Home > Max (Ryan Family Book 2)(20)

Max (Ryan Family Book 2)(20)
Author: Ana Balen


We stood like that for some time before he brought his head up, looked at Max, and aimed at him.


“You really are a lucky son of a bitch.”


“I told you,” Max said. “And be careful, that’s your mother you’re talking about, you bastard.”


Chace shook his head, smiled at me, and winked.


“Give him hell. See you at the game,” and then he was out, the door closing behind him.


I couldn’t sleep. I was in a room that I woke up in before, the one I found out was Rory’s. She claimed it and decorated it even though she never once slept in it. Max explained she had a room of her own in each of the brother's houses for when Jason was on away games. He mentioned she had a traumatic experience a few months back, something about a man attacking her, and she didn’t feel safe being alone anymore. I understood her fear. The reason she didn’t have a chance of sleeping in it was that he moved so much since he lived in the houses he restored, she made it as she wanted it a few days before I came along and Jason was on the offseason. It was a beautiful room, tranquil. The bed was big, the mattress divine. Still, I couldn’t settle. I kept tossing and turning, and no matter what position I tried, sleep evaded me. After Chace left, Melanie wasn’t far behind. We said quiet goodbyes, with me promising I would check in daily, and then she was off.


I didn’t know what to do next.

But Max did.


He came towards me and took me in his arms. We stood there, by his front door, holding each other, while he stroked my back. We didn’t speak. But in that silence, anything that mattered was said. It was uneventful. It went without saying, but from that moment on, Max and I started to live together. It would be weird if that were the only thing strange about us. Not to mention, we still didn’t share our first kiss. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I almost even begged him to kiss me. I didn’t. I asked where I would sleep. He was indecisive, and I could tell the war was raging in him. In the end, he led me to the door of this room. I was devastated. And now, I couldn’t sleep.


“Ugh,” I grunted, punching the same pillow for the twelfth time.


It was no use. I plopped back on my back and sighed. I had no other choice. I took my phone, scrolled down my phonebook, and found what I was looking for. I pressed to edit the contact and deleted a name I was addicted to for the last ten years, and I typed up Max’s name instead. Then, I went to my messages and sent my plea to him. It wasn’t even a full minute before he came to stand by the bed. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I saw a tattoo.


“Move over,” he rasped.


As I did, I started apologizing.


“I’m sorry I just want to sleep. Nothing more.”


“Shut up, Bean,” was all that he said.


He moved in and entered the bed.


“Turn over,” his words came out low, and I tingled with the sensual edge.


I did as told.

And waited.

And waited some more.


When nothing happened, I turned and looked over my shoulder through the dark. He was lying on his back, his arm thrown over his face. He seemed in pain.


“Max?” a surge of panic shot through me.


Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Maybe it was too much for him. Maybe he changed his mind about us. He stayed quiet.


“You can leave if you want,” my heart was beating in my throat.


He turned on his side and brought his lips to my ear.


“Sleep, Bean,” his arm snaked over my waist. “I’m here.”


I didn’t know how it happened, I was wound up so tight, but I was out like a light moments after.

And I slept all night while Max clung to me.



Chapter Ten






I was lying in that bed, feeling Skylar’s heat seeping into my cold body, hearing her breathe, reminding me she was alive and safe, thanking every god there was, she sent those messages. My mind tried to go to that dark place, to think about what could have happened if she didn’t decide she’d had enough and wanted to leave. Or after Barone found her in her friend's house. Or that very night, while she hid, not very successfully behind that bush, trying to confirm all that she heard.


But I didn’t let it.

I couldn’t.


If I did, I would rip the house apart. The mere idea of Barone harming her set my blood to boil. Instead, I thought about how she was gentle with everyone. How she feared for the safety of those she loved. How she tried to gently admonish the old lady that turned out to be Barone’s grandmother when she called him a dick.


How much she trusted me.

How much she believed in me.

And how she was with Chace.


When her body bucked, and a whimper fell from her relaxed mouth, I shoved my hand under her body and dragged her the two inches that separated us, to mine. The moment we were flush, she relaxed and purred in her throat.


Damn, she was cute.


Chace wasn’t lying when he said I was a lucky bastard. In all my dreams I had of the woman that sent me texts, I was nowhere near enough to the likes of Skylar. I also remembered how she looked at me under her lashes, thinking I couldn’t tell what was going on in her mind and how desperate she was for me to kiss her.


I knew the feeling.

I felt it.

I tasted it.


I almost broke down and gave us what we both wanted while I held her in my arms. Thank fuck I didn’t. I would not let it happen until the situation was resolved. That didn’t mean that I was going to let her disappear. Thank fuck, I didn’t have to fight hard. I didn’t want to do it, but I had no choice. I had to call him. I got up, adjusted the covers around her, and stared. She was the most beautiful sight I ever saw. In the early morning light, she looked peaceful, angelic almost.

I leaned in and brushed my fingers over her face. Fuck. Who would have thought I would turn up being a romantic? Shaking my head at my sappiness, I left her alone in that bed.


“Max,” he said in the way of greeting.




Fuck, that was hard. I haven’t spoken to him in months, and there I was calling him to pull him back into the eye of the storm.


“I have a situation.”


“I heard,” his voice dark with meaning. “Welcome to the club, brother.”


It was fucked up, me calling him after what he has been through. Still, I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job.


“You got the brief?” I asked.


“Yeah. Liv was here yesterday.”


“I need a few days, and then I’m there.” He was business-like.


“Stone,” I tried to stay calm, but I was losing control.

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