Home > Keeping You Away(49)

Keeping You Away(49)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“I owe you one, Jerry.” I take off my gloves, then wash my hands before waving goodbye. As I open the door, I immediately regret not walking out the back exit.

Fucking Robert.

They continue talking as I make my way to the coffee table. He’s not even being quiet as he asks her about last night, and my spine straightens as I listen to her response.

“It was nothing, just a false alarm. I thought someone was following me.”

What the fuck? Why would she lie about that?

“Are you sure? I can get the sheriff to investigate this and stake out your place for a few nights. He owes me a helluva favor anyway.”

I roll my eyes. Of course, he does. Probably throws his money at everything and everyone in this town.

“No, no,” Gemma insists. “That’s not necessary.”

Once I grab the last donut and fill my cup with coffee, I stalk toward the door. Before I can walk out, Gemma calls my name, holding me in place.

“Are you leaving?”

“Jerry said I could.”

Robert mutters something under his breath, and I hear her tell him to be quiet.

“Oh, okay. See you tomorrow then.”

She glares at Robert when he mumbles something else.

“Is there a problem?” I step inside, letting the door hit my back.

“No, it’s nothing. Enjoy your afternoon,” Gemma quickly says before Robert can get a word out.

I know the asshole hates me, considering the way he tried to bombard me at the pub a few weeks ago, but if he has something to say, then he can man up and say it to my face.

“What’s the issue then?” My feet move forward as my exhaustion and anger catch up to me.

Robert faces me. “My issue is that you’re working with my wife, and you have a criminal record,” he finally speaks louder so I can understand him.

“She’s not your wife yet,” I spit out.

“Gemma will be very soon,” he states proudly. “But it won’t matter because she won’t be working here much longer, so it won’t be a problem.”

Oh, there’s gonna be a big motherfucking problem if he thinks he can mold her into whatever the hell he wants.

I wait for Gemma to argue, to say she’s not going to be a Stepford wife, and stand up for herself or something. But she stays silent and bows her head.

“So, it’s gonna be like that.” I tighten my lips and nod. “Alright, then.”

I slam my hand against the door, and when it whips open, I walk out without glancing back.



Chapter Nineteen






I’m so happy it’s Saturday because the past three days at work have been absolute torture. I can’t believe I asked Tyler to kiss me and then lost control with him. I can’t even blame my bad decisions on being drunk. Of course, I remembered what kissing him felt like, but for some reason, I wanted the reminder. I needed the reminder. It was just as good as it was all those years ago, too. I was brought back to being two ravenous kids hungry and desperate for each other. As soon as my body unraveled and I came down from my high, realization hit and so did the guilt. Cheating was something I never thought I’d do, but I did, and my emotions overwhelmed me as the remorse settled in.

Tyler was so pissed and hurt. He had every right to be, considering I led him on, but it’s no secret I’m engaged. I’m so damn confused. Feeling his mouth pressed against mine and allowing the moment to consume me felt so right even though I knew it was wrong. I’m not sure how Robert would react or what he’d do if he found out. He already hates and judges Tyler, and after their awkward standoff in the lobby, I know it wouldn’t be good. I wish I could forget it happened, but that’s been impossible.

I’ve never felt a stream of electricity like that with anyone else, only Tyler. And I’d thought after all these years, it’d have dissipated, but it’s only gotten stronger.

Ever since the “incident,” we’ve avoided each other like an STD. The only conversations we’ve had have been related to work and to the point. He avoids eye contact, and if I walk into a room, he leaves. At first, I expected it, but now it’s driving me insane. All week I’ve thought about confronting him so we can finally clear the air, but I can’t do it at work. I don’t want my dad to get suspicious, and it’s better if it stays between the two of us.

Instead of pacing around my house all day, I grab my keys, determined to talk to him. I check the clock and see it’s just past noon. Showing up unannounced is rude, but since Everleigh’s working, it means Tyler will be alone.

My heart pounds rapidly as I drive there. I haven’t figured out what I’m going to say when I see him, but I’m hoping the words just fall out so we can get past the awkwardness. Above it all, I owe him an apology and hope he accepts it. I never should’ve crossed the line. If we were two different people, there’s no doubt the night would’ve ended in my bed. A part of me wishes it would have, but the other part is glad it didn’t. It’s nearly impossible to ignore the chemistry between us and pretend the constant tug of emotions isn’t there.

When I turn the corner and see Everleigh’s place, my courage begins to wane, but I have to do this. I pull into the driveway and see a car parked on the street in front of her condo that I don’t recognize. Ever since those two men followed me, I’ve been hyperaware of my surroundings. After I turn off the engine, I tighten my ponytail, then walk to the door.

I find my words and suck in a deep breath, hoping this ends well. We need to find common ground again and move on with our lives. After I press the doorbell, Sassy barks, but I don’t hear anything else.

Growing impatient, I ring it again just as the door swings open.

Tyler stands in front of me with only a towel wrapped low around his waist. Water drips down his chest using his muscles as a path to his happy trail. I bite down on my lower lip, not prepared to get a show before we talked.

“Gemma,” he snaps. “Everleigh isn’t here. She’s at the boutique.”

I tilt my head at him. “Right, but I actually came here to talk to you.”

He doesn’t budge and continues to stand while keeping the door cracked. “Okay, go ahead.”

“Don’t you want to get dressed first?”

I’m tempted to push past him and let myself inside since he didn’t offer.

“I’m kinda busy. Will this be a long conversation?”

With every passing second, I grow more frustrated. He’s not being his typical self and isn’t acting like the Tyler I know. He’s acting like I’m the biggest inconvenience of his life, and honestly, I don’t like this side of him.

“I want to talk about what happened between us the other night. So you want me to stand right here and have that conversation? Or do you want to invite me inside where we can have some privacy?”

He shrugs but doesn’t say anything.

Fine then.

“We need to get back to normal. My dad asked what’s going on because he noticed things have changed between us. I don’t want him to get suspicious, so can we act like we’re friends at least? For the sake of working together every day?” I hate how desperate my voice comes out but talking to him and being this close to him when he looks like that makes me anxious.

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