering to her as he begins gradually unbinding her. It is an intimate exchange as he pulls the rope from her body, kissing and talking quietly to her the entire time. When he is done, she is covered in the beautiful marks left by the pattern of the rope.

I nod in appreciation.

When he is finished, he kisses her one last time. The girl stands up gracefully and bows to him before leaving the room.

As he turns off the music, I get back to my feet and walk over to him, holding out my hand.

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