Home > Keeping You Away(53)

Keeping You Away(53)
Author: Kennedy Fox

It’s nearly six when Gemma gets a call from the supplier. I try to focus on my phone but can’t when she’s so worked up and aggravated.

“Eight o’clock? Wow. Guess I don’t have any other choice. No, don’t reschedule for tomorrow. I’ll cancel my dinner plans. We needed those parts this morning,” she barks, then continues, “I’ll be here, just hurry up.”

After she hangs up, she picks up her cell and starts typing furiously. I’m sure she’s telling Robert she won’t be able to entertain his clients tonight with her phony smile and fake interest in their pathetic lives. The thought makes me snort.

“They’re running late,” she tells me, but I already gathered as much.

Minutes later, her phone rings, and she walks to the break room for some privacy, but she’s not far enough away for that.

“There’s absolutely nothing I can do, Robert. I have to wait for them to arrive. No, my dad had other obligations and asked me to stay. That is not happening, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. This is my job, and I have obligations, just as you do with yours,” she tells him firmly, and I love this stern side of her. It’s as if she’s grown a backbone finally and isn’t afraid to tell Robert no. Sounds like he’s not appreciating it as much, though. “Okay then. Bye.”

Oddly enough, there was no exchange of “I love you” at the end. Though I’m smiling at her toughness, when she enters the lobby, I wipe it off, not wanting her to realize I heard every word. I close my eyes, lean my head against the wall, and wish I could take a nap. It’s been a long ass day already.

At seven, my stomach growls, and I swear Gemma heard it because she looks up at me.

“Are you hungry?” She stands, and her soft eyes meet mine.

“Yeah, I could use a bite to eat,” I admit.

Gemma comes around the counter and hands me a paper menu from the pub. I smell the faint hint of her soap and perfume, and all I want to do is kiss and taste her sweet lips again. The skirt she’s wearing shows off the perfect amount of thigh, the same ones that were straddling me almost two weeks ago.

“I’ll order us something and go get it. My treat for agreeing to stay. I’m sure you had plans tonight.” And I swear I hear her mutter Ruby’s name under her breath as she walks back to her chair, which causes me to smirk.

I lower my voice. “Gemma.”

She swallows hard, her gaze focused on my lips. Heat streams between us, but I try to pretend it doesn’t. She said what happened was wrong, but ignoring what we have somehow seems worse.

“I insist. I’m using the company card anyway.” A nervous laugh escapes her. It’s the first time I’ve heard that sound in a while, and I wonder what’s up with the change of heart. Sometimes, it’s night and day with her. One minute, she’s cold as ice, and the next, she’s blazing hot, and it’s making my head spin.

“Alright. I’ll take a double cheeseburger with onion rings. Do they do to-go whiskey?” I tease.

“Wish they did,” she says, and I’m wondering if it is because she needs alcohol to be around me. Wouldn’t be the first time. “Dad keeps a small bottle in the bottom drawer of the office.”

“Really?” I chuckle. “That’s badass. Always liked your dad, but now I think I might love him.”

“Maybe we’ll crack it open while we eat.” She calls the pub and places our order. Fifteen minutes pass before she leaves to go pick it up.

Moments later, my phone rings, and I’m ecstatic when I see it’s a FaceTime call from Maddie. Liam must’ve forgotten to text me, but I completely understand. I can’t imagine how fucking excited he is that his baby boy is here.

I answer with a smile. The room is dark, and she looks exhausted but also full of energy.

“Hi,” she whispers. “There’s someone new here.”

I’m so fucking happy for them that I nearly combust.

“Really? Let me see!” She turns the camera around so I can see him sleeping peacefully on her chest. He’s so lucky because he’s going to have the best parents in the world. “He’s beautiful, Mads.”

Maddie moves the camera and points it back to herself. “Thank you. I wish you were still here.” She pushes out her bottom lip and pouts.

I laugh and realize I was so caught up in the conversation I didn’t hear the door swing open.

“Hey, Ty–” Gemma says from behind me and stops. “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you were on the phone.”

I turn to face her. “It’s fine. I’ll be off in a minute.”

She nods and walks to the break room carrying our bags of food. Once she’s out of sight, I look back at the screen where Maddie’s eyebrows are lifted. She’s waiting for an explanation. “Excuse me, who is that?”

I roll my eyes at her. “It’s not what you think. Her dad is my new boss.”

Her voice is nearly a whisper. “Gemma?”

I nod once.

“Oh. Em. Gee!” I turn down the volume because she’s on speaker. “The plot thickens.”

Brushing my fingers through my hair, I groan. “There’s no plot. We’re…friends.”

She snorts and nods because she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. Hell, I’m not either, but I’m not going into that story right now. “Yeah, I remember when Liam said that for years, too. Good luck with that.” She gives me her infamous smirk.

I tilt my head at her, hoping Gemma can’t hear this conversation. “For someone who just gave birth, you’re awfully energized.”

“Don’t change the subject,” she teases. “When are you gonna ask her out?”

“Jesus.” I blow out a breath, wishing she’d stop. “I gotta go, Mads.”

“You liar! You're just trying to get rid of me.”

I throw her a boyish grin. “I’d never.”

“I want details, you hear me? Text me all the juiciness.” She points her finger at me.

Scrunching my nose, I shake my head. She’s just as bad as Everleigh. “I think you’ve confused me with one of your gossipy girlfriends again.”

With narrowed eyes, she tries to persuade me, but it’s not going to work. “Liam and I won’t be able to have sex for six weeks. I need your dating life to hold me over.”

“Maddie, I didn’t enjoy hearing you guys in the next room for three weeks, so I most definitely don’t enjoy hearing you talk about it.” It’s as bad as finding my sister’s clit massager.

“Geez, you’re so dramatic.”

In the break room, I can hear the plastic bags rustling and the fridge closing.

“If you want a girl to gossip with, I’ll give you my sister’s number,” I mock, but regret it the moment I say it.

“Really?” She perks up. “Good. She’ll tell me all the details of your love life.”

“Shit. I really shot myself in the foot by saying that. Never mind. My sister doesn’t have a phone.”

“I gave birth today, but I wasn’t born today. So nice try,” she retorts

Seconds later, I hear Liam and nearly jump. “Quit hassling the man.”

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