Home > Gauge : SBMC Maryland(5)

Gauge : SBMC Maryland(5)
Author: Erin Trejo

“I don’t know what you’re used to and frankly I don’t give a shit. You will not talk to me like that and you will respect your dad. I’m not the nice guy here. I’m doin’ him a favor by helpin’ out with you, but make no fuckin’ mistake, I’ve killed men for less.” She stares up at me with her big brown eyes widened, her lips parted. I bring my hands up, one circling her throat and the other lingering on her lips.

“Open your fuckin’ mouth,” I growl. Dezzy parts her mouth and I slowly slip my middle finger between those silky soft lips. “Suck!” I demand harshly. She doesn’t at first but when I press down on the back of her tongue she does. Her tongue tortures my fucking cock without even touching it. It twitches and throbs needing a fucking release that I won’t be getting from her.

“Harder, Dezzy. You wanted my cock a minute ago but I don’t think you’re grown enough to do it,” I taunt her. I want her to get pissed so that we can get back on the road and get the fuck home but that’s not what I get. Dezzy sucks harder, her tongue flicking along and nearly pulling a moan from my throat. I swallow it down as she looks into my eyes and sucks with all she has. Plunging a second finger past her lips, she moans in response. My body hums with so much fucking energy that I can barely stand it. When I’m too close to losing control, I pull my fingers out of her mouth quickly.

“What now? Do I get the cock?” she teases, stepping toward me. I shake my head and let out a chuckle.

“Hell no. You can’t suck my fingers worth a shit, so I know you sure as hell can’t take my cock. Get in the goddamn truck.” Insult and hurt fills those big brown eyes but I ignore it and head back around to the driver’s side. I climb in and look at her side waiting on her to get back in. It takes her a minute but she does. I didn’t expect what comes next. Dezzy smirks at me, slides her hand into the front of those little shorts she’s wearing and starts getting herself off.

“What the fuck are you doin’?” I growl. She looks toward me, licking her lips as she pants and keeps going.

“Someone needs to come. It might as well be me,” she moans as she climbs higher. I sift in my seat becoming uncomfortable as fuck. My cock is pounding in my jeans and my heart races. The faster her hand moves, the more I want to stop her, but I don’t.

“Oh God,” she cries out as her release washes through her. She pulls her hand free and starts to raise them to her lips while she keeps her gaze on me. Quickly, I snap my hand out and capture her wrist, bringing her fingers to my mouth. I suck and lick and groan as her taste hits my tongue. Fucking hell, this girl is already trouble. And for some fucked up reason I feel like she’s just the kind of trouble I want but don’t need.









The rest of the ride to the clubhouse was uneventful. It wasn’t for my lack of trying either, but now as I come down from my high, I sort of regret doing that. Gauge carries my bags inside as I follow behind him. I take a deep breath before I walk in. Gauge wasn’t lying when he said things have changed. Even though the clubhouse is older and sits in the middle of nowhere, they have redone the inside. Black walls run around the room with the Soulless Bastards logo painted on the main wall. Dark leather coaches line the walls while pub style tables and chairs sit in the middle. Even the bar has been redone, taking on the look of a real bar.

“Still think things stay the same?” Gauge asks over his shoulder. I’m about to say something back when my dad walks up.

“The ride go okay?” he asks.

I nod my head but refuse to answer that question. The ride was far from okay when I basically threw myself at Gauge. And he didn’t take what was offered.

“I like what you did here. It looks really good,” I tell him and actually mean it.

“Yeah thought it needed an update a few years back. Redone all the rooms, too. You’ll have your own bathroom now, not a shared one,” he says with a slight smile on his face.

“Thanks for coming, Dad. I don’t even know what happened. We were all having a good time until-”

“Her man finger fucked your ex,” Gauge chimes in. I turn and glare at him giving the thank for the reminder stare.

“No shit? You’re fuckin’ momma let him do that?” Pulling my gaze from the cocky smile on Gauge’s face, I look back at my dad.

“Yeah, she did but he called the cops. We got busted but he walked. I don’t get it.” My dad furrows his brows as he looks down at me a little confused himself.

“I don’t want you worryin’ about any of this shit. I’m gonna find out and get it all taken care of. You just relax, and if you need anything you ask one of us,” he says sweetly.

I smile up at him but I don’t know what to say. Me and him haven’t spoken to each other in a long time. He tried to call me but my mom always said he didn’t want us. I remember when I was young up until the day we moved that he was always fucking around on my mom. That’s why she divorced him. He cheated with random club whores and never had time for us. Which makes me wonder why he even came for me now.

“Is that Dezzy Wezzy?” I hear an old ghost from the past behind me. When I turn around, tears fill my eyes.

“Old Barnie! You still alive and kicking?” I tease as I move toward him. OB was my best friend as kid. He let me get away with far more than my dad did. When I’m close enough, he pulls me into a hug.

“Goddamn girl, you got skinny. I don’t know why you ain’t eatin’ but you will start. It’s damn good to see you though, sweetheart.” His words wrap around my heart and squeeze. If I’ve missed anyone around here, it’s him.

“It’s good to see you, too. You look good for being as old as Jesus,” I tease. He laughs but keeps me pulled into his side.

“This girl gave me more hell than you do, Gauge. I used to change her damn diapers when she was little.”

Embarrassment washes over me, my cheeks heating. Gauge chuckles but keeps staring me down.

“Well, I’m sure you want to get some rest. Gauge, show her to her room. I’m gonna go make a few calls but I’ll check in before I go to bed,” my dad says.

“Do all of you stay here?” I ask, not sure who stays now and who doesn’t.

“Nah. I got a place not far from here. Gauge, Remy, Shaft, and a few prospects do though. You won’t be alone. You can come to the house if you want, I didn’t think about it,” he rambles.

I know my dad has always liked his space so when I decline his offer to go stay at the house, I’m sure he’s relieved.

“Come on. I’ll show you the room,” Gauge says as he walks past me and down the hall. I take it all in as we walk through the main room only stopping when Gauge stops and pops a door open. I walk in after him watching as he sets my bags on the bed.

“Bathroom’s in there, closet,” he says pointing out each door. “Usually one of the club girls are around if you want somethin’ to eat. Just tell them who you are, they won’t give you any shit.” Gauge turns to walk out of the room when I stupidly stop him.


He slowly turns to look at me, exhaustion written all over his face. “What?”

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