Home > Keeping You Away(55)

Keeping You Away(55)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“I’m gonna kick your ass, Ruby,” I threaten.

“Well, if you’d put on some gloves and meet me in the ring, we’d see about that. Pretty sure I could take you.” She flexes, then winks.

I grin, shaking my head at her confidence. “Oh, Ruby. What am I gonna do with you?”

“Well, my ex-girlfriend enjoyed slapping my ass and twisting my nipples, so if you wanna punish me…”

“God help me, I’m gonna need more alcohol.” I groan as she sticks out her tongue.

Though we give each other shit, I’m so fucking happy I have at least one friend I can hang out with who’s not connected to my sister in Lawton Ridge.



All week, I’ve been trying to forget about my upcoming trip to Vegas and pushed it to the back of my mind. I tried to keep my mind busy and not to think about Gemma or the deposition. Everleigh agreed to drive me to the airport for my flight on Sunday, but not before she bombarded me with a million questions. I refused to admit what’s going on or that I hope to serve a slice of justice pie to the woman who nearly ruined my life. The less details she knows, the better. Not worrying her more than I already have and keeping her safe are my only priorities.

On the way to the airport Sunday morning, my blood felt like it was boiling in my veins, but I stayed calm so I didn’t alarm my sister. Everleigh continued to question me, but I didn’t cave even though she threatened me with bodily harm. Of course, I laughed, considering I’m twice her size and she’d cry about breaking a nail before hurting me. Before I got out of the car, I gave her a hug and told her not to be late picking me up Tuesday night. She agreed and demanded I be careful.

My flight to Nevada was boring and so was the Uber ride to the hotel. Viewing the bright lights and tall hotels on The Strip brought back a lot of memories. While I’d love to go out and revisit my old stomping grounds, it’s not safe for me here.

Monday comes quick and waking up in Vegas for the first time in half a decade is odd. I’ve been away too long for this to feel like home. Now, it just seems like a nightmare I can’t wake from.

After I have a cup of shitty hotel coffee and get ready for the day, I text Serena and tell her I’m heading to the lawyer’s office. I’m meeting her, along with Eric and the prosecutors in the next thirty minutes, and I’m a ball of nerves.

Serena’s a godsend for coming with me today. Otherwise, I’d be without representation and up shit creek. When I see her, I smile at the familiar face. She looks exactly the way she did when we first met all those years ago. Professional and like she’s ready to kick some ass. As we wait for the deposition to start, she walks me through what I should expect, reminding me to be truthful but to also watch what I say. We wait outside the conference room as she coaches me, and I feel as if I’m preparing for the fight of my life, and maybe I am, considering Victoria is involved.

When I catch sight of Eric and his lawyers coming down the hallway, I know it’s showtime. Reality hits me like a ton of bricks when we enter the room and memories from five years ago resurface.

I’m asked to take a seat and introductions take place. One of the lawyers gives a briefing and explains the next steps. The prosecution will ask me questions first, and then the defense will be allowed to if they wish. I loosen the collar that feels like it’s choking me as sweat beads on my forehead.

I look at Serena, and our gazes meet. She gives me the same look she did years ago, one that reminds me to stay calm and that this’ll all be over soon. Once I catch my breath, everything begins.

My heart rapidly beats in my chest as I relive and share details of the past. I don’t like to discuss it because it brings back too many bad memories, but I’m here to help, so I push through them. Their questions are bold, and the defense is as nasty as anticipated. Their goal is to make me look like I’m not a credible witness. While I always knew Victoria was a monster, it’s only been confirmed by all the countless murders she’s committed. I’m sure she’s convinced she’ll get away with it too.

After an hour, it’s finally over, and I release a breath of relief. Vegas holds bad memories for me, and for the first time in my life, I can’t wait to get my ass back to Lawton Ridge where I belong.



Chapter Twenty-One






My weekend was spent going over wedding details with Winnie, who wouldn’t stop calling and texting me. I’m sure Robert paid her double or something because she was relentless and unavoidable. While I haven’t made an official decision about moving the date yet, time is running out, and I’ll have to decide soon. I’m not sure how much longer he’ll wait for my answer, but I think I’m going to tell him I’d feel more comfortable keeping the date as it is. Just thinking about it causes anxiety and unnecessary stress.

Monday morning comes quickly, and I wake up earlier than usual. I spend my extra time drinking coffee and can hear the birds singing outside. As I sit at the kitchen island, I notice the way the early morning sunshine peeks through the kitchen window and splashes across the cottage floor. I try to soak in every detail, fully understanding that living here will eventually be nothing more than a memory. The thought saddens me, but I push it to the side.

After I get dressed, I check the time, then grab my purse. On the way out, my phone buzzes, and I look at it when I climb inside my car.

Robert: Don’t forget about letting me know about dinner tonight! Have a great day. Love you!



I smile and am relieved how much better things have been since we had a long discussion the other night. I came clean about my insecurities and what I expect out of our relationship. He apologized again for suggesting I quit my job and for acting so possessive around Tyler. He only wants the best for me and believes deep down he can provide that. Talking without an audience or interruption was a relief, and I think we’re finally on the same page.

Yesterday, he explained he has a meeting planned with a new female client tonight at Fancie’s Restaurant and asked me to go so no one speculated he was cheating. While I would never jump to that conclusion, I respect that he told me. Marriage needs to be about compromise and doing things that make Robert happy, even if it makes me uncomfortable. As long as there’s give and take, our relationship will be stronger. The bottom line is, I’m trying because I deserve to be happy.

The drive to the garage isn’t anything special. By the time I arrive, Dad’s already started his task list for the day.

“Morning!” Dad yells when I walk into the garage. I can only see his legs poking out from under a car.

“Need anything?” I move closer, looking around to see if Tyler is here yet.

“Nah, I’m good,” he says, and I hear him tightening something.

“Alrighty. Donuts should be here any minute.”

“Sounds good. I’ll come grab one soon.”

I go back into the lobby and power on the computer. Right on time, Mrs. Wright enters with a box of donuts and bear claws. We talk about the weather and the cold front that’s supposed to move through this weekend before she’s on her way.

After I make a cup of coffee, Mrs. Zelda comes in with the keys to her Camaro, and before long, the lobby is full of customers who didn’t have appointments. Once I’ve gotten them all taken care of, I go back to the garage and notice Tyler isn’t around.

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