Home > A Hurt So Sweet : Volume Three(6)

A Hurt So Sweet : Volume Three(6)
Author: Betti Rosewood

"Pandora," he calls out after me, and I look at him over my shoulder. "I'm not done with you. I do think you should get a punishment, though I'm sure having your Firstborn privileges taken away will be enough to send you on the right track."

The bastard knows what they're going to do to me in school. As if it's not enough I have to look at the boys who fucked me starting tomorrow and probably for the rest of my life. I'm going to have to endure the torture of everybody else, all those students who'll be just delighted at the chance of torturing the new girl who never belonged there in the first place.

"Do you ever think your actions will catch up with you?" I ask Father. "Because I think they will. And I can't fucking wait to watch you pay for everything you've done to us."

With those words, I leave him standing there, walking away from the mess that is my life, and right into another situation waiting for me in my bedroom.

I close my bedroom door behind me, turning around and getting the shock of my life when I see Easton Brantley sitting on my bed.

"You fucking prick," I hiss. "What the hell are you doing here?"

I'm on him in seconds, fists hammering his broad chest and the tears I've held back all night finally fighting their way out of my eyes. He lets me hit him, not even making a move to push me away. The bastard just takes it, which only enrages me more.

"How dare you show up here," I scream. "Who let you in? How dare you snoop around in my room, you fucking bully, you monster, you... you... rapist!"

"Keep it down," he finally speaks up, grabbing me by the wrists and forcing my arms down. "Do you want me to get tossed out?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," I hiss at him. "How dare you show your face here after what you've done. I never want to see you again."

"Tough luck." His eyes burn against mine, and I still feel the remnants of sparks between us, the ones he put out so readily. We could have been so special if he hadn't fucked everything up. "You're stuck with me for now, Pandora. No one's listening, right?"

"Not that I know of," I mutter. "What the hell do you want, anyway? Just tell me and get the hell out of here."

"This doesn't concern the other night." He stares me down. "What happened had nothing to do with you as a person, Pandora. You were a pawn in Booth's game, and you got used like one."

"Fuck you. I wonder how that excuse would fly with the police."

He smirks, saying, "Good luck convincing any police officer in Eden Falls to arrest a Firstborn. Besides, Pandora, from what I remember, you were a very willing participant in our games."

"Shut up," I hiss.

"It's the truth, isn't it? By the end you were fucking begging for it." He laughs in my face, the prick. "Not that it's important right now. I came here for a different reason."

"What is it?" I demand. "Just spit it out and get the hell out of here."

"I told you, a Brantley always keeps his promise."

I nod, feeling numb as we look at one another. "So? What's that got to do with anything?"

"I promised I'd help you find your mother," he finishes, and my heart skips a beat. My mother. The woman who is as good as dead in Eden Falls, and hasn't even attempted to find me this whole time. "I'm here to make good on that promise."

"You found her?" My voice is barely above a whisper, my hands trembling as I grab hold of his shirt. "Where is she?"

"Calm down." He pries my fingers off him. "I've got her address right here." He pulls out a simple envelope and waves it before my eyes. I try to snatch it up, but he's too fast for me. "Now you have to make me a promise first, before I can let you have it. You understand that?"

"Yeah," I get out through gritted teeth. "What do you want?"

"You don't make any trouble for us, we don't tell anyone how much you secretly loved it," he explains. "It's simple. And I'll give you the address in exchange for your... cooperation."

"You're a piece of work, Brantley."

"As are you, Miss Oakes." He flashes me a brilliant smile and waves the envelope again, once again too fast for me to grab it. "So, we got a deal here?"

"Fine." He lets me snatch the envelope from his fingers and I tear through the paper to get to the address written on the back of Easton's business card.

"So eager," he smirks. "Your mom mean that much to you?"

"No," I mutter. "My real mom does, but she's back in Wildwood. But I need someone on my side. Things aren't going well here."

"What, are you planning on bailing?" I don't answer him. My eyes speak for themselves. Easton knits his brows together with worry. "You sure that's a good idea?"

"All I know is I need to get the hell out of here," I mutter. "As far away from Eden Falls as possible."

"Alright," he draws out. "Well, good luck with everything, Pandora. Remember to keep your word."

"What about school?" I ask when he's got one leg out of the window already. He turns back to face me.

"What about school?"

"I'm going to have a hard time there. You know I lost my Firstborn status?"

"You lost that when you decided to fuck Dexter," he grunts. "Don't act like such a spoiled brat, Pandora, it really doesn't suit you."

"Just get lost," I mutter, waving him off. I don't know why I thought I could confide in him. He never had my interest at heart.

He disappears through the window and I'm left alone with the card in my trembling fingers. I turn it over again, reading the address that I know by heart already.

221 Lyre Street, North Haven.

I'm going to be paying her a visit very soon.

I hope she's ready for what's coming.









The moment I wake up the next morning, I know the day is going to be painful.

It's my first day back at Eden Falls Prep, and I already know I'm going to be the target of vicious rumors at the very least. It's official now - Brazen has become the Oakes' family Firstborn, and I am reduced to nothing. Father went as far to strip all my rights, making Tianna the Secondborn of our family. I'm nothing now. Everyone will take advantage

Even Kelley seems to realize it, giving me an apologetic look as he drops me off at the school gates. "Here we are, Miss Pandora. I hope you have a good day at school."

"Thanks, Kelley." I take a deep breath before opening the car door and walking up the stone steps leading up to the school. The brick walls covered with ivy look more threatening than ever, like they're hiding a thousand secrets whispered between four walls. I sigh and head into the courtyard. It doesn't take long for the torture to begin.

"Oh, look who it is!" I look up to find Lai staring at me, walking away from a group of boys with his hands in his pockets and a wide smile on his face. "Little Lily Anna wannabe."

"Fuck off, Lai," I mutter.

"I beg your pardon?" He feigns shock, pissing me off even more. "Is that any way to talk to a Firstborn?"

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