Home > The Russian Unleashed(43)

The Russian Unleashed(43)
Author: Red Phoenix

“You’ll figure it out,” he assures me, taking another bite of his apple.

“That’s what Nosaka said, but I’m no closer to figuring it out than I was the day I came here.”

“Get an old beater car and drive it around for a couple of months. You’d be surprised by how inspiring it is.”

“I hope I never have to resort to such tactics,” I laugh.


I smack him hard on the back, sending his apple flying. We both watch as it lands on the beach.

“Well, damn,” he mutters.

I bump his shoulder, finding his sand-ridden apple amusing.

He picks it up and throws it into the ocean. Immediately, seagull starts fighting over it.

“Are you sure you don’t want to move to Russia, comrade?”

“Sorry, I happen to like the sun and warm weather.”

I growl good-naturedly. “So be it.”

“You could always stay a little longer,” he suggests.

I shake my head, “Nyet. I need to find out who was behind my character assassination and where the money went.” I smash my fist into my palm and grind it. “Somebody must to pay.”

“Be careful, Durov. I need you to stay in one piece…at least until I can show off my new wheels.”

I smirk. “I’m not sure I’m going to make it to next week, but I’ll try my best, moy droog.” I throw my arm around him. “But don’t make me wait until I’m old and gray.”

“Pompous ass,” he snarls good-naturedly.

I will miss our easy banter. There is no one else who knows me as well or treats me like an equal.


I land in Moscow on the morning of my birthday, a significantly different man than I was a year ago.

Thankfully, there are no reporters waiting for me at the airport. Since I’ve been away, there have been three more hits within the Bratva factions. I deeply appreciate the trash taking itself out.

On a whim, I tell Igor to drive to Andrev’s. I have no interest in celebrating my birthday, but I have brought American toys for his children. Mainly, I feel the need to connect with his family. I have never once stepped into his home, and it’s time I change that.

When I knock on the door, I’m surprised a child answers it. He looks up at me with wide eyes and stares at my bald head.

“Is your father home?”

He shakes his head, his eyes growing bigger.

“Do you know who I am?”

He shakes his head again.

“I’m your uncle.”

I gesture to Titov, who is holding the wrapped gifts. “I brought presents. Is your mother home?”

He just nods, his eyes now fixated on the gifts.

“Can I speak with her?”

He shuts the door.

I turn to Titov and shrug.

When the door opens again, Natalia gushes her apology. “I’m so sorry, Anton. Please come in. Petya was just surprised to see you.”

“As are you, I’m sure.”

She blushes. “I’m so happy you’ve come to visit, but, unfortunately, Andrev is out and I am unsure when he will return.”

“I’ll just stay a few minutes, then. I brought some gifts from the States.”

Natalia glances at Titov’s full arms. “That is so kind of you.”

“It is my sincere pleasure.”

She bows her head slightly, her blush growing pinker. “Let me get the children while you take a seat.”

I sit down in their formal living room, feeling out of place. The only thing familiar is the photo of my mother on the mantle. I haven’t seen her smiling face in so long, and I am drawn to the photo. When I stand up to get a closer look, the troop of children walks in. They range in age from the toddler to the young girl I saw in Andrev’s picture.

Seeing her pulls at my heart.

I make a big show of it as I hand out the presents to the children and then give Natalia her gift.

She smiles bashfully. “You didn’t need to get me anything, Anton. Especially when it’s your birthday.”

“I wanted to, Natalia. I’m thankful for the difference you have made in my brother’s life.”

Her blush deepens.

“Please, open it.”

She sits down and carefully unwraps the present, commenting on the pretty paper. I find it amusing how careful she is with it, going so far as to fold the paper up neatly and lay the bow on top of it.

Finally, she lifts the lid and gasps as she picks up the delicate shawl.

“I found it at a boutique near the beach in California. The colors remind me of sunsets over the ocean.”

“It’s so beautiful, Anton,” she says in awe.

“I’m happy you like it.”

“Please, can I get you something to drink? Or, would you rather have something to eat? I’m happy to make you anything you’d like.”

“I don’t need anything,” I chuckle.

The five-year-old squeals with delight, holding up one of the miniature cars from the large collection I gave him.

I grin, watching his pure joy when he grabs another car and rolls them both on the floor.

While the children play, I look at their oldest daughter and tell Natalia, “I’m sorry to hear about the death of your best friend’s child.”

She looks confused. “What do you mean?”

I nod to her daughter. “Andrev said she was best friends with your daughter.”

“Are you talking about Nina? She’s fine. That girl is growing so tall.”

Now, I’m the one who is confused. “Maybe I misunderstood Andrev. He told me you knew a child who was kidnapped by the Bratva.”

She crinkles her brow. “No…I have no idea who you are talking about. Is it possible you’re thinking of one of your other brothers?” She smiles. “You have so many.”

I feel a cold pit form in my stomach and my ears start to ring.

“I must be,” I lie.

I glance at Titov standing near the door and try to keep my voice calm. “It’s time we leave.”

He nods.

“Please don’t feel you must rush off, Anton,” Natalia says. “It’s such a pleasure to spend time with you.”

I force a smile. “Thank you for your kind hospitality.”

Before I leave, I glance at the four children who are lost in play with their new presents.

“Take care, Natalia.”

“Happy birthday, Anton.”

The irony of this birthday “gift” from my brother is not lost on me.

The moment I am out of the house, I start shaking with rage and tell Titov, “Andrev lied to me. He’s been lying this entire time!”

Titov growls under his breath.

Armed with this revelation, I go back to my staff and start questioning them about Andrev’s actions, starting with the first day he came to volunteer. But, the entire time I am interrogating them, all I can think is what a fool I was not to suspect him.

Andrev’s show of brotherly love was a calculated act from the very beginning—from the moment he showed me the picture of the little girl. I wonder how many times Andrev has laughed at me behind my back for being so gullible.

After extensive questioning, it becomes painfully clear he is guilty.

I excuse myself and walk out the door, heading straight to the pole.

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